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Archive for the Olivia Ponton Category




Olivia Ponton Slutty Dress of the Day

Olivia Ponton is some 19 year old TikTok girl that they call a model, and she’s in some revealing dress to show off that skinny body, which as a small tit enthusiast I don’t really mind, it’s her face that’s throwing me off in a cro magnon, early man kind of way, but that’s just me not liking big dopey ape like heads, it’s a matter of personal preference and I am allowed to have mine!

The funny thing about Ponoton, along with being an SI SWIM MODEL while SI SWIm tries to cloutchase and get the younger crowd in a “How do we appeal to Gen Z” – “cast TikTokers as your swim models”, basic, boring, obvious, but whatever, the funny thin about Ponoton is that she’s actually got 4 sets of nipples down her milk line through her mid-section, that I don’t think anyone has told her are nipples, or that she just assumes are birth marks, or that she knows are nipples for the supplementary nipple fans!

I have three nipples, I’m sure I’ve mentioned in many times before, it basically defines me, and humiliated me at 14 when the doctor told me what it was, so I know how these things look and I can tell you with confidence she’s got em!

The funny thing about supplemental nipples, especially when you’ve got them down your entire body like a freakish cat, is that no one flags them as a part of the free the nipple movement, or as NSFW!

It’s one of those where her tits are lacking, her nipples made up for it, but in a terrible way!

At least she’s skinny!


Posted in:Olivia Ponton




Olivia Ponton No Tits But 4 Nipples of the Day

Olivia Ponton is the envy of all the TIKTOK dancers because they like the way she throws the fuck down….

I am a firm believer that TikTok is the fall of society because it has been designed so fucking well to make sure that it worked….

So now people are celebrated for posting awkward 6 second videos of them being ridiculous….

The content for the most part lacks creativity, lacks a message, lacks inspiration….but gets MILLIONS of views…because mindless sheep just scroll through the shit being brainwashed and clearly DUMBED the fuck down….

I don’t care that these girls make millions doing so little, I’m more concerned about it being a fucking weapon to destroy civilization, but maybe I’m being dramatic….

Anyway, Olivia Ponton, who proved that TITS may get HITS for those who lack the “It factor”….because her NON TITS AT ALL managed to get her where she wanted to go….TITS ARE NOT EVERYTHING….so it’s important to celebrate that on TINY TIT TUESDAY as they try to make us thing that BIG TITS ARE EVERYTHING….

So yeah, I’ve got three nipples, it’s an ailment, maybe a retardation, definitely something I didn’t realize I had until I was old enough to be ashamed by it because it’s fucking weird….I just thought it was a birthmark….but at a check-up at 15 or 16 having a doctor tell you “you have three nipples”….you end up being “I am never taking my shirt off agaiN”….

So I know how to SPOT extra nipples on people, I AM ONE WITH OLIVIA PONTON…

The triple nip is rare, QUAD NIP is almost unheard of… but I am 99 percent sure that PONTON’s got 4 nipples, strange since she’s got more NIPS than tits…and if she did have tits, the two stray nipples could have potentially been covered by a bikini, but since she’s got no tits…those nips are just on the milkline midway down her chest.

There’s a FETISH in this somewhere, maybe it makes those not PRIVVY to the power of the multiple nipples, you know since I have one and feel it’s my SOURCE of anything clever that I write on here….I still find them freakish…

But if she is now called out officially on her MULTI-NIPS…she may become the INFLUENCER in the space…

We’ve got Downs Syndrome models, fat chick models, bald models, amputee models, acne models, the list of ailments is fucking endless in a victim society of narcissists who over share everything gross about them….

BUT we don’t have multi-nip influencers…sure Marky Mark, Lily Allen, Carrie Underwood, Zac Efron, Joanna Krupa have all said they have THREE nips, but I haven’t seen any PRESS releases from corporate brands announcing how proud they are of their work in the MULTI_NIPPLE world…

All this to say…MORE TO SUCK ON…..or more to to have your babies you imagine making her to suck on….like a litter of cats…if you think she’s hot….which you may…I mean she is half naked girl afterall…


Posted in:Olivia Ponton




Olivia Ponton Bikini Cringe of the Day

Olivia Ponton is an 18 or 19 year old “Model” or TikToker, so I am that pervert who talks about 18 or 19 year old tiny tits in a bikini, because I am all for a small fit girl with small fit tits not looking too much like a muppet with botched surgeries like so many other girls on the internet pretending to be hot through filters and shit…

She’s from Florida, living in LA with her lucrative model contract with some model agency we’ll assume isn’t a low key trafficking network, but I am sure a deep dig into the model agency industry would bring up a few skeletons in the closet. Anytime I hear a girl was discovered at the mall, I think, who the fuck is the creep at the mall approaching teen girls and promising them the dream life…

She was in the Kardashian SKIMS campaign, so you know she’s dialled into the whole EVIL empire thing…as I am firm believer that the Kardashians were brought here to actually destroy a generation with their vapid, uselessness..where everything is about monetizing and money and the people buy into it…

It is possible that the point of the Kardashians wasn’t just to destroy the younger generation female..and I guess male…but it was also to normalize the tranny look since they all look like they could have been born with dicks, or maybe all trannies look like they could have been born Kardashian…

Ponton is probably an actual girl, but you can never be too sure, I was on reddit earlier and saw a decent posed ass, only to swipe to the next pic to see the boner, and swiped again to see a dick in that ass, with said boner….the internet has its trickery…

Anyway, skinny girl in a bikini, always a good thing, I support the skinny girls of the world, we need more of them, so tell the fatties in your life to SIT UP….50 times in 12 sets 5 times a day.


Posted in:Olivia Ponton