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stepLINKS of the Day

Facebook disconnects people. It’s like talking to your screen instead of having to talk to people in person. Telling people about yourself, not really caring about themselves. It’s the internet masturbation station where you can jerk off to pics of bitches you want to fuck all while thinking everyone is so interested in your bullshit […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I pulled an all nighter last night – slept all day and I’m about to pull an all nighter again…It’s the Holidays, even though everyday is a Holiday for me, but any excuse to drink with lonely dudes while watching hot girls shovel out their car from the snow is worth fucking celebrating. Just 5 […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve been using my stepLINKS to either rip into assholes who annoy me, or campaign for more TWITTER FOLLOWERS or FACEBOOK FRIENDS even if Facebook always shuts me down….and although I didn’t reach my 5,000 friend by the weekend mark, I did manage to get 3 friend requests from hot pussy….unfortunately 2 were spammers for […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I didn’t take this picture of a girl pissing, but I wish I had. Not so much becuase I like watcing girls I don’t know pissing, but because I like taking pictures of girls I don’t know pissing. It would make my life more fun not to mention your life more fun when visiting this […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I got this awkward email and I felt I should share it with you… hi there i see you had late last year a doco on chronic masturbation on your site. is there any way you can put it up there again? or could send it to me? or could send me a link to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I think I have posted this picture before – it’s come to the point in my life where they all look the same…I guess the same could be said about everything on this site….you know like its fucking groundhog day…but who really gives a fuck….I’m still doin it….It’s almost like marriage….everyday the same fucking pussy […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Don’t wear a shirt with breasts drawn on the shit if you don’t want to get random men grabbing your fat tits and making derogatory comments like I am a common whore walking down the street, when I don’t even have a fucking vagina. Don’t go out on the weekend NASCAR is in town and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve been drinking all night – or at least for the last 5 hours and I am feeling pretty dizzy. I tried to convince a fat chick to come home with me to compare her fat gut with my wife’s while I jerk my limp dick, she wasn’t down and her husband was totally not […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am thinking about hitchiking to LA with my pug to work as a bus boy in West Hollywood at a gay bar, in efforts to suck my dick to the top of the entertainment industry. Unfortunately, I am past my prime and probably give a shitty blowjob, not to mention I figure that strategy […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It is my birthday and I am not doing anything. I am not at the strip club drinking my face off, I am not at the all you can eat for 200 dollar brothel down the street getting a blowjob, I am not at an Asian rub and tug, I am not even watching sex […]