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Brooke by Sarah Fountain of the Day


Her name is BROOKE NASH , she’s an australian model who has posted her email to her instagram, so that you can send her love letters…something that you’re used to, only this time they won’t be to prison inmates who are the only women who write you back since they have little going on….and they probably won’t get you arrested since you’re in another country…but they will still probably creep you out…

She’s in this bikini shoot for a photographer named SARAH FOUNTRAIN , not sure what the pics are for, I just know that they are awesome, but then again, they feature a babe in a bikini in an ideal setting…what’s not to fucking like…when your life is a miserable series of fat chick and grey thanks to that cloud of sad over your pathetic, failure head…….right?

via C-Heads

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Jesy Johnston by Drew Haran of the Day

Her name is @JESYJOHNSTON and she’s in some pics by @DREWHARAN because that’s what hot girls do…they let people take pictures of them…so people like you can look and stare and wonder why your life went wrong…or try to make it better so that one day a girl like this will wake up next to you…

I would suggest you try to make yourife better…and I’ll get you started with these pics…

I know, I’m a hero…

That’s all.

Posted in:Photos




Brianna Olenslager is Naked for Paul Beattie of the Day


I don’t know who this photographer PAUL BEATTIE and I don’t know who this model who I follow on instagram named BRIANNA OLENSLAGER … I just know that they are part of the new, DIY movement…where models don’t need agencies or magazines anymore…and photographers don’t need to get paid anymore…they just need instagram…to add to their portfolio…it’s enough of an excuse to do a topless shoot..

And for someone who spent the better part of the 90s nad 2000s to get girls naked…this right here..is magic to me…

I call it naked for free…in hopes of launching a career and getting noticed…but still naked…and I like it.

Via Sticks And Stones

Posted in:Photos




Cute Australian Models by Janneke Storm of the Day


Their names are Kristina and SUZY …I am going to assume they are Australian models, because that’s what I want to do, even if they aren’t Australian models….they are being shot by janneke Storm who is a photographer out of Australia….

Now I am pretty into Australian girls, because for the most part, at least the ones I see on the internet and not the toothless backwoods crocodile hunting ones…or the white trash in the trailer park with no teeth and bad leathery skin ones….are fucking hot, fun, like to party and most importantly, put out…

So I’m all for looking at pics of them being cute for whatever the fuck this is, because it’s better than buying a plane ticket only to realize that everything you ever dreamt of Australian girls was a lie…they aren’t cool and down to fuck while drunk…in fact, like Americans they are disgusted by you too…

Posted in:Photos




Art Provocative Shoots Hot Lesbians of the Day


My friend ART PROVOCATIVE is an Australian photographer who I’ve featured before…who subsidizes his income in a far more interesting way than regular photographers who turn to weddings and Walmart family portraits, by shooting sex workers in Australia…because Back Pages need images to sell the girls who are selling themselves or their bodies…

Now I don’t know if River & Phoenix are some of his “sex workers”…but they are lesbians, and as someone who expects lesbians to be boot wearing, fat and scary, dick eating and not in a good kind of dick eating…but in a “I was raped and now hate dick, and must use all my lesbian powers to fight dick” kind of way…this is impressive…

It is up on the college girl experimenting with college girls only in this case it stuck kind of lesbians…and I figured I’d post the pics…because why the fuck not…

Posted in:Photos




Plus Sized Models in Lingerie to Celebrate Overeating on Easter of the Day

The world is getting fatter and fatter, so if you’re a marketer, you’re probably better off using fat chicks, now that they are the norm instead of the overly skinny chick that no one can relate to…at least not fat chicks…

As someone who has historically hated fat chicks, mainly because I married a fat chick, who got fatter and fatter as the years went on, to the point where I have to wiper her ass so that she doesn’t stain or already stained couch…I have a reason for it…

Fat, is the slow suicide, that we all know will end in premature death, but in my wife’s case, it is not premature enough…

SO instead of encouraging fitness, or health, throw in the fucking towel, and say “Love your body, we’ve all gotta die sometime, why not enough your time here, eating cake, because you can thanks to lingerire that fits”…

Now, I’m not against fat girls, they fuck the best, suck the best, and are easy…and availbale…because they hate themselves even when they celebrate themselves…in what I can only assume are lies..

If anything, this video and campaign is kinda porn to me..and I have never really been a BBW kind of guy…I guess when everyone is fat, you just need to accept it…and jerk off to it.

The models include: Ashley Graham, Marquita Pring, Candice Huffine, Victoria Lee, Justine Legault and Elly Mayday photographed by Cass Bird.

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Hipster Tits for Art of the Day


A Day is Not a Day….unless a hipster chick thinks she’s doing some higher purpose art project by releasing topless pics of herself to the internet…to show the world how comfortable she is with her body and in her sexuality…because she grew up on porn…and tits aren’t a big deal compared to what is out there…

This is the future generation, tits everywhere, tits for hits…and I fucking love it, even if I don’t really care who the tits belong to…because that requires too much emotional investment…

Posted in:Photos




Google Maps Titty Flash of the Day


I know that today is the day of stupid stunts but this Australian girl with massive tits goes to show us, that if you want to prank the world, you can do it any day, as long as the Google Maps Street View Camera is driving by…

I don’ know her name..but she said:

“I look at Google Maps a lot and I wanted to be on there and I thought this is the way to do it,” Davis told the Port Pirie Recorder. “I also did it for a friend in the United Kingdom. Now he can see me all the time.”

But I see her tits…

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Models Pretending to do Sports for Vogue of the Day


Here are some models in Vogue named: Vanessa Axente, Adriana Lima, Karmen Pedaru, Cameron Russell, Joan Smalls, & Caroline Trentini…they are all overpaid idiots…and they are pretending to do fitness, or be athletes for Vogue, when we all know…the key to a model body is starvation…and that starvation leads to no energy and a bitchy attitude with no room for fitness..but always room for cocaine and coffee to give them enough fuel to get through photoshoots and late night parties…..

Posted in:Photos




Hipster Bush for Purple Magazine of the Day


Save Your Bush, Don’t Shave Your Bush….that has been my philosophy for pretty much as long as I can remember, because bush is beautiful, bush is amazing, bush is a vagina fashion accessory that makes the vagina it’s own unique and amazing place…bush is erotic, bush is exciting and I’ve made girls grow out their bush for years…because they have been programmed to think that bald is beautiful, maybe from watching too many cancer commercials..

Either way, this hipster was in some magazine called Paper, which is a fashion magazine, reminding me of the exciting new trend, that is an old trend, that is bush….it is back, it is good, I want to braid my beard in it and stick my face in it…I love it…like it was my own, even though I hate everything that is my own…

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