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Archive for the Emrata Category




Em Rat Cow Still Using the Tits for Profit of the Day

Em Rat Cow is an important lesson in the human condition or the human experience that reminds us that if you have tits, you can use those tits for a lot of personal gain.

She has managed to take her tits to the top of the food chain, to blind people into thinking she’s some kind of model, to trick them into giving her money when she’s ultimately would have been desperate enough to do it for free, had we not given her the stamp of approval.

She’s basically the fat chick on the dating app who has had one too many dudes tell her how how hot she is while trying to bust nut, only for her to believe the hype and not realize she’s just being used as a fucking fleshlight attached to a bouncy castle, since we’re all kids at heart…

Posted in:Emrata




Em Rata Brings Her gutter Asshole to the Met Ball of the Day

Em Rata has really gamed the system, I guess being the first official set of tits to go viral on social media commands a level of celebrity, respect or at least a willingness for BOOMERS who don’t understand social media to think that she matters in more ways than just her tits, even though we all know that she’s just a set of titty clickbait on social media before EVERYONE was doing it and arguably, if she tried to do her whole Titty hustle in this era, she’d be totally ignored, forgotten and probably be a low performing ONLYFANS girl who does sugar baby shit in LA to pay her rent. Timing is everything.

So in gaming the fashion industry into thinking she’s not just a soft core Glamour Model from the UK who has her tits out, she’s managed to get invited to high profile events like the Met Gala, which could even be the whole reason she lives in NYC, just to suck the right dick to maintain her position in that scene, so that she never has to come to terms with being nothing but low hanging fruit titty click bait.

You do have to give it to her, as a relatively unattractive girl, she’s really committed to being the hot half naked chick, and with that power of conviction, that public has bought into it and believed her….some witchcraft shit.

I do appreciate that she is true to her whore brand though, because when she gets to these places, she always has the tits and ass out to maximize exposure, she knows why she’s there and how to get the most out of it through nudity…yet no one thinks of her as some shameless titty model.

It’s wild and I appreciate her….but her ass out dress is the reason I don’t trust Movie theatre seats. FECAL MATTER EVERYWHERE…


Posted in:Emrata




EmRata’s Wearing an EmRata Dress of the Day

What’s the expression that I am thinking about when I look at these pics?

Something like “Ok granny, let’s get you to bed”….

Because it’s giving Old Folks Home Dementia Ward energy, of a woman who once was, not realizing she’s 80 fucking years old, while she slips into her nigh gown she saved from the war, when she met your grand dad and he brought her to America from war torn Poland.

It was a more primitive time in the human trafficking sex trade….

Anyway, EmRata despite her money and success, her following and her brand deals, her own brand and her acting career, the fact she’s got a kid and collects child support, is in a sheer dress.

It’s like she can’t give up on the hustle, that she could really benefit on a soul cleansing level by giving it up…

But instead, ass and fucking titties in granny tranny face glam, because that’s what she’s starting to look like, they all end up overdoing the face shit….and it’s just uncomfortable…

The tits are still rockin’ though, so we’ll watch her drag this shit out even longer, since she ain’t giving up, proven by this photoshoot weirdness that could have really just been a titty flash without all the effort and theatrics….

Posted in:Emrata




EmRata Topless Smoking of the Day

EmRata Topless Smoking

Crowd Favorite EmRata is the kind of starlet that I try not to post about, you know leave her alone on her pile of money to raise her kid with her husband who reminds me of the character in the non-Jim Carrey mask….


It’s one of those, if you don’t want a pervert who loves tits to talk about your tits, you probably shouldn’t make them viral on the internet, cuz I can’t help myself…

The now older model has definitely solidified herself as some kind of icon. It could have been luck, it could have been timing, it could have been a series of risky decisions that panned out, it could have been being naked in a very famous music video, but they argue that there were 2 other girls in that video who weren’t Emrata, that no one even remembers….meaning there COULD be a star power here….or just hot tits that are willing to be shared with the world in an artsy way, you can be mainstream and porn at the same fucking time….

