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Archive for the Mischa Barton Category




Mischa Barton Weird Smoking Topless of the DAy


Mischa Barton posted a censored topless picture of herself on vacation somewhere – while smoking – to celebrate her broken life…with smoking – because that’s what you’re supposed to die but you don’t die during the years you were a drug addict after being a hugely successful show….you know a rich brat with demons. The worst.

She photoshopped or blurred her nipples out because she’s the worst kind of instagram hipster, out of touch and not quite ready to go full free that tit out there, even though the older bitches are usually the most eager to get topless because they’re looking for a little excitement, or maybe her nipples are the worst and she doesn’t want you to see it….

Whatever the reason, or the weird spiritual release she felt posting his pic, or the mental breakdown brewing inside her that this is a preview to, at least she’s not fat anymore because fat versions of girls are worse than their topless skinnier counterparts.

Posted in:Mischa Barton|SFW




Mischa Barton Bikini for Alton Sterling of the Day

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Social Justice Warrior Mischa Barton – who everyone forgot after the OC ended – leaving her with all the time and money in the world to do what made her happy – self medicating – to the point of rehab stints, a DEATH WATCH where we were convinced she was going to die – and then the fat years….all out of the public eye until Dancing with the Stars happened, and she got fit..maybe even sober…allowing her to pose in a bikini on a boat to express gun control, the future president and all things political about the state of America…because from a yacht…it’s pretty clear what changes need to be made for America to be less annoying for the rich…

With all things political…and about guns, AMerica is mad at Mischa for this – to the point she deleted it but the internet remembers all things…..ironically not Mischa Barton…until she does things like this…

I guess supporting ALton Sterling, calling the cops pigs in a bikini is cute…sexual…sexy but I just miss her cellulite ridden legs…what’s with this muscle tone…sad…

Posted in:Mischa Barton|SFW




Mischa Barton Braless Run Then Smoke of the Day

There was a time when Mischa Barton was more than just the poisoned 14 year old girl in the sixt sense – throwing up and dead that you masturbated to because you’re weird…

There was a time, when Mischa Barton was really about to die. She was on drugs, she was unshowered, she was partying, she was a self destructing mess, who was in an out of rehab, because I guess the OC, or her parents who got her in the OC, were too much for her little rich soul to handle….

But she’s a survivor, she made a comeback, she did Dancing with the Stars, she washes…she’s back to her average at best actress self…

So seeing her run – then take a smoke break – on her way to vote the other day – is magical – it makes me remember how good it is to be alive…


Posted in:Mischa Barton|SFW




Mischa Barton’s See Through Dress of the Day


Mischa Barton is a sheer top, that if you’re a virgin nerd you can probably see nipples in… because virgin losers who visit websites for the high res pics to visualize nipples on some of their favorite stars exist….I don’t really see the appeal in doing that..especailly when the person in the sheer top is Mischa Barton…

I figure it’s a story of going from star on a hit show, not the hot one but the main one, who fell apart into a dirty, unshowered sloppy mess from drinking…checking in and out of rehab…taking living the dream to the fucking dumpster…only to get back on track through dance…less sloppy…despite being older..

My only joke about Mischa Barton, who to some is a joke in and of herelf, is that she was at her hottest puking and dead under the bed in the Sixth Sense…which I guess isn’t a joke, but based on the sick people who visit this site…their absolute truth…

Posted in:Mischa Barton|SFW




Mischa Barton in a White Bikini of the Day

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In an exciting turn of events, Mischa Barton, the girl from the OC, who you probably remember jerking off to when she played the dead vomiting girl in “The Sixth Sense” because it reminded you of every girl you poisoned for sex….because it was the only way you could get sex….is in a bikini…

I call this back from the dead, or almost dead, when she was 45 pounds fatter, a whole lot sadder, medicating herself…into something I called the Mischa Barton Death watch…there was a short period of time where all these girls from Lohan to Britney to a few others could have swung either way…

I guess they chose life…because whining about life when you’re a fucking celebrity who had a hit show and now lots of money and access by the age of 25 is pretty entitled, spoiled and obnoxious…

You want real suicide, try working a real job at minimum wage where no one respects you and you’re so exhausted because you can barely pay off debt…have some real problems you brat…


Posted in:Mischa Barton|SFW




Mischa Barton Almost Died of the Day


Remember Mischa Barton…well, she fell.

There was a time when I was doing a Mischa Barton death watch, it was so exciting thinking that any day she’d die, but they never die…

But I guess in her death watch’s defence, you know she’s dead without being dead…as no one cares about her, and I’d argue that no one under the age of 30 even knows who the fuck she is…

The good years were when she was fat, unshowered, probably drunk or on drugs for at least a year or two after the OC…fame had got the best of her, and every time she’d leave her house, in soiled clothing, with her dead eyes, I would get excited thinking “maybe today”…I’m a sick person…

But I guess with this fall, we can hope the decline is back, the good years over, the demons back out and getting at her like she was Lohan, but never quite as hot, famous, or amazing breasted as Lohan…


Posted in:Mischa Barton|SFW




Mischa Barton’s Nipslip of the Day


Mischa Barton was not at Coachella, because she’s 35 and over it…

But there was a time when Mischa Barton was Coachella…you know where her everyday life involved her doing Coachella type things, like drugs and laziness, all while dressed like a dirty fucking hippie, but designer, even though she was unshowered and disgusting…a disgusting that she’s been able to carry on with her into her years of irrelevance, that may show glimmer of a comeback, or maybe that’s just me being distracted by her nipple that she’s showing off because she doesn’t give a fuck and it’s just a nipple you virginss…

I guess it gives you Mischa Barton fans something to jerk off to besides her puking scene from under the bed in The Sixth Sense…which is really where she peaked….

She’s a survivor…because there was a point in time she really looked like she was going to die..then she got really fat….and now she’s back…for Coachella, not at Coachella, with nipples…because she’s a human and humans have nipples…


Posted in:Mischa Barton