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stepLINKS of the Day

It is Halloween, so i am going to get drunk right now…. It’s a night where I turn off all my lights and hope that kids don’t come knocking on the door looking for candy, because I’ll assume they are the feds or some obsessed celebrity fan of a celebrity I’ve been mean to coming […]




stepLINKS of the Day

We’re working on a new server over here, not that I’m working on anything, I am the one guy with a website, a very popular, top tier, premium website that no advertisters will run ads on because it’s just so top fucking notch…. It’s like all those other mainstream websites you hear about, and all […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I realize that I’m an old expired fuck. I know that the best days are behind me. I know that the hot pussy doesn’t even want to upset their father’s by bringing me home for family dinner because I am older than their dad…. But I am still totally shocked when I find myself checking […]




stepLINKS of the Day

When it comes to instagram life, you’d think that every girl out there is a money grubbing, spoiled and entitled fake titty, fake lip, nasty and greedy, self involved, narcissistic, lazy and unexciting twat…. But as it turns out, not all the women in the world are Kardashians in training, because the other day I […]




Rita Ora Shows Off 1/4 Ass of the Day

Married and old Rita Ora is still trying to bring it, some would argue she’s trying harder now than ever before because she knows that the end of the road is near for her and she hasn’t quite hit that superstar fame she was originally slated for, instead she’s seen all these other cunts she […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I saw a grown ass man, probably in his 50s, rocking a little summer dress and straw hat, that you’d expect to see in pictures of your European grandmother in the old country in the 1900s before she came to America…. He didn’t have any make-up or a wig on, he was just straight up […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am a firm believer that you should not be on the internet clicking suspicious links, but rather outside staring at suspicious tits, trying to figure out if they were born male or female and whether they’ll let you find out. Real life happens off the computer, but if you are here, click on the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I haven’t been doing the stepLINKS daily, and it’s been the best thing in the fucking world…. It’s summer, it’s nice outside, the ladies are half naked, I get inspired by all the tits I see, which is weird because you’d think at this point in the game, I’d be over it, you know jaded […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Why hang out on the internet, all that fake, hands off bullshit noise….when real life is where the pussy is actually at… It blows my mind that in an era where girls in real life dress like internet girls, I’m talking so much ass and titty in the fucking grocery store, why the fuck would […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I accidentally read a buzzfeed article while shitting my pants in the Walmart earlier today and it was some 21 Creepy Things Men do article that they don’t actually write, but that some lame ass college educated journalist pulls from reddit, linking the original poster as credit, in the master of clickbait’s laziest journalism because […]