I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Ginger Spice Category




Ginger Spice Sitting in Cars in Dresses of the Day

I wrote an unispired post on Ginger Spice in a bikini yesterday, so here’s the follow-up uninspired post of her in a dress in a car. The only thing we can learn from this bitch is if you get your start by being a nude model or stripper, you may just end up a Spice Girl with more money to do with 15 years later, so next time a girl drops the whole “I’d send nudes but….” follow-up with that, cuz it’s a proven fact that chicks who take naked pics of themselves have more chances becoming famous than girls who keep that shit in lockdown, maybe because of a confidence it takes in being naked, taking a naked pic and sending it off, but I think it just has to do with dudes liking naked bitches.


Posted in:Dress|Geri Halliwell|Ginger Spice




Some Ginger Spice Leg of the Day

Ginger Spice was out on a date, if you read other sites, you’ll see her tits were busting out and she looked like she was fertile, horny, or about to get her period and ready to take as much dick possible before being forced to take the week off, because it was actually reported that she was on 2 dates with 2 different men, one of them was Guy Ritchie, but that doesn’t matter. What matter is how she’s closing her legs and not showing us her vagina, you know pretending like we all forgot that her getting naked, is the reason she had a career in the first place. I figure stick to your fuckin’ roots whore and let me see how well you’ve aged the past decade.

Posted in:Ginger Spice|Leg




Ginger Spice Moons The Kids of the Day

Ginger Spice went to some Children’s benefit event and she managed to moon it like a rebel high school student moons his high school principal, pretty much telling him to fuck off for trying to suspend him or some shit, only in this case, the only leather this bitch is wearing is on her haggard face and not her jacket to match her slicked back motorcycle hair. I don’t really know what that means, but I do know that Monday’s aren’t working for me right now.

Posted in:Ass Flash|Geri Halliwell|Ginger Spice




I am – Geri Halliwell's See Through Outfit of the Day


Ginger Spice is a little washed up. I think that she was even washed up when she started in the Spice Girls many years ago after being a stripper and amateur nude model so I guess this attempt at being sexy is expected from a girl who’s tits brought her to the top. She also just had a kid and as Britney Spears proves everyday, having a kid means months of being sprawled out on the doctor’s table for everyone to examine your box. It also means months of pulling your tit out where ever you are to make your baby stop crying. So when you have a kid, you usually forget what your lady parts were made for, well maybe that is what they are made for, but to every dude out there, they are made for other things like not having babies and only being sucked by them for the 15 minutes they last. That said, I guess a lot of pregnant chicks and post pregnant chicks never fully bounce back to where they were before their bodies were ravaged, so the day they look in the mirror and think to themselves that they’ve got it back, they want the world to know it and dress like this.

I am not really complaining, I am just too distracted by her clown hair, I feel like I am watching some new age kids show and I’m just waiting for bitch to start juggling.

But celebrities in bras are celebrities in bras and it’s my job to post them so here’s a little more Ginger Spice than we’ve seen in a long time and I guess that’s a good thing to some of you.

Posted in:Bra|Geri Halliwell|Ginger Spice|See Thru|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Geri Halliwell’s See Through Outfit of the Day


Ginger Spice is a little washed up. I think that she was even washed up when she started in the Spice Girls many years ago after being a stripper and amateur nude model so I guess this attempt at being sexy is expected from a girl who’s tits brought her to the top. She also just had a kid and as Britney Spears proves everyday, having a kid means months of being sprawled out on the doctor’s table for everyone to examine your box. It also means months of pulling your tit out where ever you are to make your baby stop crying. So when you have a kid, you usually forget what your lady parts were made for, well maybe that is what they are made for, but to every dude out there, they are made for other things like not having babies and only being sucked by them for the 15 minutes they last. That said, I guess a lot of pregnant chicks and post pregnant chicks never fully bounce back to where they were before their bodies were ravaged, so the day they look in the mirror and think to themselves that they’ve got it back, they want the world to know it and dress like this.

I am not really complaining, I am just too distracted by her clown hair, I feel like I am watching some new age kids show and I’m just waiting for bitch to start juggling.

But celebrities in bras are celebrities in bras and it’s my job to post them so here’s a little more Ginger Spice than we’ve seen in a long time and I guess that’s a good thing to some of you.

Posted in:Bra|Geri Halliwell|Ginger Spice|See Thru|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Spice Girl Reunion of the Day


So I’ll Tell You What I Want, What I Really Really Want, and that’s for the Spice Girls to go back in time and look like they used to . I know that aging is all part of life, otherwise we’d never get old and life would be all Peter Pan pedophile shit, but looking at them now, all post pregnancy or currently pregnant brings back pretty vivid drunken memories of me trying to jerk off to their music videos. I guess what I am trying to say is that life ends for a chick after she gives birth, her body goes to shit and she should probably do whatever she can to stay out of the public eye as much as possible, because sometimes it’s nice for us to remember the good times, and not be forced to witness the demise…Sure, I can respect that having a family and creating life and all that shit is beautiful in theory, but no one ever said it makes you pretty and I have little interest is seeing a once tight bodied Scary Spice’s Eddy Murphey induced cellulite. That’s all I have to say about that.

