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Archive for the Pia Mia Perez Category




Pia Mia Perez Produces Jerk Off Material for Profit of the Day

Pia Mia Perez was at one time semi viral for being some US Guam born Jailbait.

She was probably not one of the off-base strippers in Guam, but instead born on the military base in some secret research facility where they train the people they present to us as celebrities from birth to be the inspiring and destructive forces they are on the minds of the youth.

The corporate sponsored cog in the machine that we all need and that who behave well because they were bred in captivity.

She was introduced to us as jailbait, an exhibitionist 16 year old, which may be legal in Guam but not US Guam…..

It was probably to trigger the degeneracy of society by tricking the perverts out there to continue being perverts. She was in a few movies that never really hit, she did slutty content on social media, maybe even put out a song or two that never really hit, because she sucked.

In sucking, she’s turned to selling her nudes like a simpleton hooker, because giving it away for free wasn’t getting anywhere.

There doesn’t seem to be any fisting, or auto-erotic asphyxiation you’d be craving, but she’s showing off her body and it’s some sort of asian and not fat so that’s fine….

Posted in:Pia Mia Perez




Pia Mia Titty Top of the Day

Pia Mia Perez is some GUAM born smuggled to the MAINLAND to become famous as they do with girls they farm off shore, only to bring into the mainland to blow the fuck up…..

I was not in her target demographics, so I don’t really know anything about her origin story. I just know she faced a fork in the road where she probably could have been designed to be a pop icon, since it doesn’t really require all that much talent or skillset, it really is about who puts them out there and this one was signed with Disney or working with Disney….but she chose the other angle of getting tits, showing off tits, and being in music videos or featured on songs like some kind of a Nicki Minaj…video vixen, influencer turned ONLY FANS nude vendor….and the sick thing about taking the self starter, entrepreneurial approach of running her own shit, is that they make a shit ton more money that way, which is what it all comes down to for these people, plus part of the strategy is selling nuds…to further maintain the degeneracy of the culture…thank the Kardashians…

This is an instagram outfit by Rihanna’s billionaire brand….so there’s some tit, not quite enough tit, where are the nipples…maybe she left them in GUAM….

I can’t confirm or deny whether she was born a Guam boy…I don’t know if Guam operates like Thailand / Vietnam…but it could…maybe something to be aware of when jerking off to her.


Posted in:Pia Mia|Pia Mia Perez




Pia Mia Bikini Tits of the Day

Pia Mia Perez has gone back to GUAM to show off her new face to all her friends and family, because that’s what happens when you leave for the mainland, become an OnlyFans girl, and buy into that whole instagram Kardashian look of MUPPET FACE…

Just think of all the people who hit their Christmas dinner confusing their small town family members with whatever the fuck they did in the big city when learning how to fit in and live the dreams of low level sex work…

Selling nudes to fans, sugar baby-ing, you know all that fun soulless demonic work in exchange for stupid amounts of money….only for your Uncle to say “hot tits, but I thought you were a dude”….

Obviously not in Pia Mia’s case, unless she was born a dude, if you’ve been to Southeast Asia you may be more skeptical of her origin story…

I just mean in general…Christmas after a pandemic will involve a lot of dinners with newly minted chicks that were once dudes…


What a world…


Posted in:Pia Mia|Pia Mia Perez




Pia Mia Corset of the Day

Pia Mia is another disappointment by my standards of disappointments because despite being a pervert who has had pervert website since before the era of everyone being a pervert….or an exhibitionist taking the low hanging fruit of being slutty to get attention…which is really nothing new, or even exciting, at least if you’re me…because I always liked the moments of slutty from people who you knew were sluts but pretended weren’t sluts…now we’ve got girls who aren’t even sluts, pretending to be sluts, in order to get noticed because they think that’s the only way…

Life is about balance man, a non slut, you know is a slut, giving you a glimpse of being a slut is like a “I told you so” moment….which is a win…

When a slut is a slut, it’s like, fine, where’s the next slut….OH look she’s over fucking there because this is a fucking MOVEMENT or a trend or pop culture…

The worst thing about it is that the young girls who grew up looking at this GUAM born bitch, when she didn’t have her fake tits or get naked online for money, you know as fans….now think THIS is the only way.

I think that leads to shit, but I don’t care about the consequence of a generation of naked on the internet girls trying to be vapid idiots who believe in transactional sex, because thy are all money grubbers…the future is a brothel…

I don’t care that it leads to shit, because I’ll distract myself with the lingerie selfies…


Posted in:Pia Mia|Pia Mia Perez




Pia Mia Bolt Ons In Lingerie of the Day

Pia Mia Perez is some child star who I guess was never a child star, but she was from GUAM where I know strippers migrate to have that tropical south pacific ocean lifestyle, making stupid money from the horny sailors stationed there, by working the strip club and scamming them out of their weekly stipend.