So whether you think being hot, half naked on the internet is a talent, or skill….or not…that doesn’t take away from her doing it, having the right hustle and making millions with it….

She’s clearly one of the best at this, she’s inspired so many other girls to take their shot at it…so these tits have allowed you to see even more tits….

Now her whole woke thing, activism thing, is always going to be a downer, but she has a brand to protect, not just EMRATA the personal brand with the influencer deals, but an actual brand, because she knows that smart influencers create their product lines…direct to consumer cash printing….

I was one of the first sites to appreciate the tits 10 years ago and I still appreciate her tits, so here are her tits…some of the best tits instagram has given you….now they’ve been milk filled tits and emptied and still have their shape…which is further proof that they are talent.


Posted in:Emrata




Ughhhhhhhhh. of the Day

I write too much about nothing, so here’s a picture, they say 1000 words or something according to science. BELIEVE ALL SCIENCE.

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Emrata




EmRatCow Pussy Hole Playing Ball of the Day

EmRatCow Bikini Sports

Em Rata is getting pretty brave, I mean she’s going out there for her hired paparazzi to get some legitimate press in the legitimate tabloids who like to post up celebrity bikini pics to their sites for the views…..I can relate.

I know what you’re thinking, how could that be bravery, all she’s doing is going out there in a bikini, which as a nude model who is known for being nude, is actually more clothed than she usually is when trying to get attention.

But the reason it is brave is because all these girls photoshop the fuck out of themselves, even when playing the whole feminism card, or the whole down with the patriarchy despite having had sex with Kanye but more interestingly David Fincher AND Ben Affleck to get in the movie she did with them….a rumor that I’ve been told is truth from an industry insider…and I wouldn’t care if it was true or not…I mean I’m sure you’d even fuck Ben Affleck for a part in a movie…and you’re a dude…because that’s life changing shit, stamp of approval shit, plus he’s Ben Affleck and we all need to get AIDS at least once….right?

Anyway…she’s out here in a skimpy bikini that from my perspective looks like her pussy may be sticking it’s tongue out as us, as pussies do when they are saying “you can’t have me, but you can jerk off to me, just use google”….some school yard mocking you’re likely used to because the hot chicks don’t like you…

Now, I am a firm believer that EmRata is a lot of hype, a lot of legacy of going viral early on IG and no one cares about her, but I can see her ass from the front and that’s always a way to redeem yourself….the only downer is that she’s not rocking a full fucking bush like she should be after all those feminism claims…but yeah, for not being photoshopped, this is the best she’s looked in a while, so she’s bringing it…or maybe she’s just looking good from far….but far from good…distorted by the zoom lens or whatever…either way….good old fashioned bikini paparazzi pics for you…

EmRatCow Bikini Sports


Posted in:Emrata




Em RatCow Tits On a Bike of the Day

EmRata Bikini

Emily Ratajkowski is still an overrated troll of the internet who tricked ya’ll into thinking she’s famous, amassing a HUGE audience….because she’s a prime example of a girl with tits, who used those tits to get as much attention as she can, only to convince herself, or be reaffirmed that she’s more than tits….throwing a good mix of “empowerment” and feminism in the fire to justify her actions that would be best described as clickbait….and why the fuck not…she’s made so much money, had so many experiences random girls of equal hotness will never know…take it while you can…

I figure she got in at a weird time when people went viral on social media because there wasn’t much competition. Not every single girl from the barista to the stripper were running social media hustles….so it probably could could have been any tits that went viral….but at the same time there were other girls in the Robin Thicke video and no one gives a fuck about them, racists, but in their defence, they didn’t have great tits like Rat Cow does.

Brands threw millions at her, and I guess when that happens you start to believe the hype, because you NEED to believe the hype, otherwise you’d have to admit you’re a hack that was just in the right place at the right time with the right great tits and NO ONE wants to think that low of themselves….but at the same time, maybe she laughs about it at night thinking she won at life and all it took was a little hustle and a lot of tit….which she conveniently came equipped with….assuming they are real, but even if they aren’t, she was equipped with them.

