I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Pia Mia Perez Category




Pia Mia Perez Ass in a Bikini of the Day

I once wrote that Pia Mia Perez is some obnoxious product of stage parents from Guam or some other bullshit..that turned her into some tumblr, instagram, superstar with a huge fan base…that I guess she has converted with her team into a record deal, because I guess, like most girls who want to be whored out to the media, can sing…as well as get naked or half naked for fans and followers…something that is both amazing and the problem with the world we live in..

Well now she’s being absorbed in the hip hop world…and she’s slated to be the next Rihanna, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj…who all fuck big black dick…because in case you didn’t realize Drake and Kanye are basically today’s “Christina Aguilera Genie in the Bottle”…and to make them seem like less faggot than they are…they need to pepper their shit with choruses by twats like this…tiny body, but the twat of a big girl…who can fill it up with hopes and dreams…

I stand by that….

She’s a social media superstar, has a strong fan base, isn’t happy with the millions she probably makes in Youtube money, and now wants a legit career…and it is working…typical…

Pia Mia Perez Bikini - 1

Pia Mia Perez Bikini - 2

She looks like a Kylie Jenner…but I guess that’s what all these young hookers look like now…fascinating…

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Posted in:Pia Mia Perez|SFW




Pia Mia Perez in a Music Video of the Day

Pia_Mia_Perez_Set of Do it Again Music Video Malibu 62015 (1)

Pia_Mia_Perez_Set of Do it Again Music Video Malibu 62015 (3)

Pia_Mia_Perez_Set of Do it Again Music Video Malibu 62015 (5)

Pia Mia Perez is some obnoxious product of stage parents from Guam or some other bullshit..that turned her into some tumblr, instagram, superstar with a huge fan base…that I guess she has converted with her team into a record deal, because I guess, like most girls who want to be whored out to the media, can sing…as well as get naked or half naked for fans and followers…something that is both amazing and the problem with the world we live in..

Well now she’s being absorbed in the hip hop world…and she’s slated to be the next Rihanna, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj…who all fuck big black dick…because in case you didn’t realize Drake and Kanye are basically today’s “Christina Aguilera Genie in the Bottle”…and to make them seem like less faggot than they are…they need to pepper their shit with choruses by twats like this…tiny body, but the twat of a big girl…who can fill it up with hopes and dreams…

Here some of her shit music:

Here she is covering Rihanna



Posted in:Pia Mia Perez|SFW




Pia Mia Perez Ass in Shorts of the Day

Pia Mia Perez is some Tahitian or Guam aspiring actress or singer teen who managed to make it big enough in terms of fans…thanks to being looped into the right Hollywood rich kid scene…possibly on TV, who knows, I’m too lazy to google…

I just know she’s some kind of very short person, with her own entourage thanks to stage parenting, you know when you think you have a hit, you maximize that shit, especially when it is your kid…and you made them…channelling your dreams through them…because you own them..and now she’s posting erotica to her social media…and I am into that….it may not break the internet like it was Kim Kardashian….but it is a pretty fucking slutty picture….and good things to come…

Posted in:Pia Mia Perez




Pia Mia Perez Ballet Underwear Twitter Pics of the Day

Pia Mia Perez is some US Guam nobody that the perverts of the internet have decided to obsess over…

She has only been in one movie – called Santa Paws…and I don’t even know how people found out she existed…unless of course dad’s forced to watch Santa Paws with their kids were like “I’d like to jerk off to that girl, I’ll go find her on social media”….

I assume she’s the most famous thing out of US Guam….since my friend who moved to US Guam to strip for the troops stationed there….and who made a million dollars doing it…thanks to them having nothing else to spend their US Military money on…..

She’s 16, jailbait, and constantly posting ASS PICS TO INSTAGRAM

So this ballet outfit, showing her skinny young bod…is the gateway to far vulgar exhibitionism just as soon as she grows up….

I hope they don’t let you into local ballet schools to watch…You fucking perverts.

Posted in:Pia Mia Perez




Pia Mia Perez Ass for Instagram of the Day

Pia Mia Perez is some US Guam born…jailbait in training…who has a huge following..especially considering she’s got a pretty useless IMDB…where she was in one movie called Santa Paws…a couple of years ago..that I assume never hit theories…but that I also assume is far more than anyone else born in Guam has pulled off in the entertainment industry…

Now as she blossoms into a young woman…she’s taking the right steps and making the right moves to get noticed…by sexualizing herself on social media like she was Miley, Lohan and all the other child stars before her…and I figure I might as well help her on her quest….because it is one I endorse….exhibitionist at 16…leads to sex icon at 19…so keep up the good work Pia Mia

Happy thanksgiving….

Posted in:Pia Mia Perez