I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Robin Wright Category




Naomi Watts and Robin Wright in Bathing Suits of the Day

Oh shit….old bitches from movies who I’ve never found hot are in bathing suits for a movie they are filming…and for some reason I’m posting it…probably cuz I am addicted to posting celebrity bikini pics…all while I know if I want to see hot half naked bikini hotness I just need to use the internet…Maybe I’m doing to for Sean Penn…you know to give him something to jerk off to while visiting the site…cuz I know we don’t need to look at 40 and 50 year olds in bathing suits and react like it is a good thing….we aren’t coaching an geriatric aquarobic class….staring at this shit isn’t our job…we are free to find actual hot girls in bikinis and that’s what I’m going to do….starting with Facebook vacation albums…#anxiously-awaiting-spring-break-bikini-influx-on-FB….


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Posted in:Naomi Watts|Robin Wright