I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Rachel Mortenson Category




Rachel Mortenson for Treats! of the Day


Rachel Mortenson is some low level model, who calls herself a mom-del, because she’s allowed someone to ejaculate in her at least more than once and has kept the kid, dude must be rich…

Why else would a budding 30 something year old woman in the low level Instagram model game allow that to happen…

Why would she throw away her non career or potentially throw away her non career with the destruction a baby does to a pussy…

She didn’t know she’d bounce back, she didn’t know she was going to pull it off, but I guess she’s thinking she’s hot, has one last attempt at breaking 100k followers,’doing some smutty internet photos that are packaged as “art”…but are really just tittties in a wet Tshirt…big titties in a wet shirt…which is probably a better angle than her spreading her mom pussy. This is classier and more acceptable at social functions….

Posted in:Rachel Mortenson|SFW




Rachel Mortenson Nude on the Beach of the DAy


Rachel Mortenson is some whore…on the beach crying for attention with her huge 32 year old tits…

I did some research, because I’m an investigative journalist like that…call me Barbara Walters…no seriously…call me Barbara Walters…

What I found is that she may or may not be a Hooters girl from Chandler, Arizona… sounds legit….who in 2010 did Hooter girl contests and won and now signed with a real life fashion agency, that did nothing for her….

So she’s back to the beach being a low level girl with huge tits…hooter girl….for life…

Posted in:Rachel Mortenson




Rachel Mortenson for Galore of the Day

I don’t know anything about this Rachel Mortenson…I mean other than the obvious…and that is that she’s fucking incredible…at least in these pics my favourite people at GALORE MAGAZINE put together..

I did some research, because I’m an investigative journalist like that…call me Barbara Walters…

What I found is that she may or may not be a Hooters girl from Chandler, Arizona…who in 2010 did Hooter girl contests, but who now signed with a fashion agency, does fashion shit, and is a busty and amazing fashion model.

Now I don’t know if anything I’ve dug up is accurate, everything I say is pretty much nonsense, I mean serious fucking nonsense….

But I do see how she could have been a hooter girl…a really talented and magical and amazing hooter girl…because she’s got great tits…

Here are the pics.

Posted in:Rachel Mortenson