I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Dianna Agron Category




Dianna Agron’s Showing Some Tit of the Day.

I just spent about 20 minutes reading Dianna Agron’s WIKIPEDIA because I am a very fucking slow reader, I think there’s a serious retardation, maybe dyslexia, which is weird because I write all day…but I don’t right real good, so that could line up perfectly….which is what Dianna Agron’s Dress is doing….linking up perfectly for a shit stain of the nipple flash…

I guess the technical name is not shit stain of the nipple, but rather the AEROLA, but shit stain seems more appropriate…

In my deep dive into her WIKI, she talks about being Jewish a lot for someone who’s mother wasn’t born Jewish but converted to Judaism…making her technically Jewish by a loophole…

She was in Glee, she dated Sebastian Stan and some other dudes I’ve never heard of, she was in a Taylor Swift lesbian rumor, since everyone thinks Taylor Swift is a lesbian….but it was a bunch of years before all the Taylor Swift hype of the last 2 years destroyed part of all of our souls…

All this to say, I’m here for the nipple.


Posted in:Dianna Agron




Dianna Agron’s Nipple Slip of the Day

Since it is Easter, the Resurrection of Christ, the most important day in Christianity because it proved that Jesus was the Son of God…I’ve decided to post this nip slip at an event…featuring Dainna Agron…because in this era of having seen everyone’s tits on social media…thanks to them all being self promoting sluts….the casual tit falling out in public JUST doesn’t happen anymore….but it did…with Dianna Agron…who I don’t fucking know…and I’ll resurrect the importance of the celebrity nip slip on this holiest of days…because it is an important part of pop culture history….the nip slip….when nipples weren’t readily available..especially not celebrity nipple…because celebrities thought they were too good to show nipple shamlessly like a bitch on the internet TRYING to get famous…but all that’s blurred now…so take this in….

I still don’t know who Dianna Agron is, but she seems like she’s celebrity enough to celebrate a new nip slip like it was an old nip slip….because you have your religious figures…not really considering the world is a bunch of godless heathens…and I have mine…and mine involves nip slips…hide them around the house and I’ll hunt them….

Posted in:Dianna Agron




Dianna Agron’s Shitty Naked Bath Snap of the Day


Dianna Agron liked this snap of her named in the bath with a POODLE filter so much she put it on her instagram…

I know…who cares or even know what Dianna Agron is…

Well it turns out that she is from CSI NY, Glee and who the fuck cares what else, she’s 30 and a good old American actress, singer, model and dancer from Georgia who probably thinks she’s a talent, a triple threat, she was on GLEE you know, and that was a huge show…a triple threat as talented as all the other 30 year old girls in LA trying to make it, or who have already made it and are on their decline…that no one really cares about because we like 18 year olds…

She is engaged to one of the SONS in Mumford and Sons…so she’s not going to have to work ever again, but she should work on her slutty snapchats for her fans who jerk off to her, they need work…something she probably doesn’t know much about since according to her IMDB….doesn’t happen much…

But at least she’s getting naked under the guise of being playful with snap filters…not so brilliant, but none of these twats are…

Posted in:Dianna Agron|SFW




Dianna Agron Muddy Tits of the Day

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Dianna Agron is some actor and singer – but I’m only interested in her for her muddy 30 year old tits…up on some Al Jolston blackface tits – making me get all jungle fever up on the shit – imagining her as the NUBIAN princess she’s clearly trying to be…

People get so mad when people do blackface, even on Halloween while dressed like the President, but they don’t get mad when you do Orange face to represent trump, and they sure don’t get mad at a white bitch doing Black Titties…proving that tits cure racism…now that I’ve figured that one out…I feel I can take a nap…

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Posted in:Dianna Agron|SFW




Dianna Agron from Glee’s Nude Scene with Paz de La HIV of the Day

She’s some trash from Glee trying to make herself a legitimate actor…or just taking any work she can get…you know play a retard lesbian with gender issues and a rapist father living on the streets and bitch goes from typecast on Glee…to legitimate…at least that’s what I assume is going here…besides getting AIDS from Paz de la Huerta who has AIDS…

A young woman’s (Dianna Agron) friendship with a drug-dealing drifter (Paz de la Huerta) evolves into a lesbian romance.

