I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Kari Riley Category




Kari Riley Bikini of the Day

Kari Riley is an ELITE Model, which is probably not like being an elite assassin, or an elite sportsman, or an elite pizza, which is the name of a meat lovers pizza at a place I used to go…..because being an ELITE model is like being any other model but that shouldn’t make Kari Riley sad, it shouldn’t make her any less viable of an option for you to jerk off to, it’s just to say that maybe ELITE models has a bit of an OVERHYPING name.

WHO CARES THERE IS A MODEL IN A BIKINI IN AN ERA WHERE EVERYONE IS A MODEL SO THAT STAMP OF AGENCY APPROVAL MAKES HER FEEL LIKE SHE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE INFLUENCERS SHE IS COMPETING WITH….or maybe she got her start as a model and is only with an agency because models are dead and influencers reign supreme….

Oh shit, that meat lovers pizza was called SUPREME not ELITE….my bad.


Posted in:Kari Riley




Kari Riley Bikini of the Day

I don’t know who the fuck Kari Riley is but I bet she fucks rich dudes, only rich dudes, because sex is transactional now, and the whole point of building that instagram following or becoming a model is to get to the rich dudes. There’s a reason Victoria’s Secret models marry billionaires…100 millionaires aren’t enough for their egos….and millionaires are just dirt to them…

I figure if you’re a tight body bitch in a bikini, on some fancy looking boat, you are the kind of girl who deserves all you ever wanted or dreamt of. It’s ok to be a vapid, superficial ego chasing an empty fucking dream…BUT AT LEAST SHE WILL HAVE NICE STUFF.

But like I said, I don’t know Kari Riley, so I’m sure she’s just a down to earth LA based hippie, into dudes living in some of the tent cities in Venice or Downtown LA, you know because they aren’t slaves to the system…

The point is, hot chicks in bikinis are important.


Posted in:Kari Riley