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Archive for the Jami Gertz Category




Jami Gertz Bikini Pictures of the Day

Her name is Jami Gertz and she is in a bikini for Valentine’s Day, is a mom of three, is 43 and despite her monkey-like posture looks a hell of a lot better than Ivana Trump.

I’ve never heard of this girl, but then again I’ve never heard of many people. I am an idiot. I do know that she played Gilda Radner in some made for TV movie and if that’s not hot, I don’t know what is. Gilda Radner may be seen as some kind of legend, but I don’t think I’ve ever got busy with myself to old episodes of her on Saturday Night live. She may have made people laugh but her character had as much sex appeal as my Aids ridden neighbor’s ass, who is also annoying and has stupid jokes and will die before his time, but this Jami Gertz won’t be playing him in a made-for=TV movie, because no one cares about him since he wasn’t on Saturday Night Live. He’s just a heroin addict who used dirty needles and could never hold down a job or lasting relationships. If only he was on Saturday Night live, then maybe he would go down as a legend. Now the only going down he does is to the pharmacy for his meds and down the stairs everyday to find that I’ve stolen his paper. I figure he doesn’t need it.

This post seems depressing – I guess this is proof that you really shouldn’t joke about some things. Happy Valentines Day.

Posted in:Ass|Bikini|Jami Gertz|Tits