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Archive for the Tracey Category




Michael J. Fox Shows Off his Wife and her Hard Mom Nipples of the Day

Michael J. Fox the human vibrator is showing off his wife and her mom body again. It’s like you’d think dude would take a fucking break and spend a day shaking in fucking bed already, but instead he’s eager to enjoy every moment of this vacation and I guess it’s a lot more inspiring that the 55 year old dude who looks 90, pushing 300 pounds who sits on the side of the street moaning in pain so that people ask him if he’s ok and he can give his speech about having some bullshit disease. Yesterday it was liver failure, two weeks ago it was lung cancer cuz he likes his terminal illness to constantly change while feeling sorry for himself…

So if you like hard mom nipples with a sweet compassion who could have have walked out on the dude when she had the chance, but decided to stand by her man and help him like it was her job, and I guess a good paying job because he did make a lot of money over his career and she does have the good life thanks to him, not to mention she hooked him in early on in his career when he was just not short and not livin’ the daily earthquake…

Here are the saint’s at these nipples because most girls are self-involved cunts who crave attention and always want more than what they have. The wholesome mother who dyes easter eggs with her kids while the husband is making milkshakes just doesn’t exist these days, so let these pictures be a reminder that you will never find a love like this, or a loyalty like this, unless you marry a fat chick.

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Bikini|Michael J. Fox|Nipples|Tracey




Tracey P. Keaton’s Mom Body in a Bikini of the Day

I’m so hungover, I can’t stop shaking…no wait…I’m not shaking…I’m just looking at pictures of Michael J. Fox and I think that I am cuz he is, I’m sure he gets that all the time…you know people who are talking to him who don’t know he’s the youngest man in history to have parkinsons, and as he vibrates like a human sex toy that has kept his wife around the last 15 years he’s had the disease, because she realized a disability, if looked at in the right way can be a serious ability, or maybe this is just one of Hollywood’s great love stories, of a couple who dated on set of an 80s sitcom, who haven’t left each other’s side since, because they are soul mates, or because his wife is maternal and can’t leave a motherfucker just cuz he got sick and has been progressively getting worse like some kind of saint who really just doesn’t want to look evil, like his disease has her trapped, kinda like when I used to want to get AIDS to give to this hot girl so she would never leave my side, but a little less psycho…

See, I’ve got nothing but love for Michael J. Fox. I feel for him for being so fucked up at such a young age, like an 80 year old in a 40 year old’s body or some shit but at least he’s living the good life on the beach in St Barth, but more importantly, at least his wife has maintained a pretty fucking good body into her forties, despite being a mom and having stopped acting to be a mom. It always impresses me when women with kids and husbands aren’t disgusting and fat. Maybe it’s cuz I’m not used to it….

As a bonus, here’s a little clip of Michael J. Fox scoring Tracey on Family Ties, this is where the love all started and like all great romantic moments, this song seems to come to mind whenever I’m thinking about rape. Inspiring.

Either way, here is the happy couple on the beach…

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Beach|Bikini|Micheal J. Fox|Tracey|wife