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Archive for the Mariana Mendes Magalhaes Category




Mariana Mendes Magalhaes Empowered Birthmark Model of the Day

Mariana Mendes Magalhaes is some Brazian who apparently isn’t trans, but who has a big air patch on her fucking face, in what they are calling a “Birthmark” but is more like a curse or a sign of the devil on a child, in what would have been taken out back and killed as a baby had she been born a couple hundred years ago…

She isn’t hot to begin with, so I guess it’s good that she’s got that hairy patch, because it allows her model dreams to come true…

She’s the empowered hairy face girl…and the world must embrace her for her bravery in owning it, and they must give her a fucking career as a model she wants to be, even if it seems like it is pandering.

I don’t know about you, but I remember being in school with handicapped kids and I’d always let them win if we were competing against each other, or I’d help them if they were struggling, you know to feel better about terrorizing them the rest of the time…..I was a bully….and I just feel like giving a girl a career as a model cuz of a face deformity…is like some make a wish foundation in a “sure kid with cancer, you’re a fucking astronaut” or whatever….it’s almost cruel…and it’s totally fucking weird…but still something you’d probably want to cum on like it was her pubic hair because it may be her pubic hair…and I guess it’s still better than when a bitch has a moustache…even if it still makes my stomach curdle and gag.

Posted in:Mariana Mendes Magalhaes|SFW