In an era of DVD, that would have gone straight to DVD, now it’ll be something you jerk off to on Netflix…garbage..

Posted in:Dianna Agron




Dianna Agron Nip Slip of the Day


Dianna Agron is from Glee, I am sure she’s done other things, because when you’re on Glee, you generally have a fan base and are marketable to casting directors and brands who book you for other shit…

That is not to say that Dianna Agron has any talent, I mean Glee may have been a huge show, but it was equally a shit show, and the people on it were so bad that at least one of them had to kill himself off for hating his existence….

Song and dance motherfucekrs…

The point is that these producers recycle people, so all you have to do is get in the circle, behave, suck dick proper…figuratively and literally, and they’ll just keep using you, as they’ve already invested in creating you…

The real point is that she had a nipple slip….and we love nipples…they feed babies…


Posted in:Dianna Agron




Dianna Agron Weird Tits of the Day

Dianna Agron is from Glee, I am sure she’s done other things, because when you’re on Glee, you generally have a fan base and are marketable to casting directors who book you for other shit…but I am sure that doesn’t mean she’s got any talent, because talent is just a scam people pretend they have, and tell you they have, so that you believe they have it, thus making them and their team a lot of money…meanwhile the real talent is probably working in construction, or busking on the street, because they are tormented souls, while the ones in hollywood are just the commercialized ones, who are good enough, because they won’t throw their feces at you in a moment of genius….

But she does wear figure skating cleavage dresses…that may or may not show nipple…so talent or not…she matters…


Posted in:Dianna Agron




Dianna Agron Censored Topless Pic of the Day

So Dianna Agron is some Glee! person, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of her because I feel like Glee! is the devil and destroys the souls of anyone who watches the Getalong gang of rejects that cover all the socio/economic slices of society from obese, to transgendered, to gay, black and Asian…the affirmative action that almost offends me…if I cared about Glee…

I mean the only salvation they have is that their main character killed himself in a drug overdose, since fame hurts…and the narcisstic man face who fake dated him didn’t care but acted her way through it – the dark side of all the songs and dance…

That said, if this character keeps on posting topless pics, because topless pics are liberating and amazing – I will still not watch Glee!…I will still hate Glee!…but I will encourage less censoring of the nipples…and to just go all the way with this show the world your tits or they’ll just hack your phone hustle…all because I like toplessness.

Posted in:Dianna Agron




Dianna Agron’s Classy Cleavage of the Day

I have decided that I really like a busty girl in a blazer….Maybe this has something to do with me being from the 80s where I feel like this was one of the foundations of sex appeal…you know get a model in her shoulder padded double breasted sports tuxedo jacket with no bra…a look we’ve seen countless times before….but I can’t imagine the new generation, I’m talking people who actually know who Dianna Agron is, cuz I sure as hell don’t, don’t appreciate this outfit too…I mean shit girl, you’re at a luncheon not a fucking porn shoot…you attention seeking amazingly busty creature…

Whoever she is, I am a fan. Yes. It is that easy to win me over.


Posted in:Dianna Agron




Dianna Agron for Galore Magazine of the Day

Dianna Agron is from CSI NY, Glee and who the fuck cares what else, she’s 27 and a good old American actress, singer, model and dancer who can probably be confused with all the other 27 year old girls who pretend they are 18 thanks to hormones their stage moms fed them to sell them off to the industry…and now she’s doing Galore Magazine in her underwear because I guess it is time to reinvent herself and make a name for herself as a legit star..or maybe, just maybe, I have no idea what I am talking about because I Don’t care and feel like a pornstar who can’t get hard trying to write this post on garbage that doesn’t fucking matter.

Posted in:Dianna Agron