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Archive for the Natalie Portman Category




Natalie Portman for Harper’s Bazaar of the Day


I once wrote, but you didn’t ready, that I always laugh when I see Natalie Portman, only because she’s got so many gold stars of David next to her brandname…

The first being Jewish. Jewish guys fucking love hot Jewish girls, it gives them hope that they too will find a hot one amongst the inbred troll looking ones…since there are only so many Jewish girls around…and as we know…any culture has a limited amount of hot girls and the hot girl to troll girl ratio is never favorable….When you’re not forced to marry a Jewish girl to make your family happy, you have more options…so the hot Jewish girl’s stock is valuable..she’s in high demand…

That is why even the fattest most disgusting Jewish girl is a daddy’s girl with a bad attitude, because she knows she’ll be fine…married and mom…to a rich guy….

The second gold star of David is that she’s also done Star Wars…which is just a WTF..set for life…fanbase forever situation…

Here she is in Harper’s Bazaar…

Posted in:Natalie Portman|SFW




Natalie Portman’s Mom Nipples Still Going of the Day


I saw these pics of Natalie Portman with her hard or puffy looking pre-pubescent nipples because bra’s are so uncomfortable and dated…I mean this isn’t the 50s motherfuckers…let them tits breathe…

I always laugh when I see Natalie Portman, only because she’s got so many gold stars next to her brand…

The first being Jewish, because Jewish guys fucking love hot Jewish girls, it gives them hope that they too will find a hot one amongst the inbred troll looking ones…since there are only so many Jewish girls around…and as we know…any culture has a limited amount of hot girls, but when you’re not forced to marry a Jewish girl to make your family happy, you have the choice of hot girls across all platforms, races and cultures and citizenships….I can go to the third world and pick out a babe out of a village and make her make me babies…but a Jewish guy needs it to be a Jewish village and the chances of him getting the hot girl in the JEwish village is slim…she’s in high demand…

This same logic, is why even the fattest Jewish girl is a daddy’s girl bitch…she’ knows she’ll be fine…married and mom…

She’s also done Star Wars…which is just a WTF..set for life…fanbase..

Now she’s not into bras…I don’t even want to know how many 30 – 40 year olds jerked off to these pics..

That harlot..


Posted in:Natalie Portman|SFW




Natalie Portman Being Slutty for Perfume of the Day



I always get in trouble for Natalie Portman posts, because Jewish people are very sensitive. Probably because of the whole Nazis wiping them out thing.

That said, I always say that Natalie Portman is the poster Jewish girl, for Jewish guys everywhere to fantasize about, because Jewish guys need to marry Jewish girls in order to have Jewish babies, and any Jewish guy I know pretends that they don’t care about that shit, but in the end always end up with Jewish girls…

Now if you’ve ever seen Jewish girls, there are either really hot ones, or really ugly ones…probably like all breeds of human…but the really ugly ones, think they are really hot, because they know they will land a husband to make them babies because that’s just the way of the Chosen people. Not to mention they rich and spoiled and when rich and spoiled there is no real concept of beauty…it’s all clouded by delusion.

All this to say, I am usually more harsh about Natalie Portman being the star jewish girl, that the guys stuck with the troll Jewish girls…wish they could have…because she’s hot…even after a kid…especially in a professional shoot…making sex faces…

All this to say, I love Jewish girls, even the troll Jewish girls because they normally laugh at my jokes, except when said jokes are about Jewish girls, in which case they hate me…for a few days…but get over it when bigger problems happen, like stepping in a puddle with their brand new UGGS or some shit….

Posted in:Natalie Portman