On a side note, I have no idea what they are doing hanging out together, I can only assume they are going to try to cash in on being mom’s by launching some children’s album or some shit, but they are probably more like the moms who meet at my starbucks after doing mommy yoga together, to discuss how amazing life is and how having a baby changed their life forever, setting up a life of competing amongst friends about which kid is the best and laughing at their single friend who is still going out every night and fucking random men trying to fill that void…..At least they are doing it dressed like sluts….

Posted in:Emma Bunton|Geri Halliwell|Ginger Spice|Mel B|Melanie Brown|Reunion|Unsorted




I am – Geri Spice's Box of the Day


Hey look, it’s Gerri Spice’s box, I thought it’s be dirtier and a little more busted up, mainly because she used to be a hooker but also because she’s had a baby, but I guess that was a pretty shitty joke that I have dropped before.

Watching girls moving is my new porn, especially when those girls are rich enough to pay people to do this dirty work for them. Maybe she’s trying to keep busy because she hasn’t done anything in 5 years, maybe she spent all her money on lipo, maybe I am just a lazy fuck who likes sitting and who won’t even bring up his own fucking groceries because there’s always bored, homeless, meth kids around to do it for me. Meth kids are pretty much going to fuck over our economy because the motherfuckers have a lot more energy than 400 pound fat sluts who take 10 minutes to pour me a fucking coffee at the local donut shop because getting their fat hands to grip around the cup while all out of breath is too hard to fucking handle for them…

Either way, here’s Ginger’s box. Fuck you.

Posted in:Geri Halliwell|Ginger Spice|Unsorted




I am – Geri Spice’s Box of the Day


Hey look, it’s Gerri Spice’s box, I thought it’s be dirtier and a little more busted up, mainly because she used to be a hooker but also because she’s had a baby, but I guess that was a pretty shitty joke that I have dropped before.

Watching girls moving is my new porn, especially when those girls are rich enough to pay people to do this dirty work for them. Maybe she’s trying to keep busy because she hasn’t done anything in 5 years, maybe she spent all her money on lipo, maybe I am just a lazy fuck who likes sitting and who won’t even bring up his own fucking groceries because there’s always bored, homeless, meth kids around to do it for me. Meth kids are pretty much going to fuck over our economy because the motherfuckers have a lot more energy than 400 pound fat sluts who take 10 minutes to pour me a fucking coffee at the local donut shop because getting their fat hands to grip around the cup while all out of breath is too hard to fucking handle for them…

Either way, here’s Ginger’s box. Fuck you.

Posted in:Geri Halliwell|Ginger Spice|Unsorted




I am – Geri Halliwell’s Ass of the Day


I have a thing for older ladies who have kids and over compensate by losing a lot of weight making them better to look at than they were before having kids. Unfortunately, most girls let themselves go because pregnancy makes them fat and lazy and they never fucking bounce back, that’s why you gotta watch out who you knock up, not that you really have a chance, at the rate things are going, your family name ends with you, because you have to have sex to knock a bitch up and donating sperm doesn’t fucking count because you never know where that shit ended up, for all you know some science lap is hybrid breeding donkeys and you.

Either way, I am all about older bitches because they are menopausal, and menopausal means they can’t get pregnant, and not getting pregnant means no condom, and no condom means good times. Not to mention they are pretty eager to slam because they are all mid-life crisis ridden trying to prove they still have sex appeal. I guess that’s where this piece of shit post ends…

Posted in:Geri Halliwell|Ginger Spice|Unsorted




I am – Geri Halliwell's Ass of the Day


I have a thing for older ladies who have kids and over compensate by losing a lot of weight making them better to look at than they were before having kids. Unfortunately, most girls let themselves go because pregnancy makes them fat and lazy and they never fucking bounce back, that’s why you gotta watch out who you knock up, not that you really have a chance, at the rate things are going, your family name ends with you, because you have to have sex to knock a bitch up and donating sperm doesn’t fucking count because you never know where that shit ended up, for all you know some science lap is hybrid breeding donkeys and you.

Either way, I am all about older bitches because they are menopausal, and menopausal means they can’t get pregnant, and not getting pregnant means no condom, and no condom means good times. Not to mention they are pretty eager to slam because they are all mid-life crisis ridden trying to prove they still have sex appeal. I guess that’s where this piece of shit post ends…

Posted in:Geri Halliwell|Ginger Spice|Unsorted