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Archive for the Magdalena Frackowiak Category




Magdalena Frackowiak Jacking Her Panties Up Her Ass for Poland of the Day

Magdalena Frackowiak is a Polish sex work from Poland..not the land of Nail Polish even though it is spelled the same way and that may confuse you…..

Her half naked for social media may seem desperate on the week of the very very important, at least to white trash trailer park with cable who like Victoria’s Secret fashion shows because it’s porn for the non porn consumer in this era of everyone watching porn….and I guess important for all the IG models trying to be real models…VS models…into it for the dream…and I guess for all mall shopping consumers who think nonsense infomercials important….

But Madga was a VS model who was, before getting fired cuz no one gave a shit about her, and the last two or three years she’s been on IG trying to find herself..and I guess this is what she’s come up with….

I like skinny Polish girls…so it works for me…..so let’s hope it works for you…fracking you like you were a small town community controlled by an oil company…the way only a frackowiak can….I don’t know what that means..but I’m sticking to it.

Posted in:Magdalena Frackowiak|SFW




Magdalena Frackowiak Ass in a Thong for Fashion of the Day

Magdalena Frackowiak Ass Black G String Thong

Magdalena Frackowiak is the Polish cunt who was fired from Victoria’s Secret, but who you know was an asshole to everyone around her the second she signed the Victoria’s Secret contract, because that’s how these egotistical pieces of shit work…they get the validation of what they always felt they deserved in their souls and turn evil…because they don’t have to play nice or suck up anymore…they have money now…no more sucking dick for rent or dinner…

Luckily it didn’t last very long for this one, like a sex worker sent back to war torn Russia after her mail order bride situation failed, forced to try new tactics…like this.


Posted in:Magdalena Frackowiak|SFW




Magdalena is Out of Control of the Day

You give a girl a VS deal, then take it away from her, and end up with this..


Her name is Magdalena, she’s Polish, came from Poverty, got a Victoria’s Secret deal back when they were paying huge 6 figure deals to these women, gets fired years ago, tries to find herself and now is som medicated looking, still hot as fuck mess….posing naughtier and naughtier pics of herself to help build out her personal brand.

She is annoying to watch, but not annoying to look at…when acting like this and I support all girls who are cunts at the top, who fall off and have to work their way back up…it’s that grounding they all need…and that comes with ass pics.

Some videos:

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Posted in:Magdalena Frackowiak




Magdalena Frackowiak Tits of the Day

Her name is Magdalena Frackowiak. She is an interesting, but not that interesting story of a Polish woman with a dream – who did all she could to make it in America – who eventually booked Victoria’s Secret for something like 750k and was kept around a few years – making more money than her GYSPY mother back home ever imagined…only to be fired and forced to start a jewelery line and now a T-Shirt line….where she is promoting both via her social media where she occassionally posts her tits in sheer lingerie…and that doesn’t make her relevant, she’s hanging on to the moment of fame she almost had as hard as she can and really she’s hot enough to look at half naked…HOWEVER…her videos where she talks to the camera…fucking destroy my soul they are so deep voiced and terrifying….

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But the half nakedness..that’s good…

Posted in:Magdalena Frackowiak




Magdalena Frackowiak Tits in Thailand of the Day


Magdalena Frackowiak is some ex Victoria’ Secret model in her mid 30s, who is rumored to be a cunt from Poland, because in 2010 when she signed with Victoria’s Secret, they paid her 750k and that was more than she ever thought she would make in a lifetime….so she was a bitch about it, an ego in a “looks like she made it”…..

She is getting work for other brands, in some lifestyle travel shoot with her tits out, this time in Thailand…and support this kind of comeback tour….proving she’s still got it…and I guess she does.

Posted in:Magdalena Frackowiak




Magdalena Frackowiak Got Them Titties Out of the Day

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Her name is Magdalena Frackowiak. She is an interesting, but not that interesting story of a Polish woman with a dream – who did all she could to make it in America – who eventually booked Victoria’s Secret for something like 750k and was kept around a few years – making more money than her GYSPY mother back home ever imagined…only to be fired and forced to start a jewelery line but more interestingly post topless shameless pics while she still has an audience, before she gets too old, her tits out…at what must be 30…still going after the dream, not realizing she already lived in and is done.

