I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Dora Madison Burge Category




Madison Burge’s Meaty Vagina of the Day

Here’s a delicious THANKSGIVING TREAT….something that you’d probably find in the bottom of a SWAMP or maybe rotting in the kitchen….

It’s MADISON BURGE’s hearty vagina from her pro-feminist leaked nudes!

I am not interested in shaming a girl for having a leathery pussy with what looks like hard, rough edged vagina lips….even when they are extremely dark, possible necrosis, it may be a healthy issue but VAGINAS come in all forms, and I am willing to come in all forms of VAGINAS..

I am not a BIG LIP shamer, but there was a time that I was conditioned to PUKE when seeing a vagina that would be similar to this vagina, but I’ve matured and so have my tastes….they are refined, or they are shameless due to no standards.

She is clearly not ashamed of the pussy situation, because she’s got it out there in video for a rub down!

Now, you may not know who DORA MADISON BURGE is and either do I, outside of being an actor who shows her tits on instagram to stay relevant while not actually being relevant….that’s all I’ve got.

Will this be her intro to the porn world. the NEXT Maitland Ward…WHO KNOWS….but you can see her skinny girl pussy that doesn’t LACK substance and/or personality…but that may scare you because you’re a PUSSY HATING QUEER…and that’s YOUR RIGHT.

Posted in:Dora Madison Burge




Dora Madison Burge Nipples of the Day

Dora Madison Burge is an active feminist.

You can tell by her generous showcase of her nipples.

You an always spot an empowered woman based on how naked she gets on the internet.

You see, a less empowered kept woman who is more traditional and wholesome and seen as anti-feminist by the feminist establishment for being decent would never have her nipples on the internet.

But a feminist, she’ll get throat fucked on the internet and claim it is for her movement….

Now Dora Madison Burge may not be thatfamous, so you could argue her nipples are for the attention she craves as someone who is semi-famous, or working in the industry, but you would be wrong….because this is strictly for feminism….her BODY her CHOICE you fucking toxic man….

Posted in:Dora Madison Burge




Dora Madison Burge Beach Bikini of the Day

Dora Madison Burge is some old Hollywood icon, they call her Janes Mansfield cuz her head game strong…

I don’t know what that means, but I do know that Jane Mansfield was decapitated and I assume all the lower level actresses who tried to make it in a pre-social media era were good at sucking dick….they are actors, best be as fucking performative as you fucking can when trying to get a job, you go for that OSCAR potential dick suck…

She’s adapted to social media in her old age….because she’s posted her ass and nips consistently and in a world that reduces women to their tits, she’s perfect fodder for a site that reduces women to their tits as a social commentary to how the world reduces women to their tits, while also liking tits….

Posted in:Dora Madison Burge




Dora Madison Burge Pregnant and Naked of the Day

Dora Madison Burge Nude Pregnant

No one gives a fuck about this Dora Madison Burge girl….

But she still manages to squeeze some media coverage because she was on a few big TV shows and is technically a “working actress”…even if she’s best known by people like me who don’t watch her shit TV show as a girl who consistently gets naked on social media. I assume it gets her the hits, views and attention she probably craved. The same reason she’s an actor in the first place. I guess that’s why all girls get naked on the internet.

That said, she recently posted up that she was DISGUSTED BY MEN and today she revealed that she’s got disgusting jizz from men up inside her, at least long enough to knock her up and give her what seems to be everyone’s favorite STD.

I guess she’s not into sucking dick and swallowing, not at her age, which I think is 40 something….and time to get pregnant for fear of menopause, because women expire while men keep on going. Just ask that Formula 1 Billionaire who just had a kid at 90.

Pregnancy pics disgust me, I guess I don’t have a breeder fetish and think our overpopulated world doesn’t need your fucking bullshit to suck off our resources like it was your tit. You narcissistic fuck wanting your genetics to continue..get the fuck out of here with that…unfortunately too late for an abortion based on her size, but maybe COVID will regulate this for the benefit of the planet.

Stop breeding you selfish assholes.


