Crowd Favorite EmRata is the kind of starlet that I try not to post about, you know leave her alone on her pile of money to raise her kid with her husband who reminds me of the character in the non-Jim Carrey mask….
It’s one of those, if you don’t want a pervert who loves tits to talk about your tits, you probably shouldn’t make them viral on the internet, cuz I can’t help myself…
The now older model has definitely solidified herself as some kind of icon. It could have been luck, it could have been timing, it could have been a series of risky decisions that panned out, it could have been being naked in a very famous music video, but they argue that there were 2 other girls in that video who weren’t Emrata, that no one even remembers….meaning there COULD be a star power here….or just hot tits that are willing to be shared with the world in an artsy way, you can be mainstream and porn at the same fucking time….
So whether you think being hot, half naked on the internet is a talent, or skill….or not…that doesn’t take away from her doing it, having the right hustle and making millions with it….
She’s clearly one of the best at this, she’s inspired so many other girls to take their shot at it…so these tits have allowed you to see even more tits….
Now her whole woke thing, activism thing, is always going to be a downer, but she has a brand to protect, not just EMRATA the personal brand with the influencer deals, but an actual brand, because she knows that smart influencers create their product lines…direct to consumer cash printing….
I was one of the first sites to appreciate the tits 10 years ago and I still appreciate her tits, so here are her tits…some of the best tits instagram has given you….now they’ve been milk filled tits and emptied and still have their shape…which is further proof that they are talent.
Posted in:Emrata