I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Hiding Category




Lohan is Hiding from the Camera in Leggings of the Day

I read somewhere that Lohan’s mother thinks that Lohan is an artist, which is a lot like your mom telling you that you’re really handsome and that you’ll find yourself a woman who sees it one day, but until then you always have mommy to take care of you….

It turns out that the artist formerly known as Lohan has landed a new job opposite Jack Black which I guess is a sure sign of art, but more like the art that the homeless man down the street makes with his shit on the bus shelter and in public bathrooms and less like something that kids will be analyzing in schools 20 years down the road because shit is genius….

Since I hate Jack Black, I am going to assume that he’s the reason she’s hiding from the cameras, because she has to accept that she’s thrown her shit career down the toilet and this is the shit she has to eat to try to climb her way out of the gutter. Kind of like when I worked at the factory for years hoping that eventually lead to something better until realizing that working in a factory leads to nowhere, kinda like starring opposite Jack Black. I can’t wait to see the fat sex scene because you know she always throws herself at the closest penis in the room and seeing Lohan get fucked by a fat dude will help make my fantasies more realistic.

I guess the real reason she’s hiding from the cameras is because she’s shy about her topless photoshoot and by topless photoshoot I mean cold sores from suckin’ dick outbreak.

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Posted in:Hiding|Leggings|Lindsay Lohan




I am – Nicole Richie is Hiding from Us of the Day


Here are some pictures of Nicole Richie hiding from the cameras because she’s finally realized that she’s ugly, or maybe the fact that she let some gay dude who fucks his twin brother because they feel like it’s not gay but masturbation since they are pretty much the same person and because it helps them create the shittiest music out there, impregnate her and now it’s too late to abort the fucker has finally set in…

The truth is that I would totally Good Charlotte this whore, because Good Charlotte are a bunch of faggots and fags like anal sex and i never turn down a girl when she asks for anal, especially when pregnant because I have issues with fucking 2 people at once, especially when one of those people is only a 5 month old fetus.

I’m hot like fire today.

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Posted in:Hiding|Nicole Richie|Pregnant|Unsorted




I am – Nicole Richie Hiding Her Rat Face from the Camera of the Day


These are pictures from Paris’ party a couple of days ago that were taken after Nicole had a minor car accident as she was leaving. Who the fuck cares.

What I do care about is how considerate she is being in this time of distress. Normally, this group of girls are so fucking self-absorbed that if they aren’t talking about how great they are, ripping into each other, doing as many drugs as possible to feed their insecure broken selves, or having meaningless relationships and one night stands with guys they find hot because lacking substance and being superficial is all that matters in their eating disorder self-destructive lives. But I guess with Paris going to jail they are all a little thrown off because she was the leader of the pack, and now in an attempt to make the world a better place and in efforts to aid mankind, Nicole Richie has decided to hide her little rat face from all of us and I just wanted to say Thanks….

Normally, I would have been offended by her giving me the finger, but knowing that God has been as cruel as he has been to her, I figure I’d let it slide. It’s like the time a dude with Downs Syndrome punched me in the face in highschool. He had a crush on my girlfriend and saw me grabbing her tits in the park. Either way, he fucking hit me hard because people with retardations seem to be fucking strong, like their body made up for their brain was lacking. Anyway, when he hit me I apologized and walked away instead of getting mad, because sometimes, having sympathy for those less fortunate is a better way to live….

Posted in:Accident|Hiding|Nicole Richie|Unsorted