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Archive for the OnOff Category




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

If you’re going to post a nude, you sure as fuck better post a non nude, so that us perverts can cross reference things to get a more comprehensive look at your nude, otherwise, you’re just telling a half story and no ONE likes those, unless the half story is about the many things the girl can insert in her vagina….you know more of a picture book than one you read…in which case the half story is alright…but for a straight nude, let’s see how well you live up to your fashion sense…



Posted in:OnOff




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

This is probably the best thing I post all week, it’s girls, everyday girls just trying to either have a good time or get ahead in life on the internet with nudes, both noble fucking causes, because nudes are thrilling, exciting and fun and basically ANYONE can do them….but more importantly the everyday girl nude takes attention from the shitty celebrity or influencer nudes and I am all for that kind of equality because so many hot chicks out there that I want to see naked aren’t famous enough on their social channels to get nude enough for me to ever see it….until I realized that everyday girls, who are hotter than celebs by default, since they aren’t shitty celebs, even if they are trying to get that audience…they’re doing it through nudes..

I like the on/off because I want to know what a bitch dresses like before seeing her vagina, but also I like to see how good she lives up to her public image body-wise, because that’s what’s important…it also makes us feel like we’re part of some exclusive club even though it’s just put out there for all to see..and my praise of the on/off is irrelevant because I am irrelevant…BUT…that doesn’t mean they aren’t any less amazing.

So here’s a bunch of ON/OFF…because I am a fan of the On/Off…


Posted in:OnOff




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

It’s Friday….and Fridays are for On/Off flashers…which is the on pic vs the off pic all the same time pic..

In this porned up generation of sex positivity, or what they pretend is sex positivity to angle as a reason for being clickbait people jerk off to …because it is less about sex positivity and more about being perverted fucking addicts into seeing themselves as sex objects….

You know fighting to be the girl amongst all the other girls that is being jerked off to by dudes to feel as validated as they already feel because they only masturbate and fuck in front of the mirror because they love themselves…

Not that I am against this On/Off flasher behavior, I think it’s amazing and I’ve wanted to see every woman I’ve ever met fully nude since as long as I can remember and now a good percentage of them are bringing it…..THANKS…

They don’t need a catch phrase or excuse to being naughty narcissists who like being naked…they can just do it knowing that If you are given the option to see a girl naked or clothed, we’ll all choose naked…and the clothing make for a good reference point for us to really know what we are dealing with….

It’s great.


Posted in:OnOff




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

So you probably already know what an On/Off is, so I’m going to write you a novel explaining it to you, despite you already knowing, because my take, that I take, every fucking week when I do this post…is really not that enlightening, interesting, even funny…

I mean there really isn’t FUNNY in girls posting side-by-side pics of themselves in clothes and naked, or less clothed, depending how keen the slut involved is….but there is FUN in girls posting these side-by-sides…it’s the best game ever, one they should implement instead of college, because seeing clothing vs no clothing enlightens us…it helps us see what’s really there…on a philosophical level….it’s DEEP man…but also technical…in that we can see what fabric technologies can do to help women mislead people by making themselves look better…it’s that WHO DONE IT MYSTERY of does she look better or worse….presented to us in an easy way to understand…in PICTURE form, which is why you should be looking at the damn pictures by now, I hope you’re looking at the damn picture by now…

Spoiler Alert…the NUDES are always better, even when they look worse, because they are nude and it’s nice to have the side-by-side to know it’s really a nude.


Posted in:OnOff




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

The nice thing about the internet being filled with clout chasers, you know from politicians to celebrities, influencers to youtubers, cam girls and porn chicks, regular people and reddit stock brokers, everyone wants to be a big deal on the internet, since internet is life…

Luckily, people have realized getting naked is the best way to get attention, the more naked you are the more attention you get, and the whole being lewd or nude for clicks is just seen as self promotion….when before it was looked down upon by society as a whole…now it’s ok cuz we’re all a bunch of sluts…

So the ON/OFF pic, which is the clothing on vs the clothing off….the dressed vs undressed…is just people’s FB profile pic….or will be soon…just so you know what you’re dealing with….as of now…the on/off is something everyone has on their phone of themselves, just not something everyone posts up on twitter….but they will…which is great cuz on/off’s are awesome…

I like to celebrate the phenomenon of girls posting 1 picture featuring them clothed and unclothed, side by side…brilliant…masterful….


