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Archive for the Dora Madison Burge Category




Dora Madison Burge Slutty Yoga of the Day

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Dora Madison Burge with the slutty yoga…

Slutty yoga is unlike regular yoga featuring fat women who are working on their flexbility and seeking a solid excuse to wear activewear. You know the workout without the actual workout…that is trendy….filling a hot room for hot yoga full of so many various fart smells…radiating out of the asses of women not built to bend that way….

Slutty yoga is more an instagram approach to yoga, where women who aren’t disgustingly fat, decide to show off their flexible poses, half naked or in lingerie so that they don’t have any clothing getting in the way of their FORM..

It is highly erotic for those of us who think everything is erotic, especially when half naked in bridge with pussy aiming to the sky in a reverse doggy style way…

I don’t know why women are compelled to get half naked to show off their health and wellness…but I’m not really arguing it’s effectiveness….it is effective..

All gyms should have “work out in your lingerie” clause…Let’s start with the YMCA, and work our way through 24 hour fitness / Planet Fitness and all the other chains…but keep the Cross Fit girls clothed…that kind of fitness is the shit Rosie O’Donnell wants to marry…you know what I mean.


Posted in:Dora Madison Burge|SFW




Dora Madison Burge Fetish Erotica of the Day

Dora Madison Burge Fetish Erotica

Dora Madison Burge is back with the slutty content because acting isn’t enough for these people, they need to get half naked cuz it is fun and easy to get noticed, and when noticed you can get more acting jobs – so it’s all one big hamster wheel of success..a winning formula so easy to figure out if you’re into being a exhibitionist, which you probably are if you chose an acting career….and the plus side to getting noticed is making more money, finally mattering to an audience size you crave and most importantly getting off knowing some pervs out there are getting off to you.

The internet has allowed us, the PUBLIC to be the casting couch once reserved for the WEINSTEINs….now we all get in on the action and adventure. Seeing what it really takes to take on HOLLYWOOD as a serious contender.

Dora Madison Burge Titty Flash

Dora Madison Burge Fetish Erotica


Posted in:Dora Madison Burge|SFW




Dora Madison Burge Still Slutty of the Day

Dora Madison Burge Still Slutty

Dora Madison Burge in her best rendition of a sex worker’s pose for her backpages ad (RIP)…and it clearly works because I never know who this bitch was before she started getting naked on INSTAGRAM within their terms and conditions so that she doesn’t get deleted…and now I know who she is.

I don’t find her hot, but hot is in the eye of the pervert looking at a bitch. To some of us just seeing a girl stripped down and pouting her mouth like she’s shooting stills for her PORN DVD box, is exciting….I mean she looks better than most women you’ve had sex with…so hot is irrelevant….while naked and half naked is totally fucking relevant….so Dora Madison Burge is keeping busy staying more relevant than she’s ever been and all she had to do was show the people her tits….which should be outlined on every college application form…”SAVE YOUR MONEY SHOW THEM TITS IT WILL PAY OUT IN DIVIDENDS WHILE COLLEGE WILL GET YOU A JOB AT A VIDEO STORE AND VIDEO STORES DON’T EVEN EXIST ANYMORE


Posted in:Dora Madison Burge|SFW




Dora Madison Burge With the Full Nudity of the Day

Dora Madison Burge Full Nude

Dora Madison Burge BEEN on the nudity tip, but here she is showing it all off.. even her pointy nipples because she may not know much, but she sure figured out what instagram is about, but also what being an attention seeking exhibitionist willing to do anything to make it, like all those girls who Weinstein baited / masturbated / etc….believe all women, don’t mean you need to respect all women, cuz some are gutter sex working sluts and should be treated as such….that’s not to say treat your sex working slut badly, it’s just that you shouldn’t treat her like a legitimate respectable person in society who is self made, creative, inspiring, or interesting…it just means…know she’s a whore and don’t think anything more of her, because if you do – you’ll be left disappointed.

Dora Madison Burge Naked Nip Slip

Dora Madison Burge Naked Nip SlipDora Madison Burge Naked Nip Slip


Posted in:Dora Madison Burge




Dora Madison Burge Knows How to Work Out of the Day

Dora Madison Burge Knows How to Work Out

Dora Madison Burge has mastered the complicated content strategy of social media…get slutty….and the end result is relevance and clout….which leads to making your way as relevant and hireable…

All it took was some crotch shots, ass shots, titty shots..she was already doing cuz specific girls like taking nudes…and sharing nudes…and masturbate to the comments…slowly becoming more famous. Never too late to manipulate the people and develop the audience through nudes. Even when you think you’re too old. Put more confidence into us perverts to support our needs for nudes.