For the most part, overpaid tits are the worst kind of tits….because they get an ego, when the underpaid tits are more appreciative….so here she is trying to get that paparazzi to draw some attention to herself as she continues to think she’s a celebrity…in an era where everyone is a celebrity that’s not really saying much…but she’s keeping the hustle alive…which works out nice to her fans because….those are some tits…and whether you like her, her face, her overall relatively boring vibe or not…TITS!!

EmRata Bikini


Posted in:Emrata




EmRatCow Topless of the Day

Em RatCow Slutty Topless

EmRatCow is filler content for those days where I feel I need to post more instagram smut and hate on it, even though all the competitive sites only post 3 times a Day cuz they work for money not for the passion in their soul, the fire in their heart, that makes you feel compelled to call these whores whores, not in a hating of women way either, in a these bitches have polarized their storyline and are trying to put blinders on us, so that they can justify being whores for attention, and the media typically buys into them, and I feel my duty is to present you with FACTS at least to my best ability of only knowing RAT COW from her content I can’t even see cuz she blocked me 5 years ago….

EmRatCow, despite her approach, is a titty model and has great tits, likely great fake tits. That is all she is.

The working in movies cuz she sucked off David Fincher and Ben Affleck at a coke party, is hardly her bi-line.

The fact she was being entertained for any acting part is because she’s a titty model with great tits.

Her fan base, all due to her titty modeling.

Her business as an influencer all based on titty.

Her business of clothing/bikini/underwear all based on titty.

So to say this rat faced trash that offers the world nothing creative, intelligent, thought provoking, but that does offer tits cuz she’s a titty model….is anything but a titty model is just buying into bullshit marketing and PR tacticcs she’s using to distance herself of smoke out thee fact she’s a titty model – to get more people paying eer and believing that lie.

She’s a self producing smut peddler and there’s nothing bad about that, except her face…and the fact that she doesn’t do anything remotely interesting with her feed.

Great tits though. It clearly counts for something.

Em RatCow Slutty Topless


Posted in:Emrata|SFW




EmRatCow Boring Erotica of the Day

EmRatCow Boring Erotica Topless

I guess RAT COW isn’t getting the attention or hype that she used to get because people are getting bored of her tactics….

She was early to the get naked on the internet without being an official sex worker game and it backed out for her, she makes a lot of fucking money, because she’s swindled brands into thinking she’s not some low hanging fruit sex worker, you know who gets naked for likes….it’s actually brilliant and an easy way to make money…so I get her hustle…but it’s boring…EVERY single girl is doing it and most are far hotter than Rat Cow and her mangled rat face….even her tits aren’t as good as they used to be, cuz she’s getting older, she’s getting replaced, her value is down the toilet, but she keeps on keeping on, hanging onto that dream without realizing she’s far surpassed what the market wanted of her, achieved way more than she should have, and her solid naked body will eventually become “whatever”….especially when contrasted to that stupid face.

The question is – at what point do you stop the getting naked cuz you’re old and boring and ugly and take on new challenges to make a real impact in the world – vapid vain exhibitionist shit….

EmRatCow Boring Erotica Topless

EmRatCow Boring Erotica ToplessEmRatCow Boring Erotica Topless



Posted in:Emrata|SFW




The Tits from Blurred Lines Dressed Like a Stripper for Target of the Day


I wonder at what point in the choosing of this outfit…that the Tits from the Blurred Lines video, who also goes by Rat Cow, decided this was an appropriate outfit for a Target event at fashion week, where she is attending events as the bottom feeder, which is appropriate cuz of her bird face because birds love feeders, they sell them at Target…trying to stay relevant.

It’s like “Look at me, look at my tits, look at me….”…she’s done so much fucking to get to this point in her career, she can’t let it sink to the bottom of the fame whore ocean..

So I guess she’ll dress like a cheesy porn slut in a stripper outfit for her feature dance back in 1995…because that’s her spirit animal and the level of talent she best relates to…

Trashy. Fuck this hooker.


Posted in:Emrata|SFW