I am pretty disgusted by people. You know when you see a hot girl who only gets with a soccer player because he’s considered a celebrity in whatever immigrant country they are from and has a lot of money, so that if this poor motherfucker worked at his dad’s hat shop and was out of shape from eating all the meatballs his fat wife feeds him, or whatever the fuck immigrant business they are in, she wouldn’t even give him the time of day.
It’s like how the fuck do you know a persons intentions, who is really sincere, are we on this solo life mission where everyone is out for themselves, I’d say thank god I don’t have to worry about this kind of thing, cuz people who talk to me are authentic and I know who is real, but that’d be a fuckin lie, I hate the hurtbags who talk to me and annoy me with their poverty, I wish the biggest worry for me was if a whore was with me for my money or my personality, because I already know I have a shitty personality and I also know thatI’d only be with her for sex and her hot ass pussy. I don’t know what an ass pussy is, but feel it’s popular in the Gay part of town…
Here are the pics of these people I’ve never heard of.

Posted in:Rafael Van Der Vaart|Sylvie Van Der Vaart