Dora Madison Burge Knows How to Work Out


Posted in:Dora Madison Burge|SFW




Dora Madison Burge Titty Flash of the Day

Dora Madsion Burge Titty Flash

Dora Madison Burge needs to chill….

She’s been on TV, she must have some money behind her, maybe keep the sleazy social media content in her back pocket for when she’s not getting TV jobs, to remind people who she is, even though the nudity she produces distracts me from who she is with tits, and makes me not care who she is cuz I’ve seen her tits….there’s no build up, no conflict, no risk and reward, it’s just put out there for us to see, and I guess for her to try to increase followers and relevance to get a bigger audience, a fair tactic..but one she’s not properly executing since most of her smut is kind of weak…but not too weak to stare at.


Posted in:Dora Madison Burge




Dora Madison Burge Nudity of the Day

Dora Madison Burge Nude

Dora Madison Burge was Becky Sproles on the NBC/DirecTV drama Friday Night Lights from 2009 to 2011. She starred as Jessica “Chili” Chilton on the NBC drama Chicago Fire from 2015 to 2016.

She is now someone who gets naked on the internet, whether it is showing off her bare ass, thonged ass, little nips, she just keeps bringing it like an activist fighting the dumbest fight, trying to intellectualize slutty pics as empowering or feminist, when we all know she does it for attention. Actors get a rush being on camera / on screen, it isn’t too far off from the dopamine of posting nudes, so we get it….you don’t need to try to ruin a good thing….which is a girl’s natural inclination to get naked on camera to be jerked off to…with boring rhetoric


Dora Madison Burge Nude


Posted in:Dora Madison Burge|SFW




Dora Madison Burge Panties of the Day

Dora Madison Burge Panties

I still don’t know who Dora Madison Burge but by the looks of her, she’d be something worthy of burying your face in and binging and purging off the shit…literally…

ALl these girls on the internet doing shit in their underwear….is weird when you are old enough to remember when girls would freak out if you saw them in a bra…hell when I was in High School girls would be humilated if you saw the top of their underwear and teased them about it…or even a bra strap…a FUCKING bra strap and now all girls, not just starved for attention Dora Madison Burge girls, are doing fucking YOGA in their underwear…for everyone to see the period stains if they have a keen enough eye…and that’s just nutty.

Dora Madison Burge Panties
Dora Madison Burge PantiesDora Madison Burge Panties


Posted in:Dora Madison Burge|SFW




Dora Madison Burge Nipples of the Day

Dora Madison Burge Nipples

Dora Madison Burge with her nipples out again….This bitch just can’t keep her tits in her damn shirt, which I guess should be expected because if you leave the house, you’ll see that no girls wear bras, all girls have sheer tight shirts, and being outside is a fucking TITTY show you know…

She is not famous, but apparently she’s on TV, on a show called Chicago Fire, that is not to be confused with Chicago PD, or Chicago Medics, or any of the other Chicago based emergency worker shows that networks are into producing…..

I guess for the weirdos who watch this shit….seeing one of the actress doing the free the nipple feminist shit…makes her more fun to watch…


Posted in:Dora Madison Burge




Dora Madison Burge NIpples of the Day

Dora Madison Burge NIpples

Dora Madison Burge is not famous, but apparently she’s on TV, on a show called Chicago Fire, that is not to be confused with Chicago PD, or Chicago Medics, or any of the other Chicago based emergency worker shows that I guess are some kind of franchise that people are into watching…because people are morons and need simplistic concepts in OBAMA’s city, a crime filled city….to keep the storylines simplistic and easy to understand in this retard world….

She’s better known for being a girl on instagram who fucking loves flashing her tits, for whatever reason, a reason I assume is the American dream to all of us into tits…and I guess for her because if this was an Arab country and she was flashing tit like a floozie she’d be stoned to death…

I don’t think there’s a point to the nipple flash other than her getting fucking WET and EXCITED…that tingle in her cunt knowing people are into it.

Dora Madison Burge StripperDora Madison Burge Stripper


Posted in:Dora Madison Burge