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Archive for the TINY TITS Category




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

If you don’t see the value, the fun, the hotness, the cuteness, the good times that can be had, the dreams that can become realities, when it comes to small tits….you’re an idiot..

I don’t think I’ve ever met a dude who is as into small tits as I am, but I do think they are amazing, manageable, don’t get in the way, and a preview of a hotter naked body…

If you’re a big titty girl out there, you’re likely sloppy as shit…soft and doughy…even if you don’t look as fat as you should be, you’ll likely end up as fat as you are destined to be…..as all girls grow into their tits eventually…so big tits are just that warning of what is to come….while small tits are a better investment….they aren’t that GME that will back out if you got in at the right time like some kind of fluke…but more the long play that pays dividends….not that I know anything about investing money or the stock market, but I do know the difference between short term “her tits are huge, I want to fuck em” lottery wins and actually investing in big tits long term, getting stuck with them….and the gunt they surprise you with when they hit 200 pounds…

So I get the excitement of big tits on a small frame before they get fat, but for practical purposes…the small tits are the better long play…and they look as good as big tits if you’re into tits and not some closet case who only likes big tits cuz you were told to in your frat…..

INVEST IN SMALL TITS….TO THE FUCKING MOON…or whatever you bro investors say….


Posted in:TINY TITS




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway, tiny tits are titties too…and even though they aren’t as heavy, they are worth as much as big fat sloppy tits, because women aren’t the deli counter, even if some of their vaginas look like they are.

I am a big fan of small tits, they carry themselves better in most positions, and big tits are a real roll of the dice gamble as to whether they’ll be as good as they look like they’ll be….or that the body they are attached to will be as tight as you’d want it to be, because genetically girl store fat…

I am a believer that a tighter, fitter body statistically comes with a set of small tits…nicer asses too..

I am a believer that fake tits are disgusting and self mutilating and that if you have small tits take owning them instead of destroying them into account…it’s a viable option…

So the unicorn of small body with big tits happen and it’s amazing, but the day to day tit target should be small tits…unless you’re into fat chicks in which case…you’re disgusting…


Posted in:TINY TITS




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I start my Tiny Tits post the way I start my Full Back Panty post, with a “Tiny Tits are People Too”….which is my way of saying ALL TITS MATTER….or some it’s not the size of the tit by the motion of the ocean…or maybe a little Just Cuz They Are Small Doesn’t Mean they Aren’t Good….

I am not a disciminater against small tits, I am actually a small tit fetishist, because small tits come with small pussies, or tighter bodies, while Big tits are just a roll of a dice in sloppy…

I am not against big sloppy tits…but since I appreciate all tits…big and small….and big tits get all the glory and give girls a complex that their small tits suck…so many small tits have been violently murdered for the sake of big tits through surgeries and that is WRONG.

EMBRACE your small tits…


Posted in:TINY TITS




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I haven’t met any dudes that hate small tits, that’s some elementary school bullying shit that gives girl’s complexes for life….sure the big titty girls always get all the attention…and there are dudes that will do basically anything for big titties…like ignore the bitch’s 300 pound belly…because big tits have that level of impact on a motherfucker…and sure all kinds of celebs from Pam Anderson to Kate Upton and every big tit in-between….shout out Anna Nicole…RIP…has been able to get ahead for having big tits…and sure girls in the corporate world, stripper business, bar business, Hooters Waitresses business can say that tits get tips and opens doors because they are hypnotizing…

BUT that doesn’t mean we don’t love compact tits as much, they are just less show boaty so nothing to go MENTAL over, but still apprecaite grabbing, sucking, cumming on…staring at…

So as idiot girls get implants like HALSEY…thinking it’ll make their lives better…I’m here to say….TINY TITS are great…KEEP EM….and they usually come with a hotter ass than their bigger titty counterparts…which is more important than a big floppy novelty tit.


Posted in:TINY TITS




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

As much as I hate empowerment bullshit, because for the most part the people crying for empowerment are the fat and the ugly, the skin condition or the retardation, the birth defect or the obese as fuck…..the tranny, the intersex, the lesbian…you know everything is some bullshit about everyone being worthy or deserving of being celebrated even if they don’t fit social norms…then all those people photoshop the shit out of themselves to make a cartoon and filtered version of themselves basically forgetting all the bullshit they just spewed…

ANYWAY…sometimes I appreciate it…so long as the bitch is hot….which happens sometimes…but I am all for championing, empowering, celebrating, not shaming the small tit community….

I love small tits as much as I love big tits because they are tits…and sure some small tits are ugly tits and some big tits are ugly tits but they are still tits…

What I don’t love is when girls feel the need to cut their tits open and implant a plastic sac full of poison into their chest, only for it to pollute their fucking body for the same of rounder fake tits….

