I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Ke$ha Category




Kesha and Her Shitty Body in a Bathing Suit of the Day

I hate giving this kind of trash any fucking attention. Really. I like to pretend Lady Gaga and all her followers or low-grade copycats don’t actually exist, since part of me hates that they are on TV, making money, and have a fan base, but all I needed was her in a shitty one-piece, showing off her shitty body, with a shitty Pixies tank top covering her shitty tits, to make me change my mind. I’m such a slut, way too fucking easy….seriously, I made an effort to ignore this joke of a human cuz I hate knowing she has a distorted perception of what’s actually going on in her career and she goes to bed thinking she’s amazing, that she’s made it, cuz that’s what the media, her bank account, her number one song are telling her, instead of her thinking the truth which is that she’s a fucking joke that the media has made big for some fucking reason I will never understand…but I believe the truth will come out eventually…the free ride can’t last forever….at least I hope it doesn’t….because she’s fucking ugly….

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Bathing Suit|Ke$ha|Kesha




Ke$ha is the Useless Popstar of the Day

It is Thanksgiving and I am thankful that there will always be bottom feeding, ugly, bottom feeding girls who claim they are popstars, or “artists” to dress ridiculous and claim to be recording artists…because the world is filled with even dumber and uglier girls willing to copy them by either not wearing pants in public, or giving blowjobs for fame, since they figure if this dog can do it, so can they. I guess that means I am thankful for this UK trash named Ke$ha….yes the dollar sign is actually the “S” in her name…proviing we’ve got a new Gaga impersonator about to drop…

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Ke$ha|Popstar|Usless