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Archive for the Gal Gadot Category




Gal Gadot in Glamour Magazine of the Day

Gal Gadot in Glamour Magazine

Hey virgin losers…I know you are out there because who the fuck else would be reading a site about celebrities no one cares about…

More importantly, who would be reading a site about their cleavage…like it’s hot…or like it matters…in a world filled with porn and other websites that have all this bullshit content way sooner because they produce it themselves, or because they have interns….

Then there’s the whole social media thing, you can watch social media streams from your mini computer…and you don’t need people like me….posting up pictures from a magazine of an older woman who won the lottery and now plays WonderWoman, in what I assume is Jewish guilt, like the producer of the movie felt bad that there weren’t enough women from the motherland in the movies, so they scooped her up in what could be a charitable effort…but I don’t know the actual story…I just know I don’t watch Wonder Woman movies, but apparently I pander to their promotional tours that made this Gal extra famous and rich..even though she’s old….

She was also at the Justice League Premiere in Asia because she’s in it, part of her Lottery Win that was Wonder Woman – you can see the pics if you CLICK HERE

Posted in:Gal Gadot|SFW




Gal Gadot Lesbian Kiss from Hell of the Day

Gal Gadot Lesbian Kiss from Hell

I fucking hate Saturday Night Live, and all things Saturday Night LIve…and I hate comic book shit, like Wonder Woman, it annoys me, and I hate anything that represents women power, because it is cast and starred by a woman and it is called wonder woman when really it is just pandering to pervert dudes who objectify women, the comic book socially awkward dude who jerks off to powerful women because he can’t get women…and the women they feature are just parody of actual women..

I hate that the industry manipulates the media into acting like she’s a feminist icon, some Israelite who doesn’t matter, who is old, who just kind of appeared from no where

I hate that her kissing some twerpy looking SNL cast member who makes too much money is considered news…

I hate everything the world has done and become…where this type of thing “matters”…aren’t there better things to watch, enjoy, jerk off to…seriously…zero fucking hot here..watching a lesbian looking chick dressed like a boy kiss some Wonder Woman…isn’t my fetish, but maybe it’s yours….

Posted in:Gal Gadot|SFW




Gal Gadot is Boring in Some Magazine of the Day

Gal Gadot is Wonder Woman, so the film industry is making her do a bunch of media, you know because she’s a legit actress from Israel, who was really only in Fast and Furious movies, which I guess is enough to matter…

Maybe she did other shit in her native land of Israel, where she did more than celebrae Passover, but also celebrated winning at life, because with her husband and baby daddy, of a 6 or 7 year old and a freshly made baby, they also sold a hotel they owned for 25 million dollars, meaning this movie shit is just for ego…you know make it while you can…

People like her, maybe because she proves to you racists that Jewish people don’t all have tails and horns, and that they can be decent looking…but I find her, these photos, her look boring….sure, she’ll be the first to say it is because I am an anti-Semite, when really I just like pussy that isn’t 31 and a mom of two….

Either way, here she is in a magazine, positioned as editorial, like people care, when really it’s an ad for a movie you will all see…because someone is going to these things…it must be you…

This is all I see when I see her pics – or in her Wonder Woman costume because I am not a nerd with Comic book fetishes….I see a recently shattered mom pussy.

Posted in:Gal Gadot|SFW




Gal Gadot as the New Wonderwoman of the Day


Hey virgin losers…I know you are out there because who the fuck would be reading a site about celebrities no one cares about…and their cleavage…like it’s hot…in a world filled with porn and other websites that have all this bullshit content way sooner because interns at all the other publications are working in teams of 20 for 24 hours a day…waiting for the instagram feed to give them a story…while my site makes 3-7 dollars a day that barely pays for a server….and is just me talkin’ shit…most people don’t understand.

But the pics..there are pics..and today’s pic is your new Wonder Woman, a show people in their 40s will remember…and she posted this really revealing pic of her looking more like a Star Wars charcter than a 70s TV leotard you jerked off to…right..

Here’s some more Gal Gadot, because I’ve never posted a pic or story on this bitch..but now, she mattters…once you’re in with the nerds, they commit…

She’s pretty fucking hot..

Posted in:Gal Gadot|SFW