Ghetto Bitch Threw her Cat off a Third Floor Balcony for Social Media – While Her Ghetto Friend Lifed…This is theFucking World We Live in….and It Makes me Very fucking Mad…..her name is Tikeemah Lassiter…she must be Shot
The Man Who Spins Bike Wheel on his Asshole
Man Eats Spaghetti with his Dogs
Don’t Fight with Robbers with Guns while on Dirt Roads
Chinese Car in the River
Chinese Bentley Disaster –
Clerk Fights Off Armed Robber
Robber Punches Woman in her Apartment Building – Nice Guy
Drunk Fat Bride at her Bachelorette Party Acts Like All Women
The story: Tammy Krahne, Tammy Foster, Tammy Galetto. – This fight started because another girl at her bachelorette party was getting hit on by a guy and not her, even though she was the one getting married! Prior to going out drinking this on this night, she crushed up some pain meds and snorted them. This was shot about a month before her wedding to her third husband.
Man Punches Kangaroo in the Face to Save Dog
Husband and Wife Fight
Chinese Tits in a Fast Car
This is Fucking Dark….Pregnant Dancer Shot Dead in Punjab for Not Dancing with a Dude
Guy Saves Dogs
Skydiver Dies – Must be Terrible Last Few seconds…