I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Michael Douglas Category




Michael Douglas Dresses Like Ellen for Halloween of the Day

I know he has cancer and may be dying. But I didn’t know that having cancer and possibly dying makes a motherfucker morph into Ellen. Seriously. This is freaking me out…but not nearly as much as when I first heard Catherine Zeta Jones, while in her prime, married this motherfucker…but I’m not the kind of bitter loser who hates a man and wishes cancer on a man for bedding and securing hot pussy…I figure if anything it makes me feel better about laughing at his cancer face knowing he’s the one who has the last laugh…especially since my drinking, smoking and eating HPV pussy track record makes me a prime candidate for the same fucking fate….except without the hot pussy to get chemo induced blowjobs from…

RIP Motherfucker, in advance…

Posted in:Michael Douglas