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Archive for the Iggy Azalea Category




Iggy Azalea Fat Ass in Short Tight Shorts of the Day

Iggy Azalea disgusts me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t buy into her self promoting, life changing, earth shattering, don’t matter tight shorts…that she wants people to talk about, because they are terrifying, and because she’s a bottom feeding talentless slag who needs all the help she can get to get an audience…whether it’s fake ass or not, she’s out there on the prowl for attention….and always has been – that’s why she exits – make noise, fuck the right people, use the media, cause controversy, pretend your a stripper have a disgusting ass, own that ass, target that ass to black men by Cultural appropriation….

Fake white, fake bitch, fake angle, fake raps, fake ass, fake Australian, fake shorts, fake hair, fake vagina,

So fake, not sure if these pics even happened…


Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Iggy Azalea for REMIX magazine of the Day

Iggy Azalea is the worst white girl culturally appropriating to get a head because black guys like fat white chicks and white chicks like black dicks and white kids like hip hop and hip hop isn’t even hip hop anymore – it is just pop music where rappers want to sing with Bieber like a bunch of faggots pretending to be gangster….when original hip hop would never fuck with pop trash…but we live in an era of pop trash getting people views and listened to…

People have no souls…and Iggy Azalea is doing all she can to promote herself..whether it’s videos of fiance talking about cheating on her or pics of her trying to look not so tranny – she’s fucking garbage.

Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Iggy Azalea Trying to Class Up her Image of the Day


Iggy Azalea did Elle Canada, because I guess American media doesn’t give a fuck about some Australian phoney rapper, who does phoney ghetto shit, that she thinks gives her credibility, but that is just fucking annoying.

You may remember her as fat Aubrey O’Day…


She’s not hot, she’s got that fat ass tranny face that everyone who is into the Kardashians love.

She had a minute of success, where she was shitting on the paparazzi, who she probably paid to be there.

She once spent a week in Ottawa Canada when sorting out her Visa that was the same week she blocked me on social media.

I don’t know why America turned their back on a fat ass white girl pretending to be hood, they normally like this fake ghetto nonsense….America has no taste…they create stars out of dog shit…….and I guess this is her struggling to get back to where she was…a few years ago when all her music videos went viral…

But I do remember all these fake hood girls go back to being white girls when they get busted for being fakes…

Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Iggy Azalea for Some Underwear Bullshit of the Day

1000 people cared about this video of Iggy Azalea in her underwear in the last 24 hours…

That is probably more people than people who actually care about Iggy Azalea…

She was so quick to the market, after years of trying through the hipster scene….with that one hit she had….you know fighting with paparazzi when they followed her and being all around, blocked me on social media early on, cunt with zero authenticity…just some rich kid lie…because I guess when she got it she said “this is what I deserve”….rather than “this is crazy, I can’t believe this is happening, I’ll be nice to everyone”…not even American, but living the American dream.

I’ve called her out for being a bottom feeding pile of shit for a long time…and I believe that….but I guess before the world forgot about Iggy, this underwear brand from Australia thought they’d have a sure shot win and probably paid her a fortune for this…1,000 viewed video…I hope they got behind the scenes footage they can sell to the paparazzi, because that’s the only way this is breaking even…

Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Iggy Azalea is an Underwear Model of the Day

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The company is called BONDS…and they are clever enough marketers to know that you can either use an underwear model to model your underwear…or you can make some serious fucking noise by using some hooker who has never worn underwear since it got in the way of cock entering her fat girl pussy on her quest to be a popstar…a quest that worked because she’s now rich and famous…despite being from Australia, talentless and fucking annoying…

It’s like put this attention seeking pile of shit…who likely has a pussy that smells like shit…and not just because her botched ass implants make her anus trip…ass to pussy…

Unless she’s clever enough to maintain that shit, since that is her money maker and not her shitty female rapping..that rapes my ears…

All this to say, thank god they photoshopped, but more improtantly…are they selling these used panties on ebay, I’m curious to know if she’s a stinky pussy or a floral pussy…because with hookers…as you know..it can go either way..

Posted in:Iggy Azalea




Iggy Azalea Ass in a Bikini of the Day

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Her name is Iggy Azalea, you may have been raped by her songs on the regular basis thanks to the radio and her pulling off an amazing scam, speaking to white girls everywhere, by being everything they want to be in this sex-filled, hip hop controlled pop culture…

Here’s her ass in a bikini, that you probably won’t want to rape her back after looking at, because it’s dumpy, likely fake, and designed to keep her on brand, so that she continues to sell records, exciting the labels in a world where records are never sold…

Unless sloppy, possibly implants to keep her on brand asses are your thing…which they probably are, because thanks to the obesity crisis, and the media, they probably are…

Doesn’t matter, bikini pics.

To See The Rest of the Pics Click Here

Posted in:Iggy Azalea




Iggy Azalea’s Panty Flash is Traumatic of the Day


I am sure you’ve already seen these pictures of Iggy Azalea, who for the record is the fucking worst piece of bullshit ever to hit the pop charts, but white people love her and black guys love her, and I think she is the future…when I have known about her forever, I’ve watched her scamming her way from nothing, despite blocking me on social media early on….fabricating the scam that is Iggy Azalea…and looking at this ass…reminds me of all the fucking lies….that encompass…

To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Iggy Azalea




Iggy Azalea Ass in Shorts of the Day

These ass pics of Iggy Azalea are circulating the internet and have been the last few days, I tried to ignore them, because I firmly believe that Iggy Azalea, her music, her career, and her fat ass that black men fuck…because for black men and WHOOTY is good WHOOTY…I think it goes back to the Martin Luther King era of civil rights, where black people were seen as second rate citizens, basically laying the flag, or pipe to the white man 60 years later…through his daughter…but maybe I am looking into things too hard…

I figured I had to post these, because her ass has gone viral at least career-wise, she plays up her ass, and that’s exactly what this is all about, because when you taste what you’ve sucked so much dick for, without having to taste the residue semen, but instead just by looking at your bank account, you do whatever you can to not lose it!


Posted in:Iggy Azalea




Iggy Azalea’s Ass Implants in Sweatpants of the Day

Iggy Azalea has a dumpy fucking ass, that I guess people like making a big deal about, because this is the Ass generation and white suburban kids are into anything black rappers are into…or in Iggy Azalea’s case deep inside…rocking back and forth as hard as their athletic selves can thrust in her…leaving her unable to walk a decade ago when she started this quest, but by now, ass implants and all, she’s pretty committed to it, serious about it, and capable of taking it all in…as long as it comes with a paycheck, helps her paycheck, or really brings her to this level of fame…thanks to the general population having no fucking taste…


Posted in:Iggy Azalea




Iggy Azalea Hot Ass of the Day

Iggy Azalea’s fat ass implants that everyone freaks out about, even though they are just ass implants and anyone can buy them, just as the Kardashians, are far less interesting when it is in Pajama pants, not that I’ve ever found anything Iggy Azalea has done interesting, I am not a white suburban girl who wants to fuck black guys, who buys into this whole scam, but I guess when you have a scam as good as Iggy’s, who really cares, she’s winning…so much that she can leave her house dressed like this…

I guess she’s just accepted the fame thing, that people care about her like she wanted to, like the fame thing has not beat her down and she just doesn’t care about exposing herself like, because she’s made it, her dreams have come true and she’s fucked so many dudes for this….but will pretend she’s worked so hard for this…and I guess this would be better if it was the Sex Tape…you know showing us that she’s really ready to put herself out there…


Posted in:Iggy Azalea