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Archive for the Sofia Richie Category




Sofia Richie Panty Flash of the Day

Sofia Richie Panty Flash

Sofia Richie is out with the Kardashians on some Kardashian journey into the depths of hell disguised as rich, luxury, media empire owning garbage.

She is the cast member on the show, who has been in the process of muppeteering herself harder than Jim Hensen…because it’s part of the employee perks…some people get health Insureance, the Kardashian give you fillers…

The whole thing is a lame, Boring, uninteresting pile of clickbait fake news shit… But at least she’s not an official Kardashian. Just some new used up blood to promote, leverage and utilize their bullshit.

It amazes me that people Caden about the Kardashians, but it doesn’t amaze me that this rich kid is jumping on it. It’s the best press you can get…and that is what is wrong with America.

Sofia Richie Panty Flash


Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie




Sofia Richie Nipple Pasties of the Day

Sofia Richie Fake Tits Nipple Pasties

Sofia Richie still in Italy, with her new tits, tits that are too numb to feel her shirt falling off of them exposing her nipple pasties..at least that is the excuse in this feminist era of you don’t need an excuse as to why you’re flashing full fucking tit….it’s empowerment….but I guess if she was up to speed on the trends there wouldn’t be any nipple tape getting in the way, unless the future trend is nipple tape instead of free the nipple…so that girls everywhere can use nipple tape as a shirt instead of a shirt…it goes against the free the nipple movement they are all hustling…but it goes bigger than that and frees the whole tit….and soon all shirts will be designer nipple tape…

You know, she is hanging with Kardashians to elevate her personal brand, because we may know they are outdated trash….but everyone else thinks they are great, on the frontlines and worth emulating…so it’s a good platform for this Lionel Richie rich brat to launch her nipple tape empire…unless these are just breast implant bandages after some cosmetic surgery tourism…cuz nipple tape in and of itself seems outdated too….girls love pulling out there tits more than ever so what is up with this cockblocking…


Never forget THIS look..
Sofia Richie See Through


Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie




Sofia Richie Fake Tits Getting Wet of the Day

Sofia Richie Fake TIts Bikini

Sofia Richie with her new tits on….doing the Kardashian thing like the rich, lazy, entitled trash she is.

Here is her fake sister Nicole Richie in her bikini….with her fake tits on…

Nicole Richie Bikini

Here is her boyfriends baby mama also on vacation with them..because it’s all a fucking scam…

It’s nice to see Lionel Richie’s legacy has produced such fucking low hanging fruit trashy ugly chicks with fake tits doing nothing of substance…sure Nicole Richie has a clothing brand no one needed or asked for…a real great contribution to the world….she might as well is the same as her sister, through adoption, she is the adopted one….who is a third tier character in the social media storylin of the Kardashians…garbage…

I spent a night with Nicole Richie, many years ago, when she was a big deal, before social media, because I was invited to some party by her boyfriend at the time DJ AM….and she fucking sucked, was a rude little cunt who couldn’t be bothered to engage or talk to anyone, she just sat their all sour faced like she was super important and I saw exactly the kind of low level, talentless, UGLY dog shit she was/is….


Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie




Sofia Richie New Ass of the Day

Sofia Richie Slutty Booty Bikini

Oh shit…I forgot to post Sofia Richie and her new fake ass…

She’s basically a gutter Kardashian, so into their bowel movement of a movement, that she got herself cast as the young fuck slut to the older party pervert who knocked up the older Kardashian 3-4 times and stayed fake married to her for a bunch of seasons, before getting out of that and into this…

She’s a rich kid, got that Lionel Richie money, and she’s spending it like all the girls are, on new faces and asses, and fat sucked out of their stomach…looking like muppets with good waist to hip ratio as they travel in luxury for the social media feed…

She is so dialled in with the Kardashians, and it is all a bullshit scam…last week she was on Vacation with Kourtney and Kylie…like part of the family…

In what fucking real family, where people have real emotions, would the teen fuck slut to the ex husband of a sister be invited on vacation with them…it’s all a LIE…it would never happen.

Not to mention she was out there promoting Kylie’s cosmetics…cuz it’s all a lie…storylines people buy into….

Speaking of Kylie….I find it really negligent and misleading on some fake news shit that can be detrimental to a society – when the media calls Kylie Jenner a self made billionaire or the youngest self made billionaire.

They legitimately write that title as they suck her and her family’s dick…instead of calling them out…

The fact is that, all bitch did was post pics to her IG channel she only has because the family ran a marketing company that started with Kim K porno, back when Kylie was 5.

Every single move made from TV show, to merch, to brand deals, to scandals, has been fabricated and spun by the marketing company for gains. It has worked.

It is the media’s responsibility to be more responsible in their reporting because this kind of misinformation can fuck kids who watch her and idolize her when they realize they can’t even make 100 dollars sucking dick on sugar baby sites….let alone a BILLION dollars…

I’ve never seen one of their show, but these cunts are everywhere….

Sofia Richie is probably the least of the evils…but she’s a fucking disappointment as she lives this lazy rich kid life…instead of doing something…

Sofia Richie Slutty


Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie




Sofia Richie Topless of the Day

Sofia Richie Topless

Sofia Richie with her new tits out….looking good.

She’s out there making her dad Lionel proud.

You know having a good time doing fancy things with the most garbage people in LA, but they have huge reach which allows her to mooch, like her sister, who wasn’t really Lionel’s kid, but rather some abortion he found in a concert dumpster, did with Paris Hilton.

Make yourself important by being around seemingly important people…in her case it is the Kardashians, who despite being garbage, the media loves….

An outsider like me would think that if I was her dad I would spend all I could to try to get her to find new friends…to do something more relevant or important…but I’m not a billionaire singer and don’t understand that he doesn’t actually care..he’s just into himself…she’s just an accessory….as his job and touring came first.

So as long as she’s not dead or in a TRAP HOUSE doing heroin or smoking crack like most celebrity kids, and is instead doing instagram with the help of Kardashian endorsements…it’s a win.

You see – all LA people are shit, but when half naked in thong showcasing hr ass…they aren’t bad.

Sofia Richie Pussy Print


Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie




Sofia Richie Bikini Erotica of the Day

Sofia Richie Bikini Erotica

I guess dreams have come true for Sofia Richie

The working for the Kardashians as one of their supporting role’s supporting role….that has brought her rich as fuck ass around the world to great places…often times using her dad’s plane…because what else is it there for…you know if his little baby that is actually his baby…unlike Nicole who he found in the dumpster…needs to get places with her creepy old boyfriend who is using her….daddy is there.

Anyway, she’s got a gig with an instagram brand, that may be huge thanks to instagram being huge, but that is still an instagram brand….

Not that we care, anything to get her in a bikini is alright, now that she’s not as fat as she was….

So I guess this makes us all winners.

Sofia Richie Bikini Erotica


Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie




Sofia Richie Spread Legs of the Day

Sofia Richie Spread Legs

Sofia Richie the bootleg Kardashian who works on the Kardashian show as one of the Extras that is paid in having some old dirty dick shoved inside of her like the blow up doll she is…she’s not even allowed on Disick’s house flipping show…because I guess people care about Disick flipping houses enough to give him a show. Soon the dying TV medium will just be Kardashian marathons and spin offs….something to really look forward to…

So this SOFIA is Lionel Richie’s biological kid…unlike Nicole Richie…who is a bootleg Richie….but pulled the same scamming off Paris Hilton so many years ago, before the Kardashians were a thing…that this one is pulling now….

So this is the career she’s made for herself…..which is what kids are into anyway, being watched while living out their bratty spoiled rich kid lives….isn’t even necessary. Her trust fund is sufficient enough.

I don’t know what all this Sofia Richie content is from – but let’s think of it as a highlight reel…of her best work…

Here is her nip slip..

Sofia Richie Nipple

Here she is naked..

Sofia Richie Naked

Sofia Richie See Through NIpples Pussy

AND HERE IS KOURTNEY KARDASHIAN in a Bathing Suit with her crazy cosmetic surgery body…because they both share a dick.


Posted in:Sofia Richie




Sofia Richie Pussy Print of the Day

Sofia Richie Pussy Print

Sofia Richie has made the right fashion choices for today’s posts…

She’s pretty hot now that she’s totally rebuilt herself as these girls do. She started out as this chubby rich kid, but with hard work, face injections, ass injections and liposuction…she’s looking great…especially in a onsie style tight outfit….that is hugging her tits, ass and pussy all at the same time….something you’d want to be doing but you don’t have enough hands…

This rich kid, who chose being a Kardashian secondary character who hasn’t had a public threesome with her boyfriend and his ex wife Kourtney, but she’s been busy traveling in luxury…cuz her dad is Lionel richie and they are stupid rich and that’s how it goes.

I’m into whatever this is, even if she’s garbage.

Here is her potential nipple..
Sofia Richie Tits

Sofia Richie Ass


Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie




Sofia Richie Tight Leggings of the Day

Sofia Richie, Lionel’s Real Daughter…who can do no wrong because his sperm made her and all these narcissists love their off sping, they want to give them everything, they want them to have their best life, they have all the resources in the world, I mean he’s Lionel Richie, so that his kid doesn’t have to work…and she doesn’t.

It’s hard to relate, being a broke as motherfucker with no kids, because no girl ever wanted to have my baby over the years, cuz they had a brain, insight and didn’t have my information to find me for payment, because I give fake information, I don’t need no narcs coming at me with some Maury Shit…

But I can assume if I had a kid, and I was a rich person, I’d just throw money at them to keep them busy, keep them out of my way, shut them up…buy their love, etc….

Who cares if it leaves them empty shells, everyone is an empty shell. Who cares if they don’t contribute to the world, no one contributes to the world…and who is to say her in a bikini isn’t her contributing to the world…

Sofia Richie Tight Leggings

Sofia Richie


Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie




Sofia Richie Slutty of the Day

Sofia Richie Slutty

Sofia Richie being slutty in a bikini for attention, because she’s a rich kid who has spent her college years not in college, but instead building a social media presence like it matters, cuz it does matter to her generation, so she did it on the back, or really on her back for a Kardashian cast member who played the dad to one of their set of kids….

She is Lionel’s Real Daughter…who can probably do no wrong to him…because he’s too busy to notice…or because his sperm made her and all these narcissists love their offsping….not the band the Offspring…but kids their dicks created in groupie sluts they should have pulled out with.

So she gets what she wants, she’s spoiled, she gets her best life, becasue she has all the resources in the world, I mean he’s Lionel Richie, so rich and famous – his kid doesn’t have to work…and she doesn’t.

She just travels around with her Kardashian, makes money by extension I guess…big social media…and that may be the disgusting thing about her on her permanent vacation, but what else should she be doing…I mean it sounds fun to me…and the bikini pics aren’t bad to stare at…not bad at all.

Sofia Richie Slutty


Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie