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Archive for the Sofia Loren Category




Sofia Loren Used to be Hot of the Day

Sophia Loren Erotica

Sofia Loren is not dead, but she’s our throwback Wednesday or WAYBACK wednesday thanks to these old pics of her in lingerie that are surfacing.

The fact is that even at 90 years old, which I think is how old she is, she still looks hot, something J.Lo can aspire to.

It is pretty ridiculous that she got her 5 picture deal from Paramount back in the early 1950s, 70 fucking years ago before cameras even existed, so it is safe to assume that these old smut pics are from when she was older.

Known for her tits, Italy’s god mother showing off her tits in this shoot and I can only imagine how many people have jacked off to these images in the last 50 years. I mean it was probably a huge fucking deal when they first came out because our generation takes all the nudes for granted because there is so much of it, we forget how rare it was for a girl to celebrate her sex appeal.


Posted in:SFW|Sofia Loren