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Archive for the stepNEWS Category




Dude Who Loves the Coyote Ugly Girls and Other Videos of the Day

Dancing with the Wrong Woman

Being Woke after a Rough Night

Woman Gets Run Over in Mexico

Weird Japanese Video…

Croc VS Circus Performaer Face

Robbery Suspect Gets Shot

Dragged Under Snow Mobile…

Whitest Fight on the Golf Course..

Playful Dolphins

Dog Makes Chicken its Wife

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Dude Jerking off in his Car and Other Videos of the Day

Woman gets beat for Not Wearing a Jijab

Croc VS Dude’s Face

Monkey Fucks a Chicken

Pedo Caught Trying to Bang a 12 Year Old

Scooter Driver Drives Like a Pro

Girl VS Cheater

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Homeless guy on the Street Gets a Blowjob and Other Videos of the Day

Naked Woman Runs Wild

Bus Rider

Jamaican Night Club Dagger…

Girl Dancing on Coffin

Dude Kiss Cams a Beer

Naked Protestors Poor Blood on Themselves

Carnival Ride Fail Cuz of China…

California Cop Arresting as People Call Out Police Brutality

FedEx Crash Aftermath…

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Truck Driver Side of Street Bang and Other Videos of the Day

Dolphin Drops in on Surfer

Roadside Wanker

Actor Faizon Love’s Airport Incident…

Grandma of the Day

Jesus on the Escalator

Weird Dude Doesn’t Like Pictures of his Property Taken….

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Gordon Douglas is the Creepy Bieber Pedophile of the Day

This is hilarious…. I don’t celebrate pedophiles, in fact I think pedophilia is dark, twisted, evil, disturbing as fuck….but this…this is just so ridiculous..that it has to be a joke out of a movie…

I mean an old man pretending to be Justin Bieber to get nudes and sex….from young people…HILARIOUS…

A 42-year-old university law lecturer who allegedly impersonates Justin Bieber on the internet is facing almost 1000 child sex charges after using the singer as a way to encourage children to send him explicit images.

Sure, there’s no humor in the fact that he raped some of these kids, that’s just insane, but the fact that he was able to lure kids into thinking he was Beiber and scoring all the nudes his pervert boner could desire – must have made him feel like he pulled a masterful troll for a while. Like he was a genius. Like it could never…Like “this cat fish thing is so easy”….and dude got hooked…he got greedy….it’s like “i’ve heard jokes about this on the internet, I can’t believe I pulled it off”…so next level….

More insane…he’s been doing it for 10 years…..

I don’t think trolling kids who are clearly retards and don’t have parents who teach them the basics of “never send nude pics to Justin Beiber on the internet” because it is probably not Justin Bieber you fucking moron…making the whole thing so awesome, like they almost deserved to be molested for being so fucking dumb…. it’s just proof the future generation are dumb as fuck but trolling as a whole is always funny, because people, in this case stupid children, can be so damn gullible…and perverts…can take a simple premise, a punchline to a bad joke in a movie…and make it happen for them….until they get caught…but still…great news story…keep up the great work world…

Oh the power of Bieber…

Posted in:SFW|stepNEWS




Naked Woman Poses on Street and Other Videos of the Day

Dude Jerks Off to Completion to Girls Working in a Store

Kayaker Gets Flipped by Whale…

Truck Takes Out Power lines

Off Duty Cop Kills a Thief

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Unhappy Groom Marries Rich Woman and Other Videos of the Day

LAPD Shoot a Homeless Guy

Bus Descent of the Day

Smoking Dead Man in Coffin…

Just a Man Robbing a Woman with a Knife

Failed Suicide by Truck Attempt…

Drunk Guy Breaks a Girl’s Leg..WTF

Woman Fight in traffic

Rapist Attemting Rape Footage Caught on Camera…

Road Rage of the Day

Woman Tries to Shoot a Drone

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Naked Guy in the Subway and Other Videos of the Day

Fat Bitches at the Slap Contest

Monkey Cums for a Couple Sluts

Woman Stripped Topless for being a Slut

Woman Stripped Bottomless for being a Slut

Women Fight In Traffic

Dude Busted for not Obeying the Line

Brawl in the Middle East

One Direction Brings the Gayest Brawl Ever of the day

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Stripper Gets Body Slammed and Other Videos of the Day

Man Shits Himself in Supermarket

Cops Wo Don’t have a Ladder – Got it Figured Out

Driver Intentionally Tries to Run Over Two People

Pervert Pushing Up Against Women

Stripper Fight

Wife and her Drunk Husband

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Couple Have Sex a Dominos Counter and Other Videos of the Day

Dude Almost Survives….

Boyfriend Begs for Girlfriend’s Forgiveness…

Kayaker VS 500 Lbs Marlin

Ice Removal…

Robbery at a Fish and Chips Spot with a Banana

Man Attacks Bear

Dude with a Bullet Wound to the Face is Terrifying

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos