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Archive for the Isabelle Mathers Category




Isabelle Mathers Bikini of the Day

Isabelle Mathers Bikini

Isabelle Mathers is some hot, tanned, Australian bikini model I’ve probably never heard of, but I’m pretty bad with names and facial recognition which makes living pretty fucking confusing.

I just scrolled her Instagram, where I found zero fucking personality. I found zero fucking compelling or inspiring content, if anything it was boring…and she’s Austalian, they are supposed to be the hot chicks that get wild….and drunk.

Sure she’s hot, the body is good, the tits seem nice. Not to mention the blue eyes set against a brown head of hair is something marketable becausee it excites people for whatever reason and by whatever reason I mean you’re all a bunch of perverts….

But that instagram of hers is like she’s a fucking avatar, or a CGI, or a sex doll, which I am sure she is or aspires to be for the right rich and maybe famous guy…all her pics are all the same dramatic half dead looking face…mouth slightly open, looking at the camera like she’s about to suck it off, only she doesn’t do that because she’s a fucking corpse. Bernie from Weekend at Bernie’s had more fucking personality.

Further proof that hot chicks don’t fucking bother trying as they are used to just getting shit…

Isabelle Mathers Bikini


Posted in:Isabelle Mathers|SFW