It’s not an accomplishment to cut you tit open for 5k to get a set of bigger tits, that’s the lazy man’s approach to tits…what is an accomplishment is thinking your hot tight body and you hot small tits should be photographed for the internet…

So I am the ITTY TITTY ambassador, I want to be the king of their Parade like I was John Goodman at New Orleans Halloween Parade back in 2010….if you know what I mean…AND YOU DO.


Posted in:TINY TITS




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

Tiny Tits are people too….I mean not that people are worth a shit, so maybe tiny tits are are just the good part of people when those people are women…because people are shit but their tits aren’t…even when they are small….

I guess, I have no idea what I am saying, other than if you’re born with small tits, don’t fret, dudes will still jerk off to them, cum on them, and have fun with them because small tits have as much personality as big tits, they are just more refined and usually on a tighter body…

I choose tiny tits and when I hear women get their tiny tits removed, by inserting implants, going under the fucking knife, cutting themselves open, putting a plastic thing inside their body, while crying about COVID vaccines and raw dog sex…I mean not that they cry about raw dog sex…condoms are for sick people…but you know what I mean “I only eat organic” shit…but I have two sacs of pharma grade plastic embedded in my chest like it’s a YOUTUBE video on your shitty blog….no offense STEPFATHER PRESENTS you stud…

POINT BEING…be happy with what you’ve got, or hate it, but stop trying to modify it cuz it ain’t you babe…

Here are some of those tiny tits, empowered, as they should be cuz they are tits.


Posted in:TINY TITS




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

As much as I love a sloppy tit on a skinny frame because it’s the unicorn of tits that happens, just not nearly enough, because big tits lose their glory when the bodies that own those big tits start to catch up to the tits….

I could list the big tits on a small frame that have ended up disappointing when they start eating again, or when the metabolism slows down….from Jennifer Love Hewitt, to Kate Upton, big tits gone sloppy…maintaining a hot fit body without killing off the fat tits is rare…hence why I love them…

But for everyday tits, tiny tits are far more manageable, and less likely to be unattractive because there’s less ways for them to fail, because they have less size or volume for errors to happen…

That’s not to say there aren’t shitty tiny tits out there, but I’ll assume there’s probably not overly shitty tits getting posted to tiny tit communities as the tiny tits reclaim their place in the world and survive the unrealistic expectations the media and the patriarchy has brainwashed them into thinking they need to live up to…not that any of these girls seem to care about their small tits or that the media has ruined their confidence about their small tits…because not everyone is a victim loser like fat chicks who whine about skinny bitches…

What I am saying is that I champion small tits and these are some small tits for you to champion…


Posted in:TINY TITS




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I support small tits, both in my hand and in my mouth, and I guess in photos because here’s a whole gallery of small tits to remind you that small tits, like their bigger counterparts, are fucking amazing and girls with small tits need to embrace and love their small tits, instead of hacking them up and turning them into their bigger counterparts, because there is more to a girl that her tits, she’s got an ass, a body, a pussy, a mouth, hands, feet, basically so many other things about her to cum on….and MORE importantly, small tits have a level of perk, attitude, personality like big tits do too, they are just more manageable, and thus better.

I like big tits, all tits, TITS, but I like to CHAMPION small tits because girls who have small tits need to be reminded that they are great…Their tits not them because most people are inherently garbage…but their tits make them more tolerable.


Posted in:TINY TITS




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I think all that Woke shit is obviously bullshit, that whole body positivity or no body shaming is all bullshit for fat and ugly girls to integrate themselves into the hot girl world, because they want in on the action or because bullying didn’t exist when they were growing up so they don’t know they are garbage…

BUT I do believe in small tits, I am an advocate for small tits, because small tits are people too, or tits too….and all the doors that big tits open have made small tits feel inadequate, yet they are adequate, we don’t need that much tit to get the essence of a tit, and small tits usually look better…

So I support this small titty empowerment movement because I love all tits, not equally…but yeah…small tits matter.


Posted in:TINY TITS




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I am the ambassador of tiny tits, because I believe in my soul that tiny tits are awesome….because I’m really only here for the pussy.

Small tits are a wonderful thing, they are manageable, don’t break backs and posture and oftentimes are nicer to look at than a big tits, it’s like more small tits are nicer than big tits, because big tits are just fat and sloppy….

That’s not to say I don’t like big tits, I think sloppy tits on a small frame is the holy grail of tit, but it’s to say from a statistical standpoint, if you’re rolling the dice or betting on a bitch having nice tits, the small tits are the safer bet….because there’s too much variety to big tits…too many “X-Factors” and unknowns…then there’s the whole girl with fat tits being prone to gaining weight…which does bad things to asses…even if it is good things to tits…

So I like to support these small tits being proud of the small tits…making the world a better place by showing their small tits…instead of being weak and confused by their small tits that they save their lunch money or sugar baby allowances to buy new tits….because fake tits are the worst of tits….

This is a gallery of small tits for small tit empowerment…I’m a believer…I subscribe…Let me in your small tit club…I’ll bring the refreshments and boner.


Posted in:TINY TITS