Magdalena Frackowiak Tits out in a BRa

Posted in:Magdalena Frackowiak|SFW




Magdalena Frackowiak in a Bikini of the Day

Magdalena Frackowiak in a Bikini

Magdalena Frackowiak is an ex Victoria’s Secret girl, long forgotten, no one gives a fuck about her, because she’s no longer getting the press that she was for the 5 years she worked with them, but she made a lot of money and I guess sometimes that’s good enough, unless you get comfortable making that kind of money and think that it will last forever, when clearly it doesn’t…

Forcing her to prostitute herself in other ways…like for a Jewelry line or whatever Greek thing she’s up to that I can say with certainty comes with olive oil lubed anal.

That point of my story is that this tall, thin, polish girl with the polish face is looking long and lean in a bikini, but old…I see it in her neck…it happens..maybe thats why Victoria’s Secret threw her out…she’s 33 and you can tell…wait that’s not the point of my story.

The point of my story is that a guy I know knew her before she booked Victoria’s Secret, said she was pretty ok, until she booked Victoria’s Secret and she became a diva cunt…as you’d expect when someone hits as big as they’ll ever hit…when they hit it…no humble here…no no.

Some Videos…

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Posted in:Magdalena Frackowiak|SFW




Magdalena Frackowiak Topless on Instagram of the Day


Magdalena Frackowiak is some ex Victoria’ Secret model in her mid 30s, who is rumored to be a cunt from Poland, because in 2010 when she signed with Victoria’s Secret, they paid her 750k and that was more than she ever thought she would make in a lifetime….

But who is in her mid 30s and has been around for a while – but who isn’t doing all that much interesting because she’s old but still hot…just not hot enough for Victoria’s Secret, not quite a HADID or a JENNER you know…but she is out there posting tit pics for attention – at the same time that the VS girls are doing their fittings for their informerical…while this one isn’t…

Posted in:Magdalena Frackowiak




Magdalena Frackowiak Topless and Slutty on Instagram of the Day

Magdalena Frackowiak was a Victoria’s Secret model for a minute and I know a dude who was dating one of her Polish friends who came over to America with her to model, in some sex slave, cargo ship, in steerage, where half the Polish models on their way to America died of scurvy or some shi, you know a real each

I don’t know, or think she’s still a Victoria’s Secret model, but they did give her a 750,000 dollar contract the first year, which to some Pollack is more than she’s expect to make in a lifetime, and apparently, she got Hollywood about it, you know, became a real entitled cunt who was no longer the nice, sweet, suck up model trying to get ahead, but the one who had been validated..and thus allowed to be a fucking diva…

Well…I saw last week she was posting butt shots, and I thought, girl is getting racy, maybe I’ll do a post on her, but didn’t because she’s irrelevant…but then today, I saw…she posted full tit…with a very inspiring caption of:


Nope…no problem here…keep up the good work model….I mean cunt or not, she’s hot, and cunt or not, she should show more cunt, because I like cunt more than tits, but the tits for Instagram are still good though…

I guess being kicked off the VS Promo model team – cut off from all that money makes a bitch feel the need to hustle hard, tits out…and I like to see the scramble..

Posted in:Magdalena Frackowiak




Magdalena Frackowiak Bikini WHoring of the DAy


This is a model named Magdalena Frackowiak who I am guessing is from Russia or some other communist country that is no longer communist but that I pretend is still communist for the sake of comedy…because rationed toilet paper, bread lines, and a love for contraband levis jeans and Michael Jackson…

Which I guess isn’t comedy at all…but I figure when you’re not a funny person and you don’t find things funny…you commentary is not going to be funny…

I will say that she was on VS contract for a while, she may still be, and they were paying her something like 750k….which is fucking nuts since no one really knows who Madga is…even after seeing her tits…or maybe that is why we don’t care about Magda….

Yet for some reason, I am posting her instagram content…like it matters…interesting…but not at all…a lot like my life, the site, etc.



Posted in:Magdalena Frackowiak|SFW