Posted in:Dora Madison Burge




Dora Madison Burge is Disgusting of the Day

Dora Madison Burge Nude

I guess Dora Madison Burge is showing off her pregnancy bump, because girl needs to take loads, as she’s basically a reddit amateur who posts up her fuck videos, only a working actor on the side…

Unless she’s just showing off how well fed she is because being a working actress means she has money, despite what her third world looking crack den of an apartment is telling us….full fridge for this bitch…or maybe she’s just distended like a starving african baby during the famine….but I like the whole knocked up, whether it’s from cream pie cumshots from random dudes her pervert ass lets inside her…or from getting her dildos she uses on her CAM SHOWS lost up inside her.

Either way, she looks like shit.


Posted in:Dora Madison Burge




Dora Madison Burge Nude of the Day

Dora Madison Burge Nude Wet

Dora Madison Burge may be an insignificant actress, but like all actresses she loves herself enough to want to be on camera, to want to be celebrated by fans, to want to be on a podium accepting awards for her contributions to the world via her performances. It’s a level of narcissism that comes with thinking you are good enough to get into a highly competitive industry based on your looks. Vain as shit….and like most vain people, the vanity doesn’t end with getting cast on shows, or appearing on camera, or getting heavy pay checks…it permeates all aspects of their lives…including but not limited to their sex lives…they get off on themselves, and they often times want you to get off to them, to help them get off to themselves, not that they really need that…

There is no doubt in my mind that all actresses, or at least a VERY high percentage of actresses are only actresses because they love themselves, they think they are great, they think they are hot, and that others love them too.

The kind of people who masturbate in front of the mirror…

We just don’t get a taste of that, because the industry was designed as a business, and the business likes to keep a wall between you and the talent, a wall that social media is breaking, but agents everywhere for the longest time, fought to keep their talent premium and not gutter sex workers they have more in common with than the image they portray being in Hollywood.

Basically, Dora Madison Burge is doing what they all do, and that’s getting off to themselves, only she lets you get off to her too, because no agents are blocking her from clicking the “POST” button on her social media / porn site.

Dora Madison Burge Nude Wet


Posted in:Dora Madison Burge




Dora Madison Burge Sexualizing Herself of the Day

Dora Madison Burge See Through

Dora Madison Burge gets it.

Dora Madison Burge See Through

Dora Madison Burge See Through


Posted in:Dora Madison Burge




Dora Madison Burge Nude of the Day

Dora Madison Burge Nude

I still don’t know who Dora Madison Burge is, but she gets naked on the internet consistently to grow her “personal brand” so that she gets hired or “cast” in more TV shows and movies, because tits get hits…

I don’t expect 2020 to really make me give a fuck about Dora Madison Burge…or her nudity for social media that she puts out there to increase her relevance and get herself hired so that she can one day win an Oscar like Brie Larson or Emma Stone or the other equally shit actresses out there….but I’ll support anyone getting naked with a post as long as I can mention how garbage they are. Deal. Deal.

Dora Madison Burge Nude


Posted in:Dora Madison Burge




Dora Madison Burge Showing Her Panties of the Day

Dora Madison Burge is some pervert who likes being as naked as she can on instagram, which is strictly because she has a fucking fetish for people looking at her half naked body, you know sexting to the masses instead of wasting her time sending the nudes individually to each guy she sexts….maybe it is because she has a boyfriend or husband and this is the only way for her to get that feedback she cums to…or maybe she’s just attention seeking, hence why she got into acting, despite you never having heard of her besides her nudes, but she makes a living as a working actor…it’s just that nudes are more interesting.

Posted in:Dora Madison Burge




Dora Madison Burge Nip Slip of the Day

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Dora Madison Burge gets naked on social media as often as she can, sometimes less obvious than others, but still slutty enough….

I am sure it’s positioned as feminsism and free the nipple, because girls need group thought / group approval / a cause to do things they actually want to do, so it isn’t just slutty….which brings up my new cause, my new movement, my new activism which is “MAKE SLUTTY GREAT AGAIN”…

I should sell the merch, because intellectualizing, attaching a GOFUND ME or a Non Profit Company to being slutty takes away from slutty at its core…

This whole sex positive, sex worker support, nipples aren’t to be sexualized shit is a waste of fucking time…when all we want is the tit. Why ruin the tit…

Not to mention, we don’t even know who Dora Madison is….other than a girl from TV who no one cares about showing tit on social media to increase her following so that she can secure more fucking money…so even her slutty intentions, which are right, GET ATTENTION….but presented so wrong…with some bullshit excuse for slutty.



Posted in:Dora Madison Burge