Anyway, she would have done well back home getting fucked with her thailand looking tits, not in a race way, in a discount plastic surgery way….and instead her family moved her to the mainland, got her casting for god knows what got her famous, but she was famous…and instead of pursuing that she said “fuck it, I’ll sell nudes”…

These may or may not be her nudes she’s selling, but they are a tiny famous child star who barely was but was enough to be famous in lingerie busting out and it’s a friendly reminder that she exists…I mean I can’t think of a better “POKE”….if you know what I mean..and if you don’t…I don’t mean sexual poking…that’s some gay ass term for getting your dick wet…”I poked her”….I mean a fucking reminder like on Facebook in the early days when the CIA was first unrolling it to the masses…I guess “PING” would have been a better word…fuck it, lingerie, look.


Posted in:Pia Mia|Pia Mia Perez




Pia Mia Bra of the Day

Pia Mia Bra

Pia Mia is some mainstream success story who I guess was a big youtuber, who may not have had as much mainstream success as I thought she did, but had enough to move stateside from Guam to be a celebrity and it worked on some levels….

She slowly climbed the ranks of future Disney Kid…to VIDEO VIXEN with fake tits and a booty in rap videos, which is basically where she’s at now…

She’s got an OnlyFans, which is a reminder that there’s so much more money in selling nudes when you had some level of celebrity where dudes want to see your nudes….there’s millions to be made in porn if it is done right…

On one side I think Only Fans is a brilliant business idea, pay creators for creating, and encourage them to sell nudes…it’s an idea I wish I launched for no one to use….

But on the other side I think it’s idiotic, why pay for the nudes or the exclusive content when it’s all over the internet…

However, if a girl is going to get naked for money because it’s easier to get paid like that than to work, then throw that money at her….everyone has a price, we need the fools to get them their price, so we an get the nudes for free…she deserves it, she’s getting naked….I would just never bother paying if I can get it for free…

I don’t support girls getting naked like that…I don’t fall in the trap…and I know they aren’t the ones DMing me…but rather some INDIAN CALL CENTER worker pretending to be them…which is a scam…

But I do support girls getting naked on a top level….not that this is Pia naked..


Posted in:Pia Mia|Pia Mia Perez




Pia Mia Bikini of the Day

Pia Mia’s in her bikini, because I guess she’s taken some time away from being an Only Fans girl, video vixen, low level porn chick, to put up some bikini pics to show off her round as fuck fake tits, because when you’re Asian, sometimes you need to bold small basketballs to your chest to feel like you matter in this breast obsessed world…

The weird thing about Pia Mia is that she actually had some mainstream success when the family moved to American for her career from US Guam, a place where strippers make a shit ton of money off the soldiers stationed there…which I guess made them the most important people on the island, inspiring Pia to one day be a stripper of her own, but one with mainstream sensibility because she was once mainstream…a Disney kid in training but that’s not as fun as getting deep dicked or jacked off to….I mean if you have the money, why wouldn’t you just do the sugar baby, sex worker, naked on the internet thing…it requires 10 seconds to take a slutty selfie which means work doesn’t get in the way of living…

Either way, fake everything, making all them lady boys in Thailand Jealous…


Posted in:Pia Mia|Pia Mia Perez




Pia Mia Perez Topless of the Day

Pia Mia Perez is one of Bella Thorne’s groupies, or maybe Bella Thorne is her groupie, in this era of “SHARE FOR SHARE” where people ride off each other’s hype as hard as they can so that they both elevate the ranks of social media whore together….because it means real money will be made….it’s hard to decide what is authentic or not…in part because they all have jacked up surgeries and look like porn chicks…

It is funny that with the mainstreamification of porn and with girls knowing dudes watched porn…that they’d take on porn personas of their own all to “seemingly” matter….because we used to watch porn to jerk off and see girls that were basically disgusting getting fucked in ways we wanted to fuck the hot girls we knew in our life….we never really wanted the hot girls in life to channel that porn look and become porn stars…but women don’t understand dudes and take everything at face value….”My husband jacks off to porn, therefore porn chicks are hot”…when we all know that porn chicks are fucking vile and we only like them for being vile…

So when you see Bella Thorne or her followers like Pia Mia Perez, who at one time was trying to be a Disney kid, turn to only fans like a low level sex worker, despite having been mainstream…you gotta wonder what went wrong in their insular life…like we know Bella Thorne’s mom is a whore with monster fake tits who sucked dick for the career of her kids…but Pia Mia from GUAM probably has a similar story…or maybe it’s a rebellion like “fuck you mom and dad for making me this candy ass lame star, when I want to be jacked off to”…so she took her money and bought tis, jacked up her face and now sings in rap videos like she’s Cardi B….despite probably being hotter without all the jacked up face and tits….

