Naked Models – Hairy Bush
Man Chopping Off His Own Finger…
Weirdest Breast Feeding Video Ever….
Dan Bilzarian Titty Breasts…
Motorcycle Chase…
Prison Mannequin Challenge…
Man Steals a Bucket
Creepy video of Brazilian Soccer Team Before Plane Crash
GIRL Peaces the FUck Out When Her Dude Gets Shot Outside a Club
German Pedo in Thailand…
Dolphins VS 49ers Fan Brawl! What the Fuck…
Turning Car Around Fail
Expert Collapses on TV
Woman Crosses the Street like a Gangster
Reindeer Tested for Pizza Delivery in Japan – They Must Be Trolling Us
Gay Pride in India Sounds Like Customer Support….
I don’t know about you but JCPenney has the effect on me, and not just on Black Friday – but on EVERYDAY…because it’s such a fucking pile of shit – it makes me want to mall brawl…
I feel like it would be a disservice to Cyber Monday, the day you can shop from the comfort of your own home, that may not be comfortable, like in my case it is filled with mould and a fat bitch who ruins my life and fills the toilet that doesn’t flush up with feces….but that I still prefer over the outside world….to not show you black friday brawl video – to remmeber what was – three days ago…
The best black Friday Joke I heard was “black Friday, but they already have a month”….oh internet…you salty devil….
Interesting Truck Driving
e cig Explodes in Man’s Pocket
Weirdest Man Fighting Woman in Shanghai Subway – I Guess They Aren’t Martial ARtists
A Couple of Idiot Hipsters Steal a NEw Orleans Manhole Cover
How to Crash like an Aussie
Typical Trump Supporter of the Day
Just a Monk and his Strong Crotch
Two Drunks Harassing Women
Lil G in Chicago
70,000 Zombies at a Mass Zombie Wedding
Racist Guy at the Grocery Store
Florida Man Driving Home from a Strip Club Falls Out of Truck and Runs Over Himself
Woman Gets Saved From being Slaughtered by a Crazy
“PEDO” Busted by Facebook Users…For Going to Hang with a 14 Year Old…
Girl’s Epic Bike Jump
Dumb Car Accident at the Gas Station
Australian Spider VS CAr
High School Brawl for Thanksgiving
Just Jerking off in Class
One More Time…
Tuk Tuk Wheelie…
Migrants Fail of the Day
Trans Woman Wants Millions of Straight Guys Into Trans Women to Admit It….
Russian Dude Stabbed Himself Out of Jealousy
Jet Aborts Landing Due to Wind
Disturbing video of cops killing a 15 year old on LSD
Bouncer VS Drunk Guy
Tiger Takes Out a Little Girl…
26 Cars in France – Burned
Lion Attack of the Day
Shot With a Chicken Fajita in Slow Motion
The Fattest Man in Mexico Starts Training
Ain’t No Party Like a McDonald’s Party
Volkswagen VS Gas Station
Beating of the Day
Weird Construction
Drunk Driver Strips Topless