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Archive for the stepNEWS Category




stepNEWS of the Day

Sorry, was having some site issues so I decided to drink a bottle of brandy my friend left behind from our ghetto egg nog party we had this weekend. I was curious how much spiked eggnog it would take to die. Apparently, 4 cartons aren’t quite enough, but my friend was puking like it was….I’m ready to start this day, even though it’s almost 5 pm. We’re working on Pacific Standard time today….

Here’s the stepNEWS….

Indiana shopkeeper defends sale or racist soap

I don’t see anything wrong with that, some of my best friends are black and they love being called colored and darkies, they get it’s just part of American history. Talk about trying to milk a story and sensationalize something totally out of context. Everyone knows we choose our soap based on historical relevance….at least I do…but then again, I’m highly intelligent and like to keep everything intellectual….especially my racism.

Posted in:stepNEWS




stepNEWS of the Day

The world is a beautiful place….

A Wisconsin woman bit off her husband’s tongue, then sang Christmas carols while he called 911

Slap fight on Indian TV

Guy takes 63 nut shots in a row

Fat Girl freaks out over pizza

Posted in:stepNEWS




stepNEWS of the Day

Here are some newsclips that you won’t be able to live with yourself if you dont’ watch them….you won’t be up to date on the lates current events and you will look like an idiot in front of that hot girl you are trying to impress. Just watch them. It will save lots of pain.

Maybe I’m over hyping this a bit…

Oprah: I’m not a lesbian

Police: KSU Prof Exposed Self To Students In Class
A Kennesaw State University professor has been arrested after authorities say he exposed himself to students in a classroom.

PA Tailor in court for molesting female customers

Posted in:stepNEWS




stepNEWS of the Day

I think I just ate a can of cat food. At risk of sounding obvious, I shouldn’t have drank all the tequila last night. I know, a Mexican and his Tequila, could I be the stereotype everyone think I am, am I the mexican restaurant with all the racist mexican decor to make white people like they are part of something truly authentic, or do I just like to get fucked on Tequila. This are all questions we’re going to answer after the break….

Here are some of the latest stepNEWS clips…

Woman sues restaurant over toilet paper dispenser

Students get ‘Urkeled’ for saggy pants in Tennessee

PA man arrested for groping women in store

OH teen goes on destructive joy ride in dump truck

Porn Pictures Case: Accused May Go Free
The mother of a Lincoln Park girl is outraged. That is because a man accused of taking pornographic pictures of her daughter could be released.

AIDS IN OUR BUTT is topping the charts….

Posted in:stepNEWS




stepNEWS of the Day

Here’s my way of keeping you pervert losers informed….because I know the only news you’re reading is the latest on throat fucking porn and maybe if we’re lucky the contest on the back of the cereal box your mom thinks you have a good chance winning cuz all the other entries are going to be from 5 year olds. If you know what I mean. Don’t be sad, I don’t think you are a retard, I just think you don’t try.

Here are the clips:

Cyberstalker Target Sorority Girls….It wasn’t Me I Swear….

FL Student Mistakenly Wanted for Murder

Cell phone explodes in Texas man’s ear

DE woman calls in bomb threat to get out of work, gets caught…Amazing…

Posted in:stepNEWS




stepNEWS of the Day

Here is some of the latest “news” clips. I should call this the weird internet video clip post of the day…because it’s never news…but I’m bad at marketing….

Here you go:

Hot Paralyzed Playmate Tammy Banovac in her lingerie going through airport security stripped the fuck down to make a point..only because paralyzed girls are amazing at anal sex cuz they don’t feel a shit…also the reason they are no good at anal sex….either way….weirdness….

Comic versus Heckler…I have no idea why this guys has 600,000 views….cuz this joke was fucking obvious…I was hoping he raped her on the spot to teach her a lesson about his sexual ability….

