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Miley Cyrus is a Wholesome Disney Girl Who Hangs With Trannies of the Day

Androgyny makes me feel uncomfortable. Maybe I am old school and like the gays to be on the down low and not dressed like teenage girls with their hair done up and make-up on in heels, but I think the reason I hate the flamboyant flamers is because they aren’t legit, they are a complete insecure lie.

They are showboating this fake gay lifestyle that was created by other identity crisis losers and just perpetuate the annoying because they are posers and have no voice of their own and think the only way to break free from being a poser is to take it to the next level of outrageous. It’s just like any other scene out there, the loser following the masses tries to break free from the masses by being this unique mess and distract the other posers into thinking they are the coolest, despite being full of shit. Back in the day a flamboyant and theatrical gay dude would save this shit for weekends at the gay bar because it wasn’t appropriate and annoyed people who weren’t into that scene and gave them an escape into whatever world dressing like this takes you, but now it still annoys people and makes us feel uncomfortable but people like Jeffree Star don’t care. They are so unsure of themselves that they overcompensate and like the attention they get from people staring at them because they probably weren’t accepted in highschool and lucky for Jeffree Star, either were a lot of people because they are following his lead which isn’t really a lead but it is to them because they don’t realize he’s just ripping off someone else he saw and claiming it’s his own.

Either way, poser performing attention craving myspace superstar Jeffree Star is hanging with his idol Miley Cyrus and it’s not the first time that a gay dude is hooked on a teenage idol, I remember living with a gay dude 10 years ago who couldn’t get enough Britney, but I guess for a wholesome little Christian girl who doesn’t do anything naughty according to her team, this is pretty much the equivalent of hanging out with the devil and in my mind a lot worse than her sexualizing herself in Vanity Fair for one of the world’s top photographer, but that’s just because it looks like you’d get AIDS just standin’ next to this freakshow.

Either way, I am not going to hate on anyone for who or what they like to fuck, but I will hate on the packaging because all I see is a loser having an identity crisis with dreams of being someone different and important despite probably being a talentles joke of a person that is just copying but his fans don’t realize it because they are so distracted by his presentation and have been told that the shit he does is cool and are at home applying creepy eyebrows as I type this because they are posers too.

Posted in:Jeffree Star|Miley Cyrus