Anyway, this is part of her Only Fans promo which I get makes money, but these are peoplle who can make money legit ways, but I guess it’s easier to just show tits especially now that it’s socially accepted, if anything it makes them feel edgier than the candy ass bullshit they came into the industry being….trash…

Posted in:Pia Mia Perez




Pia Mia Perez Bare Ass of the Day

Pia Mia is in her variation of that annoying, unfunny, BORAT outfit that I assume he threw in as clickbait jokes for his fans in both of the movies, because Sasha Baron Cohen is smarter than most of his shitty ass jokes for the simpletons….

My pet peeve after the first Borat movie was all the losers that for at least 5 years would quote him…”Very Nice”….”WAWAWEEWA”…etc….I fucking hated it…and every loser at the bar would do it…for YEARS…you couldn’t avoid it…mainstream fucks and their sense of humors confuse me…

That said, I am all for people / comedians / trolls taking on a character, trying to provoke, doing crazy extreme things to get reactions out of people, even with a dumb storyline…freedom of speech, expression, etc….but I am amazed that Borat came back, with the same racism against Arabs, because I guess America systemically hate Arabs, it’s a conditioning…and if you ever get drunk in KEY WEST when some drunk military men hit the bars after getting back from being deployed….you’ll hear all kinds of craziness….I spend my nights watching the Sloppy Joes live feed…. CHECK IT OUT HERE – KEY WEST IS HILARIOUS

Anyway, his parody or soft dig on Arabs where as a Jewish person he portrays them as donkey fucking, treating women like livestock, putting daughter in cages insanity that you’d think would get the new generation of inclusivity mad….I mean people cancel everyone for everything, even cafeterias for serving Indian food made by white people, but since he’s anti-trump or anti-redneck trump supporter….actively making them look dumb to speak to the “woke” culture’s actual beliefs about these people, it becomes a “you’re a racist anti-racist” when it’s confirms your beliefs. you fuck…

You know that every celebrity is loving, laughing, and celebrating the new Borat, I watched it and thought it was boring…but I am all for everyone hating on everything, each other, causing conflict, trolling, etc….I LOVE fucking with people….and I am even for entrapping idiots with hot chicks to see how they react…that flirty Bulgarian babe really got Giuliani good, but what the fuck is wrong with him for falling for that…in this era…is he fucking nuts…and how is he so horny being so old…humiliating….but what a fucking idiot…

Anyway, Pia Mia, doing the low level Only Fans, making money, barely getting naked because they all crave being sex workers instead of positive contributions to society….it’s a thong or g-string one piece that I guess is for her Only Fans because you haven’t made it as a broken child star from GUAM who came to mainland America with a dream and fulfilled that dream, only to end up a Video Vixen with fake tits and a fake face…like an Only Fans…trash…but ass…ass trash…

Posted in:Pia Mia|Pia Mia Perez




Pia Mia Brings it of the Day

I found it funny that Pia Mia got fake tits and became a video “vixen”…this young, famous on Youtube, moved to LA to have a legit career reducing herself to her fake tits gyrating in rap videos, because I guess that was the cool thing to do….but now the cool thing to do is to carry that to Only Fans where you can live out your dream of sex worker, while sex workers are trying to go mainstream and the mainstream are trying to go sex worker, it’s all almost as confusing as how I’ve adapted my vocabulary to call whores sex workers instead of whores but I think I probably did that long ago because I have a respect for actual sex workers, they bring a service we all need, while I laugh at girls who think they are above sex work, trying to make money off their assholes like sex workers, and call those ones whores!!

Anyway, she was a girl who was cute enough when she was trending, maybe even celebrated, but probably sexualized to the level where she’s now reduced herself to sexualizing herself…on a level of begging fans to pay her for her smut….You can ask any porn chick if she was molested or assaulted and a lot will say yes…so to go from popular in the mainstream, to tits out for fans, is a weird transition but not one quite as weird as her lip injections….I’m not complaining, the more sluts accepting that slut life – the better.

Plus she looks just like that “girl” you got with when you did that year of teaching english in South East asia and decided to try everything the country had to offer….oh the memories…you sick fuck…

Posted in:Pia Mia|Pia Mia Perez