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Archive for the Miranda Kerr Category




Miranda Kerr’s Getting Lingerie Modeling Work of the Day

Miranda Kerr is a Victoria’s Secret reject, but not really, because before she got fired for fucking Justin Bieber after the Victoria’s Secret fashion show a few years ago, they made her a huge fucking star….but with all huge fucking stars, they lose sight of the privileged life they have, they feel untouchable, then they do stupid fucking things like give into their perversion, and fuck 18 year old hugely famous boys, without realizing that there could be consequences for her pervert, sexual deviant ass…

But the good news is that Victoria’s Secret are the industry leaders, and all these other latch-on brands who took a backseat to Victoria’s Secret in the mid 80s…will dig through their trash and scoop up any of their unwanted scraps hoping it is the missing piece in their program to get back on top….

And the reality is, they are probably all made by the same factories in third world countries…and all this is just flash in the pan to confuse you into thinking it matters…

But I’ll post the pics anyway…

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr for Harper’s Bazaar of the DAy

Miranda Kerr is on the program. The program is what I call girls who become models in order to date rich dudes because rich dudes are better than poor dudes, even if the models themselves already have a million dollars or more in the bank, despite being fired by their big earning client, because they had sex with Beiber….so basically she’s been out of Victoria’s Secret for 2 years now, and that means fucking Bieber cost her 3 million dollars or more, so in a way, she paid to have sex with Beiber…what a freak..

The good news is that this Single Mother will be fine…and there are billionaires willing to pick up the pieces of her broken heart…and finance a life of luxury…because when you’re a model with a 10 year long career, what the fuck else are you gonna do with yourself….

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr in Love Magazine’s Advent Calendar of the Day

The Love Magazine Advent Calendar that comes out every year HERE has officially started….and their first instalment was Miranda Kerr, who I guess they were giving a gift to, by putting her in something that at this point is relevant, that stars all the hottest models, and despite being old, useless, over and done and no longer part of an evil empire thanks to bad behavior, Miranda Kerr’s been given this olive branch, you know to make her feel like she’s still got it, still matters, and I like to think it’s all because of her breast implants…either way…it’s the Christmas Season…get ready for lonely girls looking for sex because they have no family…I know I am….they won’t look like Miranda Kerr, but they may have vaginas and that is usually all it takes to be good enough..right…

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr Poses With Herself for Glamour Spain of the Day

Miranda Kerr is some home-wrecker, ex-Victoria’s Model who once was with a famous actor making babies, because it was marketable, but boring, so she then fucked Bieber, and got fired from Victoria’s Secret, who has since been forced to figure out this cold scary world all alone, if you consider dating billionaire boyfriends who probably pay her lots of money, thanks to having some level of success, fame, money and child support, of her own, making her essentially a prostitute….I think she’ll be ok…at least looking at her ass in Glamour Spain…

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr for Wonderbra of the Day

Miranda Kerr is working for Wonderbra, because I guess Wonderbra wanted to give a fuck you to Victoria’s Secret by stealing their model – who they want nothing to do with since she’s a hooker….because Victoria’s Secret stole everything from Wonderbra…you see, if you know anything about bra wars, and I do, because I used to jerk off to bra catalogs when porn wasn’t accessible…Wonderbra dominated the good push up and cleavage…then Victoria’s Secret came in, destroyed, conquered and left Wonderbra for the 40 year olds…who missed the low grade Victoria’s Secret movement that is all hype…for nothing…when really we should focus on the slave labor they use to make your 50 dollar thong..

Doesn’t matter, either does Miranda Kerr..

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr’s Butt Shot of the Day

Everyone is freaking out about Miranda Kerr’s cleavage…while I am more into her butt shot that she posted…mainly because tits can be bought…and I guess in Miranda Kerr’s recently divorced and recently fired case…were bought…so that her billionaire boyfriends who have her on payroll have something to play with when she rolls through for her pay check…

You see even the models who work and have money do the whole sugar baby thing…and I guess when you look like Miranda Kerr, and you made all this money from your humble Australian roots, directly propelled to a celebrity of her own, all from selling her body to brands…selling her body to billionaires doesn’t even feel like she’s selling her body at all..it just feels like she’s worth it…and maybe she is…I know..this ass pic is pretty amazing..

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr Not Topless Enough of 7 for all Mankind of the Day

It is kind of funny to think that two homos are fighting over this girl, considering she’s not even that hot, and there are a million girls out there – that both of them could fuck – even the one who was married to her should know by now that she’s old fucking news. Even the brand that created her knows that she’s old news. She’s just a really really overrated…ex-Victoria’s secret hooker…which is kind of part of the job description, but they don’t really like to advertise it when said hooking happens with dudes who look 14…while you’re married…it’s bad for their “We are in every mall in America catering to everyone in America” branding…in fact they frown on you when you do that…and even fire you when you do that.

That said, she doesn’t need Victoria’s Secret, or Bieber or Orlando Bloom because she’s stillgetting work…this time topless for a Jeans company…just not topless enough because I can’t see her nipples.

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr’s Nipples for Elle Spain of the Day

I don’t care, so you probably don’t care…but Miranda Kerr brought out her implants in some fashion magazine that I assume she wasn’t paid for, but instead did because she can now show her nipples whenever the fuck she wants, as she’s not tied down to that pesky 3 million dollar Victoria’s Secret contract that was really holding her back in her career and not allowing her to do free shoots, when taking time off from fucking multiple billionaires…

I’ve heard she’s a horrible person by people she works with. I believe it. She’s got a weirdo face…but she is still an ex Victoria’s Secret model like Gisele, Heidi Klum and Tyra Banks before her, I am sure her demise is going to be just fine…and as long as there are nipples…I’ll notice, despite not caring…I’m just that kind of guy.

Apparently I POSTED THESE IN APRIL …I am better at this than I thought I was…

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr Titties for The Edit of the Day

If you’ve been wondering what Miranda Kerr has been up to since being fired from Victoria’s Secret for not being the wholesome mom they wanted her to represent, because she was busy being a horrible person banging someone who looked like he still breast fed and needed his mom…a little Bieber 2 years ago…

Well she’s been fucking billionaires as models do, she’s booked some campaigns and is still making money, not that she needs it since she fucks billionaires…and she’s also showing her new fake tits in some random magazine…but without the nipples…because the scars are probably healing…

I don’t know why I’m posting this alien…but I am.

Posted in:Miranda Kerr




Miranda Kerr is Low Maintenance of the Day

She’s so low maintenance that she needs a team of people to make her look like the bitch you see in the pictures…

But more importantly, she’s so low maintenance that billionaires wrestle over her…

Because models are only models in hopes of landing billionaires who want to add them to their collection..

Because billionaires really understand the needs of models, and models understand that billions of dollars buys nice things..

I’ve heard nothing but bad things about Miranda Kerr…and I believe them all..

Posted in:Miranda Kerr