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Archive for the stepTV Category




I am – stepTV Interview With Hard Nipples of the Day

No intro is really needed, this is a 20 second clip of stepTV interviewing a set of really mad nipples. This was shot over a year ago, that’s how quick we are at bringing you the goods. It won’t be offensive and I contemplated not posting it but lucky for you I have no editorial standards.

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I am – Banana Blowjob Video of the Day

I was told not to post this because it was boring. I was told that it’s not worth watching. I realize that a huge part of running this site is posting boring things that aren’t worth watching so here it is.

This video was shot in outside a bar by stepSTEVE and his friends before stepSTEVE was the celebrity rockstar in a band that he is today. I asked him if he was cool with me posting it and he told me he didn’t have enough time to watch it cuz he was going to the gym….I guess he’s getting in shape for his tour. So this is me, bringing back stepTV. Cuddles.

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I am – Dude on a Razor Scooter of the Day

This is some dude we met on the street who is too old to be riding on Razor Scooters…in reality everyone is too old to be riding on Razor Scooters and they should be illegal. They are gayer than bicycle shorts…that’s the story I heard. Here’s the Video…If you want to see a better quality version GO ….

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I am – Video Response to a Myspace Message of the Day

So some dude sent this to me on myspace:

So, let me ask your opinion. My crappy band played a show last night, and as a last-minute whim we invited a black friend of ours to stand onstage wearing a Swastika armband. Surely, you can see the humor in a black guy wearing Nazi gear, right? The crowd sure didn’t. Now people think we’re Nazis (we’re not, though).

So my question is this: funny, or not funny?

Personally, I’d have to go with “funny”.

My response is that I don’t find swastika humor funny, because it’s easy. It’s like making fun of fat people or retarded people. It’s on the same level as “yo momma” jokes. It’s the cliche bad taste joke to make when you want to show the world just how much you don’t give a fuck. So, if I was at your shitty band’s show, I wouldn’t have laughed unless your show was at at a Bar Mitzvah, then I would have laughed cuz that’s just what I call psycho funny.

If you want funny for your next show, I suggest finding a Jewish guy to do a stupid dance, it will probably win back your jew loving audience that you lost because they think you’re jew haters…

This is a video of my favorite Jew Doing a Retarded Dance of the Day. Notice he is Jewish by his Plasma TV. I’d rent him out to you, but you probably don’t have money, since your band is shitty and since I don’t really know this dude. Just cuz I post the shit doesn’t mean I make it. I hope that answered your question. Cuddles.

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I am – Drug Addicted Street Kid Dancing of the Day

I went on a walk last night because that’s how I decompress after a long day doing nothing and saw some dudes in cheap suits beat boxing outside some mid-range restaurant that people in cheap suits go to after work. When I crossed the street to see why the hell these suits had a dancing monkey flipping all over the place. It turned out that it was some drug addicted street kid who I had seen around and his dance was his way of making money for more drugs. The last time I saw this dude he told me that people were after him and if I filmed him, he’d find me. He had been in martial arts for years, I assume before he ran away from home and found crack and he used his skills to earn his keep, because let’s face it – 10 year old martial artists don’t make money and being addicted to drugs is more fun. The suits got him to do the dance again, because they were so impressed and I grabbed this footage. I asked him for a picture when he was done and he showed us his bleeding scar that went from nipple to belly button. It’s from the surgery he got after being stabbed a few months ago…..I am proud to say that when I lived on the street, youtube didn’t exist and there’s no video of me doing the monkey tricks I did for booze floating around, because I like to think I’ve cleaned up nicely and I’d hate for that video to haunt me and stand in the way of my future. I guess it’s too bad that I don’t have that same kind of consideration for others but I’m totally okay with posting this video because if dudes high, getting stabbed and drinking out of puddles, I doubt he’ll be running for president, if you know what I mean.

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I am – Country Music Night of the Day

There is humor in bad content, shitty videos and garbage commentary. That humor is your reaction. You get all pissed off after watching a clip that you have no choice but to watch because it’s there and you have nothing to do. You are hoping that this video is different than all the other shit I’ve put out. You feel like I owe you funny because I’ve been making you laugh the last 2 years for free and that I am your dancing fucking monkey that you found in the gutter so you don’t have to pay. You feel like I wrong you when I post something that you don’t find funny, because as a visitor to this site, it’s my fucking job to jerk you off while licking your ass. Reality is, it’s funnier for me to fuck with you than to give you what you want. I do know that I’d rather read your reaction to my smut and laugh at you than have 10,000 people praise my shit because either way I’m not making money off the site I am hungover…I am not your whore…here is my clip.

For the record…I love it and think it’s just as funny as all the hate mail you are going to send me. Cuddles.

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I am – Guys Hugging in a Bar of the Day

Someone sent in a complaint about how I stopped producing my shitty stepTV clips. I assume she either missed the messages to Lohan or watching stepSTEVE lick whipped cream off some dirty girl from Boston. So I went ahead and edited stepfather titles to a video some dude sent into me, because it’s nice to take credit for other people’s work. The reality is that I took this video, but the dude doing the hugging was pretty fucking big and I’d hate for him to recognize me after all 3 of you click this video, humiliating him on the internet. I am not really in the blogging mood, but I have lots of funny still left in me, I just forgot to put it in this clip. I just need to get a coffee and some lunch cuz I am hung over. Enjoy. Cuddles. And girls…send in some bikini pics info@drunkenstepfather.com…I am bored and want to rate your body cuz it’s a little less gay than this video.

It’s glitching and I don’t know how to fix it…but I am really glad I spent 3 hours on this piece of shit that isn’t even funny….

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I am – George Costanza Press Conference of the Day

My server went down for 7 hours, it was a hard hit for all of you, now I am back with a video, because that’s how we work here.

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I am – Homeless Man Dance

What were you doing the Friday night…well I was learning how to edit this piece of shit. Yeah, I suck at life. Thanks.

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I am -Steve does a Bodyshot Like a Girl of the Day


I have been to bars a few times in my life. I’ll admit that I am a little older and a little disconnected from reality, and this whole Girls Gone Wild rage only happened in the last 5 years, but I’ve been out a couple of times and I have seen this shit go down. The girl lines up on the bar, they cover her in whip cream and booze and a dude, or multiple dudes lick it off and start making out with her….Point of the body shot is to get to know new people and not to get STDs and getting to know a new person by licking off her stomach and shoving your tongue in her mouth is a lot more fun than trying to get them to give you her number, taking her on a date, and hoping that maybe she’ll put out. Girls like being treated like sluts and that’s not to say the girls in the video are sluts, I am sure they are respectable young ladies but I am generalizing here.

Steve sent me in this clip from a night some bar, where he saw two girls doing body shots and felt that they should do body shots off him, like a girl. At first I thought it was really gay, but then I realized 2 girls are giving him a lick down. I wonder if he showered before doin’ this, I know I wouldn’t. Enjoy.

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