I'll Make You Famous…

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I am – Jessica Alba doesn’t like Migrant Workers

I am a migrant worker and there is nothing I hate more than working for people who don’t talk to me. I have been a gardener, valet, bus boy and a stockboy. I have worked in the shipping department, I have operated inflatable games at Jewish events and in every one of those jobs had a cunt who would treat me like the piece of shit my job made me feel like daily….meaning I’d get zero recognition, I’d get no please or thank you, no eye contact and really minimal conversation but if something went wrong they would have no problem yelling at me. I remember the day I realized that rich people don’t have enough respect for people, and that was when working in a drug store when the hottest bitch I’d never have the chance to slam asked me for enemas and Tuck’s medicated pads….obviously if I was someone she had any level of respect for, she woulda kept that shit to herself. Instead she’s asking me, because she knows I am not in her socio-economic class. I guess Alba forgets where her Spic ancestors are from and the shit they had to eat before raising her in an upper middle class home that allowed her to run after her acting dream so here is Alba sitting on her phone like this poor Korean woman isn’t worth her time as she files down her toes.

Now, I would let Alba talk on her phone while flinging her shit at me as I was dress up like a little school girl getting raped by her AIDS infected boyfriend just to let me play with her toes, and I am not a foot fetishist but that is besides the point, I think.

Bonus Alba at the Spic Awards

Bonus Number 2 Alba with her Rich Lame Boyfriend who some stalker is gonna kill thinkin’ he’s got a chance with this bitch, that stalker may be you….

Another Bonus Alba in a Pink Shirt

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I am – Jessica Alba doesn't like Migrant Workers

I am a migrant worker and there is nothing I hate more than working for people who don’t talk to me. I have been a gardener, valet, bus boy and a stockboy. I have worked in the shipping department, I have operated inflatable games at Jewish events and in every one of those jobs had a cunt who would treat me like the piece of shit my job made me feel like daily….meaning I’d get zero recognition, I’d get no please or thank you, no eye contact and really minimal conversation but if something went wrong they would have no problem yelling at me. I remember the day I realized that rich people don’t have enough respect for people, and that was when working in a drug store when the hottest bitch I’d never have the chance to slam asked me for enemas and Tuck’s medicated pads….obviously if I was someone she had any level of respect for, she woulda kept that shit to herself. Instead she’s asking me, because she knows I am not in her socio-economic class. I guess Alba forgets where her Spic ancestors are from and the shit they had to eat before raising her in an upper middle class home that allowed her to run after her acting dream so here is Alba sitting on her phone like this poor Korean woman isn’t worth her time as she files down her toes.

Now, I would let Alba talk on her phone while flinging her shit at me as I was dress up like a little school girl getting raped by her AIDS infected boyfriend just to let me play with her toes, and I am not a foot fetishist but that is besides the point, I think.

Bonus Alba at the Spic Awards

Bonus Number 2 Alba with her Rich Lame Boyfriend who some stalker is gonna kill thinkin’ he’s got a chance with this bitch, that stalker may be you….

Another Bonus Alba in a Pink Shirt

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I am – Ashlee Simpson Nose Ass Crack


A couple of weeks ago I made a post comparing Jessica and Ashlee and I said that Ashlee is the ugly younger sister who is trying to live up to her sister’s good, big breasted looks. But today we learn that Jessica’s big breasts have been smoke and mirrors, the fuckers hang off her body like my shit hangs off my ass hair, which although seems really sexy, is actually pretty gross but all part of having bad hygiene. Anyway, Ashlee’s insecurities and raging success as a singer has allowed her to purchase a new nose and bitch is lookin’ good. I would argue that today Ashlee looks better than Jessica. I am pretty inconsistent…I realize that, but Ashlee NOSE best.

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I am – Jessica Simpson's Floppy Tit


So girls with big tits have an issue and that issue is keeping them perky as the girls age. Jessica’s probably 25 or 30 by now and that is the age that a woman’s body starts fallin’ apart. I don’t want to be the prick who always talks shit about hot girls, because people don’t seem to be too responsive to me comparing people like Johansson to fat strippers, they think it’s a cry for attention…which it isn’t, so I am just gonna leave it at this…big tits and age means nipples aimin to the ground and that is as hot as my year in prison. So no matter how hot a bitch is, that’s just the way things end up.

Nick was probably smart to get out when he had the chance, is all i am saying….I remember when I used to date a girl with these massive tits. All I was thinking was that I should marry her to make love to those tits every day, I could use them as pillows and drink holders and I could knock a bitch up and make the motherfuckers even bigger but then one day, I panicked. I knew these perfect tits would get sloppy. Shit happens. Right Jessica?

