I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Obama Girl Category




Obama Girl in Costume for Obama of the Day

You know that in this Obama Bitch’s head she’s got some kind of delusion about her place in the world. You know she goes to parties and tells people that she’s actually had something to do with Obama winning the election because she got half naked in a Youtube video that was timed properly and millions of people saw her Kim Kardashian face in action.

So in reality, Obama made this bitch relevant to have pictures of her in some slutty outfit next to his cardboard cutout do the internet rounds, which wouldn’t be the first time a black man makes a girl dance and now this one trick pony has a fun future ahead of her, at least for the next 8 years, singing her Obama song to anyone willing to listen, because the truth is that she had no impact on the election, but the election will have a huge impact on her and be her biggest curse when she can’t live her useless role in it down….

My biggest curse, working on a computer I dropped, that was a piece of shit in the first place and trying to distract myself long enough to not walk away and drink, which I think I’ve lost to the battle to my urge because I am leaving now to go drink…..I’ll be back though, unless I die, which is always possible.

Here’s Her I Got a Crush on Obama Song…..

Posted in:Obama|Obama Girl