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Archive for the Natalie Dormer Category




Natalie Dormer Goes to Events of the Day

Natalie Dormer is some Game of Thrones girl people want to fuck, because Game of Thrones is a huge show and Natalie Dormer is the hot girl in it…all thanks to people like fairies and dragons and scifi/fantasy….and mainly thanks to scifi/fantasy dudes liking girls…because they never get to fuck them..as they are too shy to talk to them…until they use their nerd powers to invent something massive, become billionaires, and model pussy throws itself at them….

But then again, there are a lot of nerds with no nerd work ethic, or no nerd intelligence, they just sit in the basement eating junk food, playing videogames, watching movies, talking to other nerds passionately about banal shit that doesn’t matter while chronically masturbating…not showering..and stinking up the god damn bus with their unshowered cum soaked pathetic lives…They also like Natalie Dormer….

Here she is at Zoolander 2…or did they do something clever and call it Zoolander TOO…or something more fashion oriented, a movie that offends me at its core because it reminds me that Hollywood is out of ideas, doesn’t take risks, and run after bullshit repeat business, even if the stars of said repeat business are old, boring and the joke is done…

But at least Natalie Dormer showed cleavage…she’s got a weird face…


Posted in:Natalie Dormer|SFW




Natalie Dormer for Women’s Health of the DAy


Natalie Dormer rhymes with boner…enough…is some Game of Thrones slut…and now she’s in Women’s Health….because sometimes Sluts can be cast as women due to their vagina…

Not that I know whether or not she has a vagina, or that she’s a slut, I’ll just assume she does because she’s on TV and people on TV are sluts…attention seeking sluts…why else would they have the need or want to be on TV…as an “actor”…what went wrong in her life that made her decide to not be a Social Worker or School teacher or whatever it is women do, but instead take on acting, the most vapid and useless, but well paid and glamour of jobs…clearly to live the good life, with rich people…fame feels good…like constant sex and reaffirmation…it must be that…who knows, maybe I’ll read the Women’s Health bullshit low quality interview…but I prefer the bullshit, low quality…pictures…her butt looks healthy to me…and womanly….like a slut…who says “look at my ass, that’s why I’m posed like this”…not a lady…who keeps her ass out of the frame…


Posted in:Natalie Dormer|SFW




Game Of Thrones Girls in Magazines of the Day


I don’t watch Game of Thrones. I don’t find the girls on Game of Thrones hot, but I have a feeling that there are a lot of virgin losers, I’m talking to you, who love everything about these girls, strictly because they are on Game of Thrones, and your whole love affair with dragons, and fairies amd all that other bullshit, fantasy, virgin loser stuff outweighs everything about these girls…and that fantasy shit is the reason you created a shrine in your basement, where you plan on marrying the blow-up doll version of one of these girls…because that’s what very very very lonely people do…

So here is Natalie Dormer for SELF Magazine

Here’s Emilia Clarke for Hollywood Reporter…where she announced that she turned down the Fifty Shades of Grey part because she doesn’t like being naked…which translates into Emilia Clarke doesn’t matter….but here are her pics anyway because I guess a new sexon is about to happen…

Posted in:Emilia Clarke|Natalie Dormer




Natalie Dormer for Some Magazine of the Day

Her name is Natalie Dormer. She is on Game of Thrones. I don’t watch game of thrones. I find wizards and dragons dumb as shit. I would watch game of thongs though, only if it involved me sniffing unsuspecting thongs, either on girls or off, to determine how many days they’ve been worn. But that is because I am weird.

Now she is in some magazine.


That’s all i have to say about that.

Posted in:Natalie Dormer




Natalie Dormer Panty Flash of the Day

Natalie Dormer flashed her panties. I guess this is a big deal because the entire world is obsessed with Game of Thrones. So seeing her panties filled with her vagina meat, some of which is spilling out like an overstuffed pizza pocket, or sandwich you feel you just landed a great deal on, is probably exciting to some of you…I’m just bummed they aren’t sheer or even cum stained enough. I’ve just see so many panty flashes in the last 10 years, that another one on the list doesn’t really inspire….but I’ll still look because a girl’s panties are more interesting to stare at than her face….or whatever you’re supposed to look at when she’s fully clothed and not spreading her legs.

Posted in:Natalie Dormer




Natalie Dormer for Hunger Games Poster of the Day

I don’t watch bullshit movies like Hunger Games. I don’t watch bullshit like Game of Thrones. I am too cool for that mainstream, mass appeal, shows that bring people together and that give people something to talk about at the water cooler, to add meaning to their otherwise meaningless lives. It’s just a distraction…

So I don’t know who Natalie Dormer is. I don’t know if she’s hot or not, because she’s looking average to me, but I guess that’s just the hollywood hustle, real hot girls are doing better things than acting, like bedding rich dudes.

She also did FHM….these are the pics….

Posted in:Natalie Dormer




Natalie Dormer for April’s GQ of the Day

I don’t watch Game of Thrones, but thanks to the internet I know that it starts next week now that the Zombie one is over, because all the peasants who are into this TV shit on my feeds have made sure I know it…

I don’t ono what her character is, I just know this is marketing for the premiere, but I can tell you one thing…she has a lesbian hipster haircut this season…and if that’s not exciting, maybe these pics are cuz she is kinda hot…

Posted in:Natalie Dormer




Natalie Dormer for Esquire of the Day

I don’t watch Game of Thrones…because despite being a shitty blogger…a job that is pretty humiliating to have…or to ever tell people you have…because blogs are designed for 15 year old girls…and people into RPG shit…not drunk addicts who fuck hookers and hate their wives…who are supposed to be too busy self destructing and getting aids to waste time on shit like this….I hate nerd shit..

I hate sci/fi…I hate fantasy…I hate fairies and fucking dragons…and I hate anything that is popular because it means the masses of retards are buying into it…

So Natalie Dormer doesn’t exist to me, but she does to Esquire and she’s in her panties…yay…I guess..

Posted in:Natalie Dormer




Natalie Dormer For Esquire of the DAy

She’s some 31 year old from Game of Thrones and she;’s looking kinda hot…even if she’s from the UK and statistically not hot…the photographer managed to pull it together for her in a way her virgin nerds fans who watch Game of Thrones will be able to jerk off to her, even if they had no problem jerking off to her in her sci/fi fantasy hustle, because let’s face it, that’s kinda what virgin look for in a girl…because sci/fi fantasy is all they know or care about…..

I know Game of Thrones is mainstream as shit and suburbanites watch the shit too, but when it comes to Fantasy, it’s alway more fun to single out the virgins…

Posted in:Natalie Dormer