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I am – Jessica Simpson’s Floppy Tit


So girls with big tits have an issue and that issue is keeping them perky as the girls age. Jessica’s probably 25 or 30 by now and that is the age that a woman’s body starts fallin’ apart. I don’t want to be the prick who always talks shit about hot girls, because people don’t seem to be too responsive to me comparing people like Johansson to fat strippers, they think it’s a cry for attention…which it isn’t, so I am just gonna leave it at this…big tits and age means nipples aimin to the ground and that is as hot as my year in prison. So no matter how hot a bitch is, that’s just the way things end up.

Nick was probably smart to get out when he had the chance, is all i am saying….I remember when I used to date a girl with these massive tits. All I was thinking was that I should marry her to make love to those tits every day, I could use them as pillows and drink holders and I could knock a bitch up and make the motherfuckers even bigger but then one day, I panicked. I knew these perfect tits would get sloppy. Shit happens. Right Jessica?

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I am -Steve does a Bodyshot Like a Girl of the Day


I have been to bars a few times in my life. I’ll admit that I am a little older and a little disconnected from reality, and this whole Girls Gone Wild rage only happened in the last 5 years, but I’ve been out a couple of times and I have seen this shit go down. The girl lines up on the bar, they cover her in whip cream and booze and a dude, or multiple dudes lick it off and start making out with her….Point of the body shot is to get to know new people and not to get STDs and getting to know a new person by licking off her stomach and shoving your tongue in her mouth is a lot more fun than trying to get them to give you her number, taking her on a date, and hoping that maybe she’ll put out. Girls like being treated like sluts and that’s not to say the girls in the video are sluts, I am sure they are respectable young ladies but I am generalizing here.

Steve sent me in this clip from a night some bar, where he saw two girls doing body shots and felt that they should do body shots off him, like a girl. At first I thought it was really gay, but then I realized 2 girls are giving him a lick down. I wonder if he showered before doin’ this, I know I wouldn’t. Enjoy.

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I am – Bodyshot of the Day: StepTV

Click on the PLAY button. Or, RIGHT CLICK here and SAVE AS to your computer, and then OPEN after the download completes.

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I am – Comment of the Week


I already know this week’s winner of the “Comment of the Week Contest”. Send in your mailing address and we’ll think about sending you a t-shirt or to jail. Cuddles.

Dear Jeezus, while you are on the subject of thongs and being an expert in such things I was wondering if you have seen or know if thongs for 8 to 10 year old girls are currently being produced or worn by afore mentioned subjects?

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I am – Email of the Day

I only get about 3 emails a day, so when they include attachments, I get all excited, thinking that they may be from my ficticious female readers with hot bodies and a love for getting naked for me, but it never is it’s usually just a virus, and not the kind attached to a vagina. This email is actually about some dude’s night out using pheromone sprays. It’s not that interesting, but neither are you so go fuck yourself and die. Cuddles.


I have been reading your site for months, it brings me hours of entertainment followed by days of depression(HA!). I wanted to let you know that I bought some pherlure through your site last week. Here are some pics of me making out with the chick. TRUST ME when I say this, she looked a hell of a lot better in the dark and with a few drinks in me. Don’t worry, I didn’t end up fucking her because I have standards and she has a black boyfriend and a kid. It was a great way to start this bottle. I’ll be going out tonight and if my friend gets pics of me in action and if the chicks aren’t too ugly, I’ll send them your way.

Post this if you want and keep up the site.


I love it when I see my readers dropping my catch phrases, it makes me feel like I have had some kind of useless impact on society. If you want in on this, check out this site.

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I am – Fergie’s Thong


I feel like I should know what type of underwear every girl I know or come in contact with is wearing. I feel like pants should be obsolete when I am in the room, or at least should be taken off to give me a little flash/glance of what the ladies are rockin’ like “Jesus do you approve of these”. I am in the business of making girls famous, and I can only do that by knowing what’s going on down where it counts.

I feel like fergie has a penis and that means I shouldn’t know what’s going on in her BEP Pants, but now that I do I think she should be following these directions from a Herpes Maintenance site:

Keep your lesions clean and dry. You may want to sprinkle some cornstarch in your underwear to help the area stay dry.

Wear cotton or some other type of natural fiber underwear and loose-fitting clothing.

This is where I would put a link to her Official Myspace. But it’s been deleted, but this may still be her email address, let her know we say hi. bepfergie@tmail.com

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