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I am – PartySchools.com Contest

I am not going to make this complicated. I like university even though I never went. The girls go fucking insane slutting out, cuz they realize they have vaginas or some shit, and the dudes get to live out their highschool fantasies with these experimental slutty bitches. The people at PartySchools.com gave me a DVD to give a way, and since they are doing a good thing bringing these sluts into our homes, cuz some of us are too washed up and poor to see the real thing, I figured I’d help them out. Even though a DVD is a pretty shitty prize, it’s still better than a kick in a face, unless that kick is from some asian hooker with bound feet.

Now for the contest. IF you want to win a copy of the DVD, send in video or pictures of your college parties with bitches slutting out, and the first picture to get my readers hard wins. We’ll do a vote or something. Either way, you get a free DVD so stop your fucking complaining and realize that I hook you up.

Send Entries Here

Contest stays up for a week and there are no guarantees I won’t watch the DVD before sending it out to the winner. I am an asshole.

Visit the site by clicking on the logo to learn more.

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I am – Hilary Duff’s Ass Scratch

Sometimes ass gets itchy. It is the orifice that you shit out of – and shit is just filled with bacteria. I was reading somewhere that you should never eat shit because it’s toxic, and I once had a dog who shit all over himself and got a major skin infection. That said, I dont think Hilary is pickin’ a wedgie, and I don’t even think she’s got a fungal infection, her job makes her shower way too much to get that, I do think she’s got anal warts, or some other anal irritation, only because her boyfriend wears make-up and we know that dudes who wear make-up, generally go for the ass.

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I am – Hilary Duff's Ass Scratch

Sometimes ass gets itchy. It is the orifice that you shit out of – and shit is just filled with bacteria. I was reading somewhere that you should never eat shit because it’s toxic, and I once had a dog who shit all over himself and got a major skin infection. That said, I dont think Hilary is pickin’ a wedgie, and I don’t even think she’s got a fungal infection, her job makes her shower way too much to get that, I do think she’s got anal warts, or some other anal irritation, only because her boyfriend wears make-up and we know that dudes who wear make-up, generally go for the ass.

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I am – Olivia Newton John Junior

People always get emotional when I post about celebrity kids. I think it has to do with them not asking to be in the lime-light.org. But reality is, I don’t really give a fuck. I see a pic of a 15 year old blond bitch with cock-suckin’ lips (that’s what we used to call ’em in texas”, and I don’t really give a fuck who her parents are, unless of course daddy’s a lawyer or a police officer or some redneck porn producer trying to harvest her into a star and finds out that Jesus Martinez is sending his baby love letters on MySpace. Speaking of Myspace, add me, I want 100,000 friends by New Years. I think if we band together we can do this.

100,000 Friends Contest, Add Me

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I am – Kaley Cuoco?

I love 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter, not because it killed John Ritter, but because it made dating your teenage daughter socially accepted, and I felt a lot less awkward when I was out getting ice cream with my hand down my stepdaughter’s pants, I’d just look over at the gawking crowd and say, “That John Ritter’s changed my fucking life”. I guess the good thing about his death is that he can always invading my living room with his bad jokes and homo-gay tendencies. Thank god we have Three’s Company re-runs on 20 times a day to make me hate my life more than you should hate yours, but you’re probably clueless to how pathetic you are, otherwise you’d make some changes. Now stop feeling sorry for yourself and look at this girls bra, the pattern looks like nipples, now masturbate for the 5th time today you fucking pervert. Cuddles.

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I am – Amy Who?

Amy Smart first touched my heart when she played Girl #1 in Seduced by Madness: The Diane Borchardt Story. Yeah that was my lame IMDB joke making reference to how useless this bitch is. She was in Varisty Blues, or Road Trip or Rat Race and other useless movie, that get you thinking, things like “Why the fuck am I sitting here, and more importantly who the fuck approved this shit” and “Is this what life is all about, should I just end my life here”. I would like to do a survey to how many suicide victims have been found in front of the TV watching Amy Smart movies, but it’d be hard, cuz they’d be dead, and dead people aren’t able to talk. If you’re wondering why I posted this picture, don’t ask, cuz I don’t fuckin know, other than that bitch looks preggers, and I love pregnant chicks.

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I am – Gisele on the Beach

Last I heard, this girl was engaged to Leonardo DiCaprio. I think he realized that he was capable of landing any pussy he wants and more importantly, that every brazilian has AIDS, especially the trannies, it’s a fact. If you were him, and found that out that your girl is really just an attractive, feminine dude with AIDS, you’d drop your bitch pretty quick too, even if she was a Victoria Secret model. There are hot bitches everywhere, just cuz some dyke Art Director chose Gisele doesn’t mean she’s the best pussy on the planet. Point of this post is not to point the “AIDS” finger at anyone, or accuse hot models of being born with a cock. The point is to try and understand why she’s with a balding dude. I know all you 28 year old momma’s boys, sitting in your parent’s basement, that you find really cool cuz you have your own entrance, are thinking to yourselves, “I’m bald and fat maybe I’ll land a bitch like Gisele too”. I’d finish this post but I realize that no one actually reads my shit. So fuck you too.

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I am – Kelly Osborne’s Back

Some girls have nothin’ going for them physically. I used to convince myself that every girl had something to offer. Like some fat bitches have great faces/tits, some skinny bitches have great legs and ass, some burn victims have coinslot vaginas. Point of the story is, Kelly Osborne ain’t nothin but Man Back, and the only motherfucker crazy enough to fuck this bitch is a closet cased homo,the kind married to women with more testosterone than them, the kind who get fucked up the ass by their manly wives penis sized clits.

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I am – Kelly Osborne's Back

Some girls have nothin’ going for them physically. I used to convince myself that every girl had something to offer. Like some fat bitches have great faces/tits, some skinny bitches have great legs and ass, some burn victims have coinslot vaginas. Point of the story is, Kelly Osborne ain’t nothin but Man Back, and the only motherfucker crazy enough to fuck this bitch is a closet cased homo,the kind married to women with more testosterone than them, the kind who get fucked up the ass by their manly wives penis sized clits.

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I am – Asian Dancer

This is some Elton John shit. Ths girl puts on a pair of short, tight shorts, throws on some lame R&B shit, sets up a video camera and humps the air, all for her big black boyfriend, the one that’s gonna ruin her, not because he’s black, but because she’s so small. A pencil would ruin her. If this girl isn’t 18, and the FBI are reading this, I apologize for making reference to her lady parts.

I never understood why people videotape themselves dancing or singing. It’s humiliating on an international scale.

Watch Video Here

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