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stepLINKS of the Day

I have been calling random girls from my facebook who post their numbers saying “I’ve been looking at your facebook pics for months, you look great in a bikini, I figured we should make things more personal”…..not one has agreed to meet…in fact not one has stayed on the phone for more than 15 seconds…our […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It was a holiday – but I still posted. I’m a hero… I could have been hanging with girls in bikinis…probably without them really knowing…. because I was not invited to hang with girls in bikinis….but instead kinda just watch them from afar….still better than posting on the blog…and often times better than them knowing […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am writing my thesis on how the world went to shit when we gave women the right to vote….not cuz I am in school…but I feel it is important to address that for millions of years of evolution….women were posssessions…then some asshole decided to recognize them as their own entity….despite evolution not preparing them […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I spent the night outside a club with the bouncers as they rejected 16 year old idiot girls trying to get into the club using fake ID and it was amazing…realizing how fucking stupid these bitches where….from trying to share one fake ID to offering their teen tits to paying 100 dollars to get in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My short term life plan is to land a threesome…at which point I’ll figure out my long term plan but can assume it will be to land another threesome….I’m all about changing lives…not necessarily for the better….but changing lives none the less…. Making moves people…. LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE Here are the stepLINKS…. Teen Mom’ […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Some dude with a hot as fuck bitch I was fucking with my eyes and pelvis…gyrating he air while licking my lips while I stared at her as I waited in line at the ATM pulled the best asshole move ever on me….he left his receipt in behind, knowing he had a 24,000 dollar ballance […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I finally got hate mail…..sure it is probably from some ignorant fat white chick who has only had sex once and luckily for her got pregnant so she’ll never be alone again…..but it is still hate mail…I feel like it has been years since anyone, even ignornant fat chicks, have emailed me hate cuz they […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve been drinking and I am in a hate fucking mood…so I’ve been sending dirty fucking mean spirited messages to bitches I hate but want to fuck….and to bitches I’ve fucked and want to hate….. I already got in one drunken fight with a girl on a bike and got up in her face called […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

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There is officially not much worst than getting a stranger’s shit all over your hand when leaving a public washroom….other than finding out the sink is broken and you can’t wash the shit off, but instead get to walk around wondering what kind of person made the shit, what did he eat, did he have […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The best part about birthdays is knowing your dad came in your mom 9 months prior…. you suck at masturbating. you suck at masturbating. you suck at masturbating. you suck at masturbating. you suck at masturbating. you suck at masturbating. I’m here to help….not in a gay way….click the links…. Tyra Banks Huge Tits GO […]