I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Maria Menounos Category




Maria Menounos in Bikinis of the Day


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Maria Menounos posted a picture of herself in a bikini…and you probably shouldn’t care, because as a greek girl, her asshole is what actually matters…she uses it as her vagina…

I mean you shouldn’t care because this is Maria Menounos, who was just a host on some shitty network GOSSIP show on TV every night…I’m talking low level tabloid shit that you shouldn’t watch, unless maybe you’re a depressing, on disability fuck, who is into her mouth telling them nonsense as they eat their processed food in their trailer park in some shitty middle american town…which coincidentally is probably you.

Posted in:Maria Menounos|SFW




Maria Menounos’ Food Baby of the Day

There’s a few pretty unattractive things going on in this video of Maria Menounos at some desperate housewife event involving lame, wine guzzling 40 year olds trying to have a good time, that no matter how good of a time they have, they are still 40 year olds…never quite being as cute or fun as 20 year olds…and if anything…it’s just sad….

The first…is that Maria Menounos eats, and we hate when girls do that, the second is that she shows off her belly after eating, something we hate….especially when called a Baby, because pregnancy is disgusting as it is…and even more disgusting when you are forced to think of her shitting this out when it’s run it’s course…it’s like keep your food baby to yourself bitch..

All this to say…Who’s Maria Menounos again?


Whoever she is, here she is in a bikini….without food baby…

Posted in:Maria Menounos




Maria Menounos Ass in Leggings of the Day

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The only thing that matters when it comes to Maria Menounos, who I guess is pushing 40, is her ass…which I guess based on her Greek roots, is also her vagina…

She was the host of an entertainment show that I assume a lot of hick, trailer, American trash watch, as anyone with a little culture or cool factor, who i sunder then age of 34, probably doesn’t bother with….you know white trash middle american suburbanite, pedestrian, middle of the road shit people love tabloids…but she got cocky and decided to move onto becoming a celebrity in her own right…with a reality show..

You know how these people are, nothing is ever good enough and talking about celebs probably makes you want to kill yourself, especailly when you have an ego and are less successful than them, while being them is all you want to be…

So now she’s resorted to doing PR stunts at gyms…because anything helps her cause..and at least her ass is round…because without that…she’d really be obsolete…


Posted in:Maria Menounos