Hot Emotional Damage on a Molested Girl cuz it’s always nice to see a man’s abuse really torment a bitch for her entire life. You know that whole emotionally damaged years after being molested hustle….. It is the basis of penis hating lesbians. It is the reason for porno and male attention craving girls who know how to suck dick real well cuz they started at such a young age…..It is the reason for teenage pregnancy and drug addiction…so in a lot of ways shit makes the world go round.

Posted in:stepNEWS




stepNEWS of the Day

It amazes me that more people don’t like the stepNEWS. I assume it is because you don’t take the time to click the video and watch the clips because some of this shit is amazing…

Seriously, when I watch this shit, I can’t figure out why I don’t have the biggest site on the internet noboday reads…It is genius…

For example: This TV Host Gives Turkey Caller a Blow Job on TV….This Has got to Be a Fucking Joke…Cuz Fuck this is amazing

Some Dude’s Mom’s Reaction to a Giant Snow Cock Some Dude Built In his Front Yard

Some Women Hid Thousands of TJ Maxx Merchandise in their Body Fat – Are you kidding me….Ghetto…..Listen to the list of shit they were stuffing in their obesity….this is better than any movie…in fact if you saw it in a movie – you would say “that’d never happen”…but it did motherfucker.

Posted in:stepNEWS




Chick Wears Bikini to Get Through TSA of the Day

Here is a chick going through airport security in a bikini….kind of an obvious move but I kinda like it….I was joking about getting a bitch to walk through airport security naked cuz everyone is so pussy about showing their pussies when going through the new scanners, which I guess makes sense, since TSA staff or pretty much dumb fucks high school drop out retards who thought it was better pay than the local McDonalds or chicken farm.

Seriously. It’s like these mindless retards are responsible for enforcing stupid fucking security measures that are totally unnescessary, making the hot chicks run through scanners, to pull out jerk off material for later in the night cuz that girl on the 8 am flight to O’Hare had a great rack….

I do not travel,that’s for classy folk who don’t have criminal records, but I’ve seen these idiots being interviewed on TV and on Radio about this, and they are total fucking trash who don’t deserve to see people naked….totally unprofessional and as far as I’m concerned not in a position to pump gas, let alone manage airplane safety…

What a joke….

Here’s a bonus stepNEWS clip of a fat chick falling….

Posted in:stepNEWS




stepNEWS of the Day

These are all really fucking amazing stepNEWS videos. I guess people are losing their fucking shit you know with the Holidays coming, or the boredom of fall, poverty… whatever the reason, I’m just happy it’s going on. So here are some recent crazy fucking stories…to keep you entertained while I slowly wake up.

PA teacher accused of asking student for naked photos to settle debt

Drunk OH mom runs over daughter on purpose

IN woman told to remove underwear by TSA cuz the TSA is going nuts….

Man upset son saw naked women on MegaTouch game

83-year old grandma keg stand

NY Woman Confronts Subway Flasher

Posted in:stepNEWS




stepNEWS of the Day

I am finally getting the stepNEWS up at a reasonible hour, you’d think I had this morning show fantasy finally on lock down, but unlike normal morning show hosts, I’m fucking up at this hour cuz I was on a fucking bender and haven’t got any fucking sleep yet…I am still drunk, my eyes are burning and I think this glass of wine is a horrible idea but it’s all the fucking booze I can find…here is some fun shit goin in the news…cuz it makes me happy….even though drunk makes me feel as happy as I can possibly be…Hello day. I can’t wait to pass the fuck out and sleep all day.

Here is the stepNEWS

Pregnant Dallas teacher arrested for sex with students

TX Teacher Busted Taping Student in Bathroom

Wisconsin man upset dealership sends mail to dead wife

An Wisconsin man thought he sent a clear message to a dealership to stop sending mail addressed to his deceased wife. Instead the dealership sent mail to ‘June Is Dead’.

Ohio Amputee Tased in Wheelchair

Posted in:stepNEWS