Posted in:OnOff




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

On/Off flashing is the fun and playful way to be an internet exhibitionist who gets naked on the internet for whatever reason, there are a few…including trying to get fame, clout, attention….trying to get revenge against exes or bullies in a “Fuck you, I’m hot and naked on the internet”….to just wanting to feel validated by crowdsourcing their nudes to get that feedback…and even just the thrill of being naughty little vixen uploading a nude…imagine what the people will think…so edgy..

I love any and all those reasons and I am a big supporter and advovate of all women getting nudes, and if On/Offs are a gateway to get them there…you know a fun online challenge I fucking dig it…

I also like to see what the on vs the off difference are…I like to be surprised and disappointed and really look at the outfits in the on to see how they manipulate the outcome of the off…it’s a good time..

So some people are ambassadors for charitable causes, I am an ambassdador for this…it’s a self appointed position and not an actual organization I am spearheading…but with all the on/offs of the internet…maybe we should look into making it a reality show competition….sounds like too much effort to make it official…when the volume of nudes makes it already VERY official……


Posted in:OnOff




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

On/Off….Clothed/Unclothed….SIDE BY SIDE images of a girl in clothing and that same girl naked so that you see how her tits actually hang, how her gunt actually looks, how her ass actually looks handles gravity when out of the shapewear…or really any clothing…

I am sure all this shit is being photoshopped a few times over before they upload it, meaning they might as well be in clothing since their nude bodies are altered to the point of “it’s a cartoon version of the nude body”….but it’s still a naked body that and that’s good enough for me….I’ll buy into the modifications to make themselves look better…what difference does it make to me…all these bitches are to me are pixels on a screen…

In conclusion, naked is always better even when it’s not…


Posted in:OnOff




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

On/Off is a great way to end the week, even though I have posts lined up for the weekend but getting on the computer on the weekend is an idiotic concept….but a brilliant concept is the on/off side by side….

I like to know what girls look like clothed and naked in one shoteven if all the girls uploading pics to the internet, even your mom, are photoshopping their shit..but I believe in the lie, since internet is life bro….especially when you know what these girls look like in person now that they are all jacking up their faces to look like their instagram photoshopped pics because they know the internet is a more important place for them amongst strangers than that whole real life thing….

The nice thing about on/off is that some girls look better clothed than nude and vice versa because life is unpredictable like that. It’s a roll of the dice man.


Posted in:OnOff




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

ON/OFF Flashing is pretty important work being conducted by bored women everywhere to keep themselves entertained and possibly paid…because everyone likes a good “Poll” and every narcissist likes a good poll about them…and what better poll than saying “what do you like better, nude or clothed”….inviting us into their lives on an intimate level..despite not knowing each other or ever knowing each other which is basically the intimacy our society has accepted as normal….because we get to see what they look like covered up and naked to decide if clothing helps their cause….whatever that cause is…but likes, follows, money for nudes, it’s all a dopamine release for the people involved.


Posted in:OnOff




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…but On/Offs aren’t just for Christmas, if anything there’s only a few Christmas themed On/Offs because I guess these bitches who want you to see them clothed and unclothed in the same picture lack the HOLIDAY spirit, even though I am sure a bunch of them are begging their fans to send them money for their hard work selling nude selfies…since it is the season of giving, but I don’t fuck with any of that…I am a FREE PORN kind of guy…I don’t think the capitalist approach to porn is one I am interested in…and I’ve never paid for porn, not even in the DVD era, I mean I may have rented porn a few times in the 90s, but that’s hardly paying for porn…

I also don’t consider sex work to be a real work, even if EVERYONE is on it cuz it is trendy….I think all these girls are chasing likes and follows and thus SHOULD be giving that content away from FREE, like they have since the inception of social media…where girls got rich as fuck just being sluts for free…make the corporations pay them, not the loser end consumer trying to jack off…

But I will say, in trying to build up their fanbase to sell shit like their dirty panties to, they do some creative enough shit, even if it’s not that creative to partake in a trending challenge 1000s of girls do, some daily…it’s creative enough because I want to see the clothed version vs the naked version….which is why On/Offs are so great…


Posted in:OnOff