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Archive for the Melania Trump Category




y2K Melania Trump Goes Viral of the Day

People like to hate on Donald Trump, but as it turns out more people think he’s hilarious and brilliant, which isn’t all that surprising since he’s been a viral figure since the 80s.

They also like to hate on Melania Trump, calling her a sugar baby or a prostitute because they are mean spirited.

Sure, I’m the first to call a whore a whore or a money grubber a money grubber and I’m ok with that, it’s nothing to be ashamed of…why wouldn’t you maximize the pussy earnings. It’s smart business.

In Melania’s case, she’s stuck by her man for all these years, they created a very tall son together, who is now being targeted as the enemy by the libtards because they think he introduced his old man to the podcasts that helped him reach new audiences, even though those podcasts were all trump the last 5 years and he would have won regardless…she became first Lady Twice…it’s all pretty legendary, the things the SUGAR BABIES of instagram and ONLYFANS dream of, when all they are getting is free uber eats money for pussy pics.

Well, back in Y2k she was a near nude model in GQ with what look like bolt on tits she was more that willing to show off in exchange for her O-1 visa all the hot models get easily, because America needs HOT DNA to offset all the fat slops they’ve made with their fast foods and other poisons….

That picture is going viral….so here it is.

Posted in:Melania Trump




Melania Trump VS Trump’s Hand of the Day


We’ve all been there. A Cunty bitch who is totally unappreciative of all you’ve given her…from the fancy life, to the child, to the retirement plan, and even to the white house…this motherfucker made this bitch the First Lady of your Country…and she’s still gonna slap his hand away from him, either from disgust because he’s a pig, a pig she married, who is humiliating her and the family, despite her marrying him…going out to public and rejecting his mini hand…that’s cold…

It’s just a reminder that girls, if they are in a mood, with their periods, which are totally unnatural despite what feminists say….they will not give a fuck who’s watching who it is in front of…and they will tantrum…

But pussy is still so good though…

Posted in:Melania Trump|SFW




Melania Trump for GQ UK 15 Years Ago of the Day


I don’t like getting involved in the Trump debates, I think he’s just as surprised as anyone that he’s won. I don’t think he’ll live up to all the insane things he was saying. He’s just a marketer and understands that media attention is all you really need. Not to mention the media painted him as this brilliant CEO on TV, and America loves TV…it’s not shocking…not to mention – what a brilliant catch phrase or slogan…

I think protests would have happened no matter who won and I think Hillary Clinton has an evil vibe to her and shouldn’t be dropped into office because she has an alleged vagina, she’s done some corrupt shit and the proof is that any civil servant who is worth over 200 million dollars…is corrupt…more importantly she plays the “women and children” angle, but her actions in war have killed women and children…making the whole thing insane, but Hill-arious that at the end of her career – after climbing that HILL – Hillary lost to a mindless muppet….and I everyone says it’s because people generally like men in charge and think women are emo…but I think it’s because her campaign was weak, she’s not likeable, and she spent her time attacking Trump…instead of addressing the concerns he brought up…so dumb….but I was pretty sure she’d win…

I know…who cares about more Trump talk, or more protests by democrats who like to pretend they are PC and inclusive unless you don’t agree with them….in maybe they should have got off facebook and done something with their opportunity to do something – he may be shot at his swearing in…maybe the electoral college will collapse and Hillary will prosper…or maybe he’ll be a great president….

I do like that his First Lady, is a glamour model, but also that GQ 15 years ago used to take sleazy pics of girls – they justify it by saying “it’s the lad mag era”…instead of just admitting that they’ve gone weird millennial – almost gay – and not exploitative to women….you know as these things go…give into the market, take nudity out of Playboy, but repost the degrading photos of some Russian bride and her fake tits – because it’s topical…and hill-arious…

Here are those pics…

Posted in:Melania Trump|SFW




The Melania Trump Files of the Day


The big story of the week is that New York post posted Melania Trump pics from when she was Melania Knauss – before selling her soul to the devil for the life of luxury built on not paying suppliers…and basically being one of his possessions in her empty existence that made for real awkward interraction in public…especially considering she’s an immigrant, communist, hooker, who is anti – everything Trump spews out of his mouth as he makes shit up just to be heard as if he was a tool planted by the Clintons to create the first woman president, something I’ve been saying all along, because he’s a fucking cartoon…

But I don’t see how her doing nude pics in 1995 is really that big of a story, we all knew she was a whore, a gold digging whore and not a FASHION model anyone has ever heard of…so…I don’t see how this will do any damage to a campaign as racist and insane as his…I mean even he can’t believe he hasn’t been assassinated making fun of Muslim parents of fallen soldiers – the whole thing isn’t even interesting anymore, it’s just so dumb…

The funny thing in these pics is I remember the late 90s celebrity porn sites I’d visit had them all over the place, so I may have jerked off to them 20 fucking years ago…before I knew better and before she was a plastic surgery ridden tranny – I mean except for the tits…they were always fake…

Posted in:Melania Trump|SFW




Melania Trump Promoting Some Shit Her Husband Probably Paid For of the Day

Here are some tits promoting some cover of some bullshit it is safe to say her husband hooked up for her…that’s not to say she isn’t hot…or that I wouldn’t make her a trophy wife if I was a billionaire too…it is just to say that there are a lot of hot immigrant bitches out there…the only ones who get a head are the ones who fuck the right people…..Trump just makes a couple of calls and shit’s on lock…that’s the benefit of being both rich and famous…and lucky for you…you get to stare at her cleavage and experience a piece of something you will never experience….god diggers inspire me to make some gold…but then I remember drunks don’t have time for that.

Posted in:Melania Trump




Melania Trump Tits at a Fashion Night Out Event of the Day

High class, billionaire, hookers are my favorite.

Sure there’s a chance that she went for Trump and got pregnant with his baby because of real love. You know she found him charming, funny, engaging, interesting, attractive in his middle aged weight gain, maybe daddy issues lead to her wanting an older man to care for her….

But that chance is slim to fucking none.

She’s an immigrant model, he’s a billionaire. It’s safe to assume. It was strictly business transaction. Set for fucking life thru fucking is better than struggling by working…ya heard.

Posted in:Melania Trump