I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Louise Mikkelsen Category




Louise Mikkelsen for Vogue Spain by Purienne of the Day


As a diabetic sugar addict I would argue that Louise Mikkelsen is a Danish, who may not be as good as a cheese danish, or a cherry danish, or really any danish…because I eat my sads…

But looking at her gives me sads that lead me to eating Danish, because I’m not rich enough to eat the right Danish, which is this Danish…

A model, may lack personality, may be vapid and superficial and lazy because everything has been handed to them all their life…but they don’t lack a willingness to get naked for magazines, including VOGUE SPAIN which I guess is doing nudity now that Playboy doens’t…

Put that name on the map, get seen…book Victoria’s Secret…find a billionaire…go on free trips to fun and luxurious places and make babies…

It’s been done with models before her, yet new tits like old tits, are still tits I want to see…

The photographer is Purienne, one of the best in nude models, probably ripped off by instagram over and over again…but still doing it up…and it’s good.

Posted in:Louise Mikkelsen




Louise Mikkelsen Nipples for GLamcult of the Day


Louise Mikkelsen is a Danish model, who may not be as good as a cheese danish, or a cheery danish, or really any danish, because this diabetic motherfucker loves baked goods more than up and coming models who get topless whenever they can because it gets them noticed in the industry and may lead to solid work for them….there are just so many of them, all interchangeable, and none of them willing to sit on my face, rocking their hips back and forth until squirt…so it’s like a bunch of useless tits that I can’t fuck with…but you can never have too many Danishes, the baked goods version, because I can and will fill my face up with that shit….and while I do, here’s some model tit…

Posted in:Louise Mikkelsen|NSFW