I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Lana Del Ray Category




Lana Del Ray’s Artsy Tit Pic of the Day

I don’t really give a fuck about Lana Del Ray, but I will look at her tits….

I didn’t mind her when she first rose to fame for making sad music, because I think sad music is meaningful and that a generation of people can get manipulated by those sad thongs to appease their own feeling sorry for themselves bullshit….

I just haven’t followed her career, maybe because she got fat on all the money she made, but she had money to start, so maybe she just got fat form the drugs she’s been on…I don’t know…

She apparently released a new album recently enough and the liner notes featured a tit pic from the front, because flashing tit is art….

Well, apparently, this is another picture of her tit from another angle and it’s a tit…..a fat girl rich girl famous girl who sings sad song tit….and tunnels used for human trafficking….

Posted in:Lana Del Ray




Lana Del Rey Fatty in a Bra of the Day

I never found Lana Del Rey hot, I just saw her as a rich kid who was able to hire the right producer thanks to her dad and together they made some relevant music for the time…some gut wrenching love songs with a pretty original sound at th time…and because of it, bitch went viral…and I think she deserved to go viral, she put together a good thing…

That said, she’s been fat for a while and not in a good way, not that fat is that good, I guess when you’ve made it as a rich kid with a dream thanks to daddy buying you your dream, you can eat ALL the bad foods you want and pull a Brian Wilson and stay in bed for 5 years not bothering to tour because you already did all that…

She is definitely not an Adele story of dropping weight and getting black cock, more of the opposite, but when the bra comes out for the selfie, I’m a lookin’….even when it scares me, looks pregnant, or at least without a WAISTLINE, spilling over her shit….has all the wrong curves in all the wrong places, and the bra’s not even see through to distract me with the bigger sloppier tits…

Boring, but what the fuck did you expect….a good old fashioned FAT SHAMING opportunity, because she has no excuse for being fat…

It is funny because ALL the other celebs are looking great, maybe they get the adrenochrome or the BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS that Lana is being held out on because she’s not playing into their agenda, or she’s not putting out hits…I mean if you look at basically ALL the old timer celebs, from Aguilera to J.Lo…it’s like they’ve been replaced with clones of themselves that are 20 years younger…meanwhile this Upstate NY dream looks like she’s working the DONUT kiosk at Lake George in the summer and not like some MALIBU moody songstress she is…weird but at least it doesn’t stop her from producing SMUT even if it should….


Posted in:Lana Del Ray|Lana Del Rey