Since Russia Rigged Your Election – and everyone is crying about it – because your country is so weak that Russia has the ability to rig your election for you – something that should make you all very nervous if it is actually true – because that’s pretty fucking weak…
I guess if they can rig your election, and decide your president, they can probably do a lot more damage, especially since your country is so unstable and disliked….but I guess watching things self destruct is a better troll than just attacking a country….
I am not anti American, I just have a hard time believing that the country can allow Russia to decide who will win the election…if they did decide the election…maybe there should be a re-election…or maybe that’s what they are trying to get done…seems like fake news to me….blame Russia…
So to celebrate Russia and their rumored win, in a country that has been rigging elections in the middle east forever…the same country that created and trained Bin Landen and Sadam….only to create wars against those people…that you all paid for with your tax money…here’s some Russian actor, who rigged your American movies in the 90s….in Russian Elle…which is owned by an American country…GLOBALIZATION yo…
Posted in:Milla Jovovich|SFW