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stepLINKS of the Day

I am not drunk, but I should be. I blocked some woman on Twitter today, not because she’s stalking me, I encourage people stalking me, but they never do, because I suck at life, but that’s not the point, she kept whining at me about how I am not funny, and to try harder and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Sure my weekend didn’t involve plane crashes, but I like to think of myself as a plane crash everytime I have a drink in me, only instead of leaving casualties, I just do a good job making enemies. The weekend started in a Portuguese Mafia bar with an immigrant waitress and a bunch of dudes […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Here are my links from last night, I forgot to post them because I get distracted easily. Happy 9/11!!! RoHAN May Be Planning a Big Gay Wedding GO The Top Ten Moments in Celebrity Bra History GO Even Strippers Live By a Code GO Aria Giovanni Tribute GO Man, Elisha Cuthbert Needs to Clean the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Girls in Canada are going all out because they know there’s about a week left of summer, so they are pullin’ all stops and wearing as little clothing as possible which makes raping them when they are wasted a whole lot easier, not that I would do that kind of thing. I couldn’t handle all […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I just got stuck in the backseat of a broken down car in the middle of nowhere for the last 10 hours because I agreed to go with a friend to the middle of nowhere because he was going to score some internet pussy he’s been talking to for a while and he sold her […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was rated number 7 blog in Montreal in some local bullshit paper that tries to be relevant because it is the only free English paper in the city. I was number 1 last year and I guess I should look at it as sign that it’s all downhill from here…this is what they wrote […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Last night, I was bored and had no money so I ended up drinking a couple of 40s in the park. I ended up running into an old friend who wanted some hookers and I decided to go along for the ride because I was drunk and had nothing better to do. We drove through […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I could tell you a long drawn out story about how I went to a BMW dealership to fuck with the car salesman by telling him I was an internet millionaire and showed up wearing a pair of stained, ripped jeans in two mismatched shoes and a shirt covered in brown stains that I am […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I did my good deed for the year today. It’s actually the first good deed I’ve done in a long time because people are generally afraid of me and stay as far away from me as possible, but today I was the only one around and this woman with huge post-pregnancy tits was trying to […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I figured one little bitch who read the site and bought a t-shirt would be pissed off that I sent them a different shirt design then the one they chose, even though the new one is a lot nicer than the old one….This is the email I got from one of you useless fucks…who is […]