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Archive for the TINY TITS Category




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

Tiny tits are titties too, that’s the tiny tit slogan and I am sticking to it.

Posted in:TINY TITS




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

Oh my goodness. It’s tiny tits tuesday.

Which is a great reminder to us all that TINY TITS are titties too.

That is all I have to say about that….

Because that’s all there is to that, if they were bigger tits, I’d probably have more to say, but since they are not, we can keep it simple.

Posted in:TINY TITS




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

Tiny tits are titties too!

Posted in:TINY TITS




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

Tiny Tits Tuesday is back motherfuckers….

As irritating as it is to compile these pictures and videos of random girls getting naked on the internet in efforts to live their best life, to achieve their dreams, to get some of that OnlyFans money that’s being made through exhibitionism and perversion, to claim their stake like it’s the modern day gold rush, which it pretty much is, some of these girls make 5 million or more per year and they are hardly that impressive….

This new normalized kind of internet stripping…and it’s appealing to the normies of the internet because it’s been normalized and now they all have to find ways to get subscribers and showing their tits as a taste does that….

So yeah, lots of Tiny Tit fetish content out there for dudes like me who like Tiny Tits, because they are perkier and more manageable than huge sloppy tits, and the bodies that come stock with tiny tits are normally tight, lean and hotter than the bodies that come with big sloppy tits…sure you get the fat chick with no tits, but we’re not worried about those kinds of tiny tits….we like hot tiny tits…

And really, when it comes to tits, it’s all about the nipple…so long as there is nipple to chew on…the fatness of the tit doesn’t matter.

So let’s normalize the tiny tit being hot like we normalized posting nudes to sell nudes to real fucking losers….do it for inclusivity and boosting the self esteem of a bitch.

Posted in:TINY TITS




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

If the skinny chick with small tits has a nipple, she’s good enough for me.

The fact is that I don’t even need nipples, she’s still good enough for me, because I’m the kind of guy who will hang out outside the breast cancer ward offering my services to worship mastectomy tits, you know to help build the newly cut off tit confidence, because they are still tits to me, even without the nipple.

I’m a titty worshipper because why wouldn’t I be….

So long as there’s no dick, I don’t subscribe to the “built like a midget” or “built like a 12 year old boy”….that shit is propaganda because TINY tits are hot…so FLATTY 2×4…get in my fucking mouth and nurse me like your baby.






Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I don’t think big tits are overrated because I like to stare at them.

I just think that small tits are tits worthy of being stared at too.

I am a communist when it comes to tits, they may not all be treated equally, but I’ll sexualize them equally as the elite tits look down on us from their castles…

I believe that tiny tits deserve as much creeping as big tits, so that’s why we do this round-up all the fucking time….it’s a tiny tit celebration.


Posted in:TINY TITS




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I was sent a takedown notice for a TINY TIT Pic of a girl pulling out her tiny tit from a revenge porn company that basically profits from women who are victims of revenge porn, because they pay these companies to remove the revenge porn, but like anything, people abuse the whole being a victim thing and the revenge porn is rarely actual revenge porn, they just use that angle to get people to remove the nudes they’ve put on the internet in a time they thought hustling nudes on the internet was a good idea.

So I don’t feel as an accomplice in the revenge porn world, since I don’t know any of these chicks, but have a feeling they are fully consensual in these pictures, since they are posing in the pictures….and not about to kill themselves like a high school girl who was victim of actual revenge porn.

I do feel offended by the women who pull their tits out, no matter how small the tit is, because tit of all sizes are tits, using the whole victim shit to get their nudes removed off the internet now that they want to go back to being serious.

It’s pretty disrespectful to actual victims of revenge porn…..so here are some tiny tits of girls who may email me in a few weeks to remove their pics due to it being revenge porn….when clearly it’s not…


Posted in:TINY TITS




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

Sometimes you have to wonder how many times a motherfucker can say “Tiny Tits are Titties Too”….or “Tiny Tit Lives Matter”…..because it seems to be a weekly thing over here, because what the fuck does a motherfucker need to say about small tits, other than that they are awesome because they are tits, and that as someone who hates fake everything, in this fake world, amongst fake people, with fake faces, and face tits, and fake personalities, and fake fucking fake everything….a small natural tit is the last of the realness we get in this curated bullshit internet world of fake…

As it turns out, a motherfucker can say “Tiny Tits are Titties Too”….and/or “Tiny Tit Lives Matter”…..yet ANOTHER motherfucking TIME motherfucker….because #FACTS.


Posted in:TINY TITS




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

In a fake as fuck world, where these fake as fuck people tell us fake as fuck stories, and sell us on fake as fuck endorsements of fake as fuck products, while they fake and fuck for their demonic personal gain, which seems to work thanks to the retards of the world subscribing to the fake shit they are being selling, I can’t help but hate on fake tits.

I get why women buy them, why not give the men in their life a fantasy to stare at, like some kind of inflated beach ball but in tit from because they aren’t 5 years old at the pool anymore, but their brains are about as developed as they were at 5 years old…the bulbous shape has changed, the excitement for the bulbous shape not so much..

Anyway, in this fake as fuck world, where even these tits you’re looking at are fake version of the tits, even if they are real tits, I definitely gravitate to the natural look, the natural tit, the natural bush, the natural face…because the sex doll look terrifies me….

So here are some tiny tits, my co-sign or endoresement, since Tiny Tits are better than stupid fake tits in theory, since they aren’t fake as fuck when everything else is fake as fuck…FUCK….


Posted in:TINY TITS




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

It’s not about the tit size….

It’s about the pussy size bro…

Here are some tiny tits to remind you that tiny tits can be hot in a world where tiny tits are not as celebrated as their big titty counterparts, even if they are built better on bitches with better builds….because if tiny tits were celebrated, all those plastic surgeons would have to go back to helping children with burns or pitbull scars and that’s far less fun than creating titties like a retard on PLAYDOH day…


